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Yeah, no probs. Probably won't ask for anything in return though. After Solosis, I think I'm pretty much done. :P

...wait, if you have an oshawott, I'll take that. I'll also give you a ditto if you need one. >.>

And thanks Be.

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Not until Friday. At work currently and I need to use a specific WiFi for trades which I only can get when I come home from my flat on weekends. Am happy to wait until then.

In the meantime you can all suggest some pokemon for my scramble team ¬_¬

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At the weekend I may need to 'extralink' with people so I can increase and improve my White Forest area as right now it's pretty paltry. Anyone especially with a guy called "Dave" or "Roughneck Dave" will be ideal as I want a Ghastly.

If anyone needs any of the following, let me know asap and I'll catch one for you and give you it at the weekend (national dex needed):






And I, depressingly, think that may be all I have on offer atm. As I get more then my options increase but I need to extralink first.

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I am having quite some trouble locating my copy of Pearl. I am rapidly approaching panic, as I have literally hundreds of hours into the game, and all the pokemon I have transferred to it. I had to play through the entirety of four pokemon storylines to get there.... :crying:

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