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World Wrestling Federation '98


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It's so hard to pick just one part that I liked best. Overall I was most impressed about how you shaped the alternate universe. Any outsider looking at any of the given cards would think that it makes no sense but in the world that you made they all fit. I especially love how you took guys who well suck and made them into something. Anyone can book great wrestlers into maineventers but having guys like Berzerker and Barry Horowitz in big angles is another thing and just shows how creative you are. It's just an amazing piece of work.

I was wondering what you used to do all of this, was it EWR 4.0 or TEW? I'm pretty sure it's TEW but I was just wondering.

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I was wondering what you used to do all of this, was it EWR 4.0 or TEW? I'm pretty sure it's TEW but I was just wondering.

I'm fairly sure Javert started this on EWR 2.0 and has updated his game through 3.0 and into 4.0

He could be planning to use TEW now, but everything up too this point was EWR.

Oh, and you've got me reading again Jav....looking forward to Mania!!

Edited by Treyu
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No worries this time Draven, and all.

Thanks for being patient, and I thank you ALLLL so much for hanging with this. After doing a recap once, then tossing it, and finally doing this huge recap to rebuild and return, there's no way that this is not being continued.

Again, I'm really humbled by everyone sticking with this. It's been literally about 2 years in the making. Anyway, here we do. WM98 will be up in a few moments.

Also, let me know who'd you'd like to see more/less of, possible scenerios etc...

AFTER, you've read.....

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The Arrival Of "The Dragon"...

Part I of II

April 19rd, 1998

Channel: SKY

Venue: The Houston Astrodome – Houston, TX

Announcing Team: Vince McMahon & James E. Cornette

Attendance: 55,039

In-Ring Announcer: Joe Pedicino

Referee Team: Bill Alfonso, Mike Chioda, Shane McMahon, Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, Jim Mollineaux, John Finnegan, Dave Hebner, Charlotte Hayes


Dave Schmeltzer

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WWF Wrestlemania ’98 from the Houston Astrodome brought the WWF a 1.74 buy rate, with a live gate of $1,350,000. Sean Mooney hosted the 30 minute Action Zone Wrestlemania pre-show aside James E. Cornette at the site of the special Wrestlemania Hotline. Mooney said that he was surprised that Cornette was here, stemming from his unflattering interview on the WWF several weeks ago. Cornette just told Mooney to shut up, which means they are dropping whatever storyline that was going to become. At least for now, anyway. Cornette kept plugging the line, encouraging viewers that he had hot, exclusive news about the card. They also ran a taped segment, where Brutus Beefcake & The Sandman went around Houston searching for the perfect Barbers & Beer. Very old school WWF writing here, as Beefcake kept insulting barbers after a few minutes of watching them cut hair. Sandman went into random bars, and kept spitting out the beer onto the bartenders. Very reminiscent of the old school WWF vignettes that they used to run leading up to debuts.

Joey Styles had an interview with JJ Dillon, asking about the future of the WWF, post-Wrestlemania. Dillon talked about a continuing era of intense, good spirited competition. Good spirited? I guess he doesn’t watch RAW, much. Dillon then said to stay tuned for a great new era of WWF Pro-Wrestling.


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Wrestlemania ’98 opened up with Vince McMahon welcoming everyone to Wrestlemania ’98. The crowd was incredibly hot. A returning Jim Cornette emerged from the curtain joining McMahon and Commentary. McMahon, like Mooney, mentioned how surprised he was to see Cornette walking to the ring after his comments a few weeks ago.

McMahon[*Amongst the screaming fans*]" Welcome, everyone – To Houston, Texas! Welcome, everyone – To the Houston Astrodome! Welcome everyone, to Wrrreeeessssttttllllleeeemania!! Hello everyone, I’m Vince McMahon, and I’ll be soon to be joined here with James E. Cornette, it seems -- but what an a night tonight! is going to be! And…uh..[*notices the crowd is booing looks to isle way*]..it looks like Cornette has decided to show up. This is uh..I thought you were uh…bound for the rival wrestling promotion…I uh..Hi, nice of you to show up!"

Cornette[*After adjusting headset*]" What did you say? It’s your pleasure to have me here McMahon! I remember carrying your tail each week on RAW, and I’d be happy to do so on the biggest night of em’all! WRESTLEMANIA 98!! I had some pretty rough things to say a few weeks ago on WWF TV, and tonight..as I promise you, TONIGHT! I am ECA bound! Leading to 4 hours of ECA! Excellent Cornette Announcing!! Haha! "

McMahon" Well, uh..very nice. In any event, this is going to prove to be an historic night indeed! And Jim Cornette, since you’re here…what’s this big news that you were talking about on the hotline!? What’s this big scoop!?"

Cornette" We are minutes from finding out! But if you called the hotline, then you know that I revealed to you the man who had answered the open contract that Sabu placed out there! There’s still a few minutes left..you can call, RIGHT NOW, and find out the big scoop!"

McMahon" Well, with that said let’s get things started! Standing by in the ring, is Joe Pedicino!"

Pedicino introduced ‘heavy metal singer Eric Adams, who sang the national anthem in an opera style. McMahon & Cornette talked a bit about each upcoming match before panning the ringside area for celebrities. Amongst those in attendance were, Adam Sandler, George Clooney, Nolan Ryan, some NFL football players from the Houston Oilers, & the Bill Clinton look-a-like.

1. The Dragon d. Sabu in 13:01

Referee: Mike Chioda

Sabu was the first to enter the ring, to no ring music as usual, with a huge pop. After several moments the lights suddenly dimmed, as a red flickering effect began all over the dome. Music similar to The Great Kabuki’s began to play, causing the crowd to buzz. After 45 seconds into the music, The Dragon emerged from the curtain. Looked to be about 250lbs, slim, with a lot of hair – similar to that of Shawn Michaels. He wore an extravagant red robe and mask, much like The Great Kabuki, or Great Muta. Walking to the ring in a zombie like state, The Dragon almost took a full 3 minutes to make it to the ring stairs. After the lighting returned, The Dragon stood in the corner as Pedicino made the official announcement. The Dragon slowly removed his mask revealing himself to be Marty Jannetty with his face painted red. The live crowd wasn’t able to recognize him as Jannetty, until it out until midway into the match when The Dragon’s paint began to chip. The announcers made no mention that it was Jannetty. Jannetty’s last tenure in the WWF saw him under the ‘Professor’ Marty Jannetty gimmick, with the genius following his split of The Rockers. The match began at a slow pace, with both men spending a lot of time ‘feeling each other out’. Dragon moved very slowly, and was sure to keep his overgrown hair as much covering his face as he could. Jannett—er, The Dragon finally picked up on offence, at 6:23 into the match. Sabu gave Dragon a hip toss, followed by an elbow and near fall. Sabu, then did a bit of showboating (pointing to the sky) before climbing the top rope for an axehandle. The Dragon popped the crowd, with a quick and sudden kip up, just as Sabu was coming down. Sabu got nailed with a double chop to the throat, getting a big reaction from the crowd. Some of the fans popped louder, as The rocker-esque kip up gave way to Dragon’s identity. Dragon then gave Sabu a couple of quick snap-suplexes, before tossing him through the second rope, and to the outside of the ring. Dragon, now, increasing his pace followed right behind Sabu with stiff kicks to the back. Sabu, trying to use the railing to pull himself up felt himself in trouble as Dragon, now pulling up the protective mat. Wow, I guess the time spent feuding with the likes of Johnny Grunge, and Tony Halme in ECA really made Jannetty tougher. Dragon, now almost running back to Sabu, through him into the opposite guard railing, before suplexing him onto the exposed floor. Referee Mike Chioda jumped out of the ring to reprimand Dragon, but Dragon shoved him to the floor, popping the crowd. The announcers and the crowd, alike, were now taking notice as The Dragon became almost relentless. McMahon commented on how The Dragon was ‘lucky’ that he was not disqualified for pushing the ref. Cornette mentioned that Dragon has suddenly gone into 4th gear, citing his sudden aggressive nature. Sabu was tossed into the railing for a third time, now selling back ailments big time. At 9:01 Sabu began to mound a comeback, following a miss-timed dropkick by Dragon. Sabu, then threw Dragon into the turnbuckle, but was quickly met by a savatte kick before he had a chance to react. The Dragon then looked around maniacally as Sabu seemed to have been out cold, from that deadly kick. Dragon quickly went up to the top rope for a less than perfect moonsault, for the victory. Dragon looked great in this match, Sabu, not so much. There’s been talk of Sabu getting a monster push, following Wrestlemania. Though Sabu lost in convincing fashion, it was against a ‘newcomer’ which gives the WWF room for excuses, and preventing Sabu from loosing his heat. **1/4

Overall: 72

Crowd: 77

Match: 63

Sabu lost overness from this match. The Dragon gained overness from this match.

Commentary Aftermath

McMahon" Certainly a very impressive debut from The Dragon! What a madman!"

Cornette" Well McMahon I have never seen Sabu lay on the mat out cold like that! And I have never seen a wrestler, maybe since The Berzerker, who once he’s in attack mode – they’re no stopping ‘em! This Dragon, he’s gonna be something!"



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After clips of the TAG TEAM C1 CLASH tournament ran, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler’s music played to a huge pop. After greeting the fans in the ring, Lawler joined the broadcast team of McMahon & Cornette as the crowd erupted with a ‘Jerry’ chant. Cornette ripped into Lawler right away.

McMahon" Well, what a great surprise…the One! The Only! The Kiiiinnngggggg Jerry Lawler!"

Cornette" Hey, don’t you have a match, tonight, you gotta prepare for, Mr. Knight!? Ha! Ha!"

McMahon" Oh, would you stop it."

Lawler" That’s exactly why I’m here, Cornette! I’m here to prove to the Million Dollar Crook, that I am NOT, The Memphis Knight! But…oh, I can’t wait to see the Memphis Knight put Dibiase away!"

McMahon" Well, it’s not time for the finals of the great TAG TEAM C1 CLASH TOURNAMENT – it’s The Thrillseekers against the veterans, Canadian GenerationZ!"


2. The Thrillseekers (Lance Storm & Chris Jericho) d. Canadian GenerationZ (Ray Rougeau & Curt Hennig)in 16:43

Referee: Earl Hebner


Great match, even though no one cares about Ray Rougeau & Curt Hennig, anymore. McMahon and Cornette pushed this as a great ending to a great tournament – rookies against veterans. Jericho and Rougeau opened the match with some great ring-work drawing applause from the fans. Rougeau was the first with an advantage, after catching Jericho ducking for an overhead toss, with a DDT. Rougeau, then worked on Jericho with an STF for a few minutes before tagging out to Hennig. Hennig allowed Jericho to tag Storm, drawing a reaction from the fans, as Storm became angered. The two had a fast paced encounter, before Storm caught Hennig with a crossface lock. Both teams began to work really hard at the 10 minute mark, as Rougeau was being abused. At 10:03, Jericho gave the cutthroat sign, before nailing Rougeau with a lionsault. Fans thought that it was for sure to be over, until Rougeau kicked out just before the three count. Cornette was convinced that it was a three count. Jericho, then put Rougeau in an incredibly long liontamer boston crab spot. Rougeau, after several minutes in the hold, eventually dragged himself over to the ropes, getting a nice reaction. Rougeau was as good as dead, at this point. Jericho quickly tagged out to Storm, who administered his half crab onto Rougeau, until he dragged himself to the ropes, again. Storm then teased tossing the beaten Rougeau over each top rope before tossing him over the right side, by Henning. Hennig quickly ran in, to the rescue…

Final Call By Vince McMahon, James E. Cornette, & Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler

McMahon" And here comes, Hennig! Oh! And a punch to Storm! Down goes Jericho! And…a bodyslam onto Storm! Jericho goes down! Hennig is on fire! Hennig, now beginning to do a number on Jericho!"

Cornette" Did Rougeau make the tag on his way out? Hennig is really giving it to Jericho!" McMahon [*Storm goes after Rougeau, outside, and tosses him back into the ring*]" And now…we’ve got ALL FOUR MEN IN THE RING! Who will win this C1 CLASH final…and…[*Hennig gets the Hennig Plex on Jericho*] And it’s the Hennig plex!! Referee counts! 1…2…"

Cornette" But looks, Storm has the half crab on Raymond Rougeau!!" McMahon [*Bell rings*]" It’s over! Hennig nailed Jericho with the Perfect-Plex! The Canadian GernationZ are the Tag Team C1 CLASH Tournament winners!!"

Cornette" Not so fast, McMahon! Lance Storm has gotten his hand raised, too!!"

McMahon" Well, wait a second! Who were the legal men!?"

As McMahon and Cornette pondered all of this, Hebner conversed with ringside officials, and the ring announcer as both Storm & Hennig and their hands raised. Finally, Pedicino gave the official word.

Pedicino" Ladies and Gentlemen! Referee Earl Hebner has informed me that the two legal men were Lance Storm & Raymond Rougeau – [*crowd begins to boo*] Therefore, your winners by submission, and TAG TEAM C1 CLASH TOURNAMENT WINNERS – LANCE STORM & CHRIS JERICHO; THE THRILLLLSSSEEEEEKERS!!!"

The crowd booed as The Thrillseekers celebrated in the ring. Hennig protested with the ref, trying to convince him that Rougeau made the tag as he was being tossed out of the ring. McMahon defended this case as Cornette called it nonsense. WWF Officials JJ Dillon, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, & Ole Anderson came out to present The Thrillseekers with giant sized trophy’s commemorating their victory. A really good match here. Kudos to Inoki who was the lead man in booking this tournament from beginning to end. ***1/4

Overall: 82

Crowd: 73

Match: 91

Chris Jericho gained overness from this feud ending. Lance Storm gained overness from this feud ending. Raymond Rougeau gained overness from this feud ending. Curt Hennig gained overness from this feud ending. Curt Hennig lost overness from this match. Lance Storm gained overness from this match. Chris Jericho gained overness from this match.


Commentary Aftermath

Cornette" What an honour for The Thrillseekers! What a team!"

McMahon" Well, there’s no doubt that they are a great young tag team, here in the ranks of the World Wrestling Federation – but that match didn’t end without it’s controversy."

Lawler" That’s right, McMahon – I saw it, you saw it, and all these fans saw it. Rougeau did indeed make a tag – because the rule is this. If there is any contact between a wrestler and his partner, no matter where it is – then that is indeed a legal tag!"

Cornette" Since when did you become ‘Mr Ethics’, huh? Need a mask?"

McMahon" Well, in any event – a tournament victory for The Thrillseekers! Let’s go to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with RUSHA!"


Styles, who looked like a midget next to Rusha (Joanie Laurer / Chyna) directed his question to The Crimson Twins.

Styles" Well, tonight the WWF Women’s Championship is going to be decided for the first time since 1988! This has surely been an historic tournament, with the speed of Lady Speed, the Courage of Pauline Patriot, the will of The American Dream, Dustine Rhoades…the Muay Thai specialist Mansa--"


Tomax & Xamot" You’re making us sick!" [*Crowd is heard booing*]

Tomax" Tonight, our dear sister…"

Xamot"..against that beast!"

Tomax"…that animal!"


Tomax" But you see, our half-sister has proven, Mr. Mooney…"

Xamot"…that she’s more than a pesty little Bull”

Tomax & Xamot" She’s an Amazon!"

The Crimsons walked off, with those words, as Styles eyed down the muscular contender for the WWF Women’s title.


3. Bull Nakano d. Rusha in 9:49 of a WWF Women’s Title Match

Referee: Charolette Hayes

WWF Women’s Championship

The introductions for this match were nearly longer than the match itself. JJ Dillon came out and announced that the WWF Women’s Title will be officially presented to the winner of this match tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw.. Former WWF Women’s Champion, The Fabulous Moolah was also introduced, as the guest timekeeper. Rusha was accompanied by the Crimson Twins, while Bull Nakano was actually by her lonesome. Perhaps they are trying to make her the face of this match? Can’t say that there was a lot of crowd heat for this match, but the two did work somewhat hard. Match started off slow with both blocking shoulder blocks. At 5:44, Bull Nakano went tumbling over the top rope thanks to Xamot holding down the ropes as she was tossed into the direction by Rusha. New female referee, Charolette Hayes was busy jawing with Tomax, which was the story of the match. McMahon kept stressing that this was an unfair 3 on 1 match, which in its purpose, got the live fans to side with Nakano. At 7:01, Nakano finally began to come back. Now, clearly the underdog, Nakano ducked out of a running avalanche by Rusha, and cradling her for a near fall. Tomax hopped on the apron, but was quickly sent back down following a Nakano big boot. At this point, Xamot was seen going nuts outside the ring, searching for ‘something’ to help his half sister. After a top rope knee drop – shades of Terry Taylor – Nakano set up for a superplex. She stalled, however, jawing with Xamot who was clearly bent out of shape. This gave Rusha enough time to knock Nakano off, following up with a top rope elbow. After a near fall Rusha threw Nakano into the ropes, only to have it reversed sending Rusha into the ropes. A loud thud was heard, as Xamot accidentally cracked the chair over the back of his half sister, thinking that it would be Nakano that would be flying into the ropes. Crowd popped hard for this one, as it was beyond the view of Hayes. Cornette had a funny line here, yelling ”Who’s the genius that came up with a woman referee! She’s blind as a bat!” Which is a good point considering Xamot’s chair shot was in almost clear view of the ref. Crowd popped for this as Nakano, kicked then slowly nailed Rusha with the power bomb combination pin for the victory. Crowd popped lightly as Bull Nakano defeated Rusha becoming the first WWF Woman’s Champion since 1989. The Fabulous Moolah presented the belt to Nakano and raised her hand to a nice, yet tame, reception. **

Overall: 52

Crowd: 45

Match: 60

Bull Nakano gained overness from this match. The WWF Women's title has gained image.


Commentary Aftermath

McMahon" Wow! Bull Nakano defeating the Crimson Twins’ Step-Sister, Rusha, become the new WWF Women’s Champion!"

Cornette" That’s half sister, McMahon, you moron! And let me tell you this! If Bull Nakano thinks that it’s going to be keeping that belt, then she’s got another thing coming! "

McMahon" That’s right, there’s more and more WWF Women’s Superstars coming to the WWF as the months goes on!"

Lawler" And you get bet, that Rusha’s got a return match on her mind!"

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Bull Nakano is the WWF Women’s Champion


They must’ve watched the chair shot about 50 times, before cutting to an absolutely furious, Xamot at ringside. Xamot began kicking everything in sight – the timekeepers table, the railing, he almost threw a kick in the direction of Jerry Lawler, up at the announcer’s table, which buzzed the crowd. What followed next was, finally the first among the most anticipated match of this years Wrestlemania – Owen Hart vs. Hayabusa, for the Intercontinental Championship Belt.


4. Owen Hart d. Hayabusa in 27:56, to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship

Referee: Shane McMahon

WWF Intercontinental Championship

They did a great video package which linked PRIDE’s history with, Owen’s brother, Bret Hart. Hayabusa was accompanied by Inoki. Suddenly the crowd became the hottest that it’s ever been for any Pay Per View match. The two started with some lightning flash mat work, both earning applauses from the crowd. Hearing Inoki shout Japanese encourage to Hayabusa amongst the applauding crowd is quite something to be heard. The two exchanged some quick near falls from snap suplexes, and power slams, beginning of a few minutes where both men would prove to be equal in ring-skill. McMahon kept stressing that Inoki and Hayabusa had the advantage, being able to communication in a language that Owen doesn’t understand. The match started to pick-up at 8:57, when Hayabusa missed a springboard elbow into the turnbuckle and Hart quickly followed up with a moonsault from the second rope. After a nearfall, Owen crushed Hayabusa with a dropkick, and a top-rope frog splash. Crowd popped hard for this near fall; Remnants of The Blue Blazer. Crowd started to get really hot here, as Owen began to dominate. Owen began to pound on Hayabusa’s right leg, setting up for the Sharpshooter, of course. Cornette (The only of the 3 announcers with any sort of announcing skills) was the first to bring up this point,

Cornette" This is when Owen is dangerous! I’ve seen this before!"

Great spot at 14:13; After a couple near falls, Hayabusa was struggling to get to his feet. He sold his legs being worn out, big time, almost attempting to drag himself up by pulling on the ropes. ‘Owen’ chant surfaced as Owen stood stationary, positioned to charge Hayabusa with a spear. Finally Hayabusa stood up heavily groggy. Inoki was directly behind him, yelling whilst smashing onto the apron trying to revive the Japanese Assassin. The second Hayabusa stood upright, Owen bounced off of the ropes charging Hayabusa. But Hayabusa’s legs gave out, causing him collapse. Owen continued on, running over the fallen Hayabusa, springing himself onto the apron, and catching Inoki with a well placed Asai moonsault. Crowd popped hard for this, as Owen was fired up. Owen kicked Hayabusa a couple of times, then teased going to the top rope for a moonsault. Owen walked up to the second rope, then shook his heads to the fans. He then imitated Hayabusa’s (& Tenzan’s) cut throat signal, and looked to be going to the top rope for The Stardust Press. But Hayabusa had enough time to move out of the way, causing Owen to land awkwardly on his back. Hayabusa quickly jolted to the top rope, and nailed Owen with the Stardust Press. Owen got up, at just before the 3 count, causing the crowd to erupt. Referee began to place a 10 count on both men who were motionless.

The crowd began to buzz as Phil Lafon, came out, oddly enough in wrestling gear despite not being on the card. The crowded didn’t know what to expect, until he stepped over the fallen Inoki with no care, whatsoever. He then took his territory at ringside, and began to pound on the apron encouraging Owen Hart, to get up. Cornette immediately linked this to LaFon coming on to cheer Owen Hart, a man with whom he trained with as a child in ‘The Dungeon’. Crowd popped once they saw his allegiance, which was quite odd to see; LaFon being cheered. Hayabusa kipped up first, Owen second – Owen went for a clothesline, but was countered with the H EDGE. It’s essentially the same move that Kavanna uses, except better executed. Near fall here. Hayabusa began to get fired up, which got the crowd at a level I’ve never quite seen before, in a Hayabusa match. Partially in part to Inoki’s presence, as well. Hayabusa nailed Owen with another H EDGE, followed by a high spinkick, finally keeping Owen down for a very close fall. With the match now closing in on twenty minutes, every fall was thought to be the last. Hayabusa then made the signal for the Stardust Press. Hayabusa motioned to jump, causing Owen to jump up. However, Owen still disoriented turned around into an oncoming moonsault, and a near fall. Hayabusa gave a signal for another moonsault, and quickly went to climb the turnbuckle. However, this time, Hayabusa slipped, again selling the damage that had been done to his legs. Crowd erupted here, cheering for Owen to get up. Hayabusa, slowly began to regain his footing, and went to climb the turnbuckle once again. This time Hayabusa was visibly struggling; His legs were in bad shape. Great ring psychology here. Finally he made it to the top; With his legs wobbling Hayabusa positioned himself for the moonsault. Owen got up as Hayabusa jumped – Hayabusa seeing this landed on his face behind Owen. Within seconds of landing, as Owen turned around, Hayabusa collapsed due to his legs giving out. Owen quickly slapped on the Sharpshooter, causing Hayabusa to scream in agony. Crowd was deafening as Hayabusa tried to drag himself to the ropes, for about 3 minutes. Finally, Owen yanked Hayabusa into the centre of the ring, causing him to finally submit after a nearly long 30 minute match.

Loud ‘Owen’ chant as LaFon raised the hand of Owen Hart, with the Intercontinental title draped on his shoulder. Hart, clearly fatigued, was helped to the back by LaFon and celebrating family members. Hayabusa had to be carried out on a stretcher, selling the effects of the Sharpshooter. Crowd was still carrying a loud ‘Owen’ chant as they went into the Crimsons vs. Shooterz build up. ***1/4

Overall: 83

Crowd: 84

Match: 83


Commentary Aftermath

McMahon" Whaaat an amazing match that was! But in the end, The Canadian Horseman prevailed!"

Cornette" McMahon I have never seen Hayabusa…no, no…I never seen any man, weaken his opponent as effectively as Owen Hart. This is one of the greatest Intercontinental Champions of all time, there’s no doubt about it! Hayabusa may not be able to walk again!"

McMahon" And how about, Phil LaFon, coming out to support his friend, Owen Hart."

Lawler" Yea, too bad he’s managed by that weasel, Lanny Poffo!"


Before cutting to the Crimson twins, Sean Mooney was in the crowd an interviewed the Mayor of Houston. Mooney asked him who he was going to pick to win the WWF Triple Crown match – The Mayor said Barry Horowitz, because he’s just too popular. And besides that, would the Mayor side with the heels?

They then cut to Joey Styles who was with The Crimsons – Xamot visibly still upset for his role in Rusha’s WWF Women’s Title match. Bill Alfonso, now with The Crimsons, was doing his best to calm Xamot down. Before running off, Tomax yelled,

”On man! Oh man! This only happens when a Crimson gets really mad!!


5. The Crimson Twins (Tomax & Xamot) d. The Shooterz (Don Frye & Jim Powers), in 12:33 to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship

Referee: Jim Mollineaux

WWF Tag Team Championship

Xamot already looks like a madman, with that scar below his left eye, so this enraged state did well for him. Jim Powers, who started out the match was a bit reluctant to get the ring with Xamot. Xamot charged Powers, nailing him a poorly executed Yazuka kick to the chest. He began to nail stomps to Powers in the corner, before a snap mare. After a dropkick to the face, Xamot nailed Powers with sloppy spinebuster, and a 2 count. Crowd was into Xamot’s rage in the ring, but there was a brewing ‘Owen’ chant which began to plague the match, now audible on TV. That coupled with the fact that Jim Powers, looks to now been demoted to a jobber, once again. Xamot tagged out to Tomax – who nailed Powers with a couple of german suplexes, the final one being a pinning combination. Frye was eventually tagged in, and did some nice work with Tomax. Frye got the upper hand with an STF at 5:01, unfortunately, this was when the ‘Owen’ chant was at it’s loudest. Cornette actually acknowledged the chant, saying “ I have never seen something like this before! They won’t stop!” McMahon completely ignored the point, and started screaming about how intense Xamot has been, seemingly angered by the incidents of the WWF Women’s Championship Match. Cornette, again proving to be the only announcer with any talent pushed Xamot stemming from earlier comments;

Cornette" Xamot, these Crimsons…when they’re mad, they’re really mad! And that’s what we’re seeing right now!"

At this point Frye tagged out to Powers, who followed up with a couple of hanging suplexes. Powers followed up with a double underhook suplex, and a near fall, just before the crowd became bored again. Ever since Powers and Frye – Powers, worst than Frye were buried some time ago for the Letterman sketch, it seems as if they’ve never quite recovered. That, coupled with the fact that the crowd kept chanting for an Owen Hart curtain call, made this match a bit difficult to watch. Finals of the match came at 11:23, after Power threw Tomax into the turnbuckle. Powers charged in for a lariat, but Tomax alertly countered with a somoan drop, both tumbling to the outside.

At this point, out came Rusha, as angry as ever, fresh off of her loss to Bull Nakano. The ‘Owen’ chant started to drain, as The Crimson Twins gave the boots to Powers. Frye came running over to fight off the Twins. Tomax jumped back into the ring, while Xamot and Frye slugged it out. Tomax began tugging around Jim Mollineaux complaining that his long silver boots’ laces were loose, and needed a ‘time-out’ to retie them. Well, that’s what happens when you wear boots that almost cover your knee-cap. While this was going on, Rusha snuck up behind Frye giving him a low blow, ‘awwing’ the crowd. Rusha helped up powers, and gave him a running powerslam on the outside. She then threw, the near dead Powers’ to Tomax’s disposal. Cornette was actually in the league of his NWA heel commentator sillyness, yelling, “It’s a miracle, McMahon! His boots have relaced THEMSELVES!

Tomax, then tagged out to Xamot, and they both made an X sign with their hands to the crowd. As Powers lay in the centre of the ring, Tomax went up to one turnbuckle, setting up for a moonsault. Xamot hopped on the second rope, then stood on the top rope poised for a leg-drop. They both leaped, just seconds apart – Tomax with a well placed moonsault, and Xamot with a simultaneous leg-drop. Crowd popped for this move, which is apparently going to be called, ’The Crimson Cross’. Tomax hooked the leg for the successful Wrestlemania Title defense. Alfonso hopped around the ring, blowing his whistle like a madman, as always, as The Crimson Twins, and Rusha held up their hands in victory. **1/4

Overall: 58

Crowd: 48

Match: 69

Xamot gained overness from this feud ending. Tomax gained overness from this feud ending. Don Frye gained overness from this feud ending. Jimmy Powers gained overness from this feud ending. This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them. The WWF Tag Team titles have gained in image.



The Sandman and Brutus Beefcake, did another remote piece from a bar promoting the return of ‘The Barber Shop’ to Monday Night RAW. Loud 'Beefcake Sux' chant through the whole segment. Sandman asked who would be watching The Barber Shop among those in the bar. All drunk, and holding a ‘Barber Shop’ flyer, everyone but one raised their hands. Sandman asked the one guy, why he wouldn’t be watching The Barber shop. The guys said, because he was going to an ECA event. The crowd laughed, and naturally - Sandman caned the guy.

Lawler said that it was great announcing WWF Wrestlemania for part of the event, and said that he was going to watch the rest of the event from the ‘King’s Court’. Both McMahon & Cornette looked at Lawler as if he had three heads. It was quite classic, actually. At Lawler getting up, crowd popped into a loud ‘Jerry’ chant, as McMahon & Cornette discussed the idea of the King’s Court. The Corino / Oulette video package followed.


6. Carl Oulette d. Steve Corino in 24:33 for a shot at the WWF Triple Crown

Referee: Bill Alfonso

Bill Alfonso remains the only referee that gets an introduction, followed by booes. McMahon & Cornette made it very clear that the winner of this match would get a shot at the WWF Triple Crown at an event to be named later, and not necessarily at the next Pay Per View. Match started off strong with Corino & Oulette trading hip tosses, takedowns, and clotheslines. Crowd was super hot, popping the loudest of the night, for Corino. Cornette brought up a great point, putting over both men; He spoke of their climb to through the ranks of the WWF over the years.

Cornette" Well, ya got Carl Pierre Oulette! Who came up through the years of the original Canadian Foundation…lead by Bret Hart, onward to the Mountie Years. He’s emerged from the shadow of both! What a formidable force he has always been, we’ve seen him rise to the occasion late last year battling current Intercontinental champion Owen Hart to some classic bouts! Most recently joining the ranks of Sweet Bruti, The Sandman, and Percy Pringle! They say that Oulette was the next Mountie, but now he’s got a student of his own! Lance Storm! And we’ve seen what he can do! McMahon, now Oulette has his sights set on a higher goal! He wants a shot at the WWF Triple Crown! The most prestigious belt in Wrestling!

And then you’ve got Steve Corino. Once heralded The Prodigy”, to “The future”, and now he’s the ‘King Of Old School’! Now this man Steve Corino, who you’re very familiar with Mcmahon! Announced with you, had enough, and decided that wrestling is less painful then having to sit next to you all the time! Hahaha!”

McMahon" I, uh, don’t think that was the case."

Cornette" What a career he has had, already! Upsetting to win at Royal Rumble ’96, then would defeat Ric Flair at Wrestlemania for the title! Sure he would loose it the next night, but that’s beside the point. He came back, just a year later, winning the Intercontinental Title defeating Pretty Paul Roma, later that year. Now if you remember, Pretty Paul had held onto that belt for just about a year, laying everyone down who he faced! Then by ’97 he held the WWF Title - loosing it once but gaining it right back – and holding it for the better part of the year. But, now…after some time spent in the Horsemen, after the wild year that the WWF has had…he’s older! He’s smarter! And he wants the Triple Crown!"

Action spilled to the outside at 8:41 when Oulette gave Corino a clothesline over the top rope, joining him in the fall. Oulette picked up a chair, but Alfonso prevented him from hitting Corino, yelling, “I call it right down the middle, daddy!” Corino took advantage, nailing Oulette with some body shots. He then quickly got the crouching Oulette with a DDT to the mat, popping the crowd. Oulette sold it big time, laying motionless for minutes. Crowd was going insane…Alfonso yelled at Corino to get in the ring and allow him to check on Oulette. McMahon teased that Oulette may not be able to complete the match. Lance Storm came running down the isle to check on Oulette, but Alfonso ordered him straight to the back. As Alfonso yelled at Storm, Corino ran out and laid in the boots to Oulette. Crowd popped big time, until Alfonso darted back at Corino, ordering back him into the ring. Alfonso continued to check on Oulette as he still lay motionless. Finally at 13:06 Oulette began to stir. Corino immediately attacked him, tossing him back into the ring. After a snap suplex, Corino laid in an ace-crusher, for a near fall, and nice pop. Corino then started playing to the crowd, signaling for the Dusty Rhodes elbow drop. Oulette moved. Corino tried, right away, once more – and missed again. Oulette then stunned Corino with three chest chops, before giving him a bump butt out of no where. Oulette quickly followed Corino who tumbled out of the ring through the second rope. After tossing Corino hard into the railing, Oulette followed up with a single arm DDT onto the mat. It was now, Corino who lay motionless onto the mat. Oulette was ushered into the ring by Alfonso. Oulette taunted the crowd until Corino finally began to recover. Turning point of the match occurred well into the 20th minute of the match. Oulette nailed Corino with a crushing backdrop, nearly landing Corino on his neck. After dragging himself onto Corino for a near fall, Oulette missed a top rope big splash. Corino held him for a two count, before nailing him with a nasty looking brainbuster. These two were really killing each other, and the crowd loved it. Corino, then made the Dusty Elbow signal, and dropped it on Oulette. Both men were heavily fatigued. Corino then went the top rope, pivoting himself for what looked to be a Dusty Elbow off of the top rope. Suddenly the lights began to flicker. After about a minute of darkness the lights came back on, and pivoted directly in front of Corino was Sabu with a chair in his hand. Within seconds, Sabu tossed the chair square at Corino’s head, knocking him to the outside. After the big thud Sabu jolted to the back. The fans were absolutely stunned. Alfonso was busy still talking to the ring attendant about the flickering lights. Once again, Corino lay motionless. Oulette struggled to his feat and saw a seemingly unconscious Steve Corino laying on his back on the outside. Oulette made the sign for the Cannonball.

McMahon" Wait a second…he’s not gonna!! [*Oulette climbs the turnbuckle, and looks to be pivoting himself for a jump*] He’s going to try to nail Corino with his Cannonball, on the outside! Wait a second! Get in there ref!"

Cornette" McMahon, if Oulette lands this from the top turnbuckle, it’s gonna be – [*Oulette leaps*]"

McMahon" OH MY! He nailed it! I don’t believe it!! Both men are down!! Oulette, now, on top of Corino! This is unbelievable! Oh my!"

Cornette" That is unbelievable!! Did you see how airborne he got! McMahon, Oulette is no small boy!"

At this point the crowd broke into a Joey Styles ‘Oh My Gawd’ chant, as Oulette had spasms on the outside. Alfonso began the double count out. At the count of 8, Oulette got up and threw Corino back into the ring. After a top rope legdrop, Oulette hooked Corino’s leg for the cover. Though Corino kicked out, it was just a split second after the referee slapped the mat for the third time, at 24:33. Another near 30 minute classic. The crowd was shocked by Sabu’s interference. They quickly began to boo heavily, as Lance Storm ran to the ring to help up, and congratulate Oulette. ***1/2

Overall: 88

Crowd: 87

Match: 89


McMahon" What a great match, unfortunate ending!"

Cornette" McMahon, Sabu came in well after both men were struggling, even to stand! And he just nailed Steve Corino square in the face with the chair! On what is Steve Corino’s most important match in his career! His chance to get a shot at the WWF Triple Crown, is now shattered! I don’t understand why Sabu would do this to Corino!"

McMahon" Well, Carl P. Oulette, now is due for a WWF Triple Crown title match, at an event to be named later! What an opportunity that’s going to be, for Oulette!"

Cornette" But what about Sabu!"

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The Arrival Of "The Dragon"...

Part II


At this point McMahon and Cornette revisited the instances of the Memphis Knight’s run-in’s with Ted Dibiase, including his first WWF altercation with Johnny Ace. Next Jack Tunney came out to an array of booes, and introduced Late Night Talk Show host Conan O’Brien, as the special guest ring announcer. This was a nice surprise, as his name got a nice pop from the crowd. I guess, after all the press that the Jim Powers segment on Letterman got, the WWF is looking to broaden their horizons.

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Conan O’brien

" Hello! Thank you! Thank you! And for those of you who don’t know me

[*In his sarcastic tone*] Like not knowing me is possible! HAHAHAHA!”

Right after laughing, O’brien put on a quick and serious smile, since no one was laughing with him. Most of the crowd, THEN, laughed, as O’brien pulled out his notes card.

" [*Talking to himself on mic, as crowd begins to silence*] Oh, note to self, don’t keep a wrestling crowd waiting…[*crowd laughs a bit*] Ok! Introducing first…this man is a former President Of The World Wrestling Federation!

The crowd booed as this was the cue for Ted Dibiase entering the ring, for his match against The Memphis Knight. O’Brien continued…

[*Talking to randomly to the crowd*]

Wow, what’s the definition for President, here, huh? If the definition means extreme psychopath running the WWF, then, Ok, I guess this man was fit for the job.

[*Crowd laughs*]

I mean, what did this guy do? He once wrestled for the WWF, he became Champion, retired, and then decided that he wanted to run the WWF! Is there something wrong here!? [*Laughing, imitating a typical growling ‘wrestler’*] Man, if I can’t be champion, Imma gonna run da’ gosh darn FE-DER-RA-SHONNN! GRrrrr! [*Lauhing*]”

At this point the crowd was laughing hysterically. Not necessarily because O’Brien was funny, but at the fact that he was ripping apart Ted Dibiase.

[*Talking to the crowd*]

And what’s with that laugh of his?

[*Imitating Ted Dibiase’s laugh…a bit over the top*]


[*Crowd is laughing, as O’Brien stomps around, before getting his mug directly in front of the camera during the laughs*] MUAUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! MUAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!

If that guy showed up at my door...

‘Hi Ted, I’m Conan’, how are ya?’

‘Conan!! I’m doing great! Why, I’m The Million Dollar Man! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MUAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!”

At this point, the real Dibiase laugh was heard over the PA system, as his music hit. Dibiase had a look of rage on his face as he was fixated on O’Brien. Dibiase, who came out in his full white and pink Million Dollar Suit, went straight for O’Brien, grabbing him and jawing him out in the corner. O’Brien was pleading to be let go, almost comedic. But within seconds, The Memphis Knight emerged from the crowd making the save.


7. The Memphis Knight d. Ted Dibiase in 13:57

Referee: Mike Chioda

Crowd erupted right away, as expected, as The Knight pounded Dibiase with roundhouse rights. Dibiase got up after getting walloped four times, walking right into a big boot. After a near fall The Knight tossed Dibiase out of the ring. Hebner tried to stop Knight from going out, but he was quickly shoved to the side. The Knight dropped Dibiase face first on the railing, before giving him an irish whip, into the railing. Dibiase, at 44 and retired from the ring, proved that he can still take bumps. But I couldn’t imagine him lasting much longer taking this kind of abuse. That’s when The Big Bossman hit the ring, nailing The Knight in the back of the head with his nightstick. “Old alliances never die, McMahon”, said Cornette, citing the Big Bossman as The Million Dollar Man’s long time ‘Million Dollar Officer’

McMahon mentioned how referee Mike Chioda would like to call for the bell, but given the ‘magnitude’ of the match, he’s got to be extremely reluctant to exercise a DQ. Cornette had quite the best response of the night to McMahon;

Cornette" Magni—wha? ‘Magnitude of this Match’? McMahon! McMahon, what planet are you from? Better yet, what galaxy are you from? Because if you can’t tell that that’s Jerry The King Lawler, the man that we were just announcing with, then you are an idiot among idiots! Jerry Lawler has cheated the WWF! And THAT MAN! Ted Dibiase…a fine former WWF President has decided to step up! And put this cheat – This fraud! Back where he belongs! In the retirement home!"

Dibiase controlled the next half of the match. Old school spot at 6:33, where Bossman slipped brass knucks into the ring. He then hopped on the apron and distracted the ref, as Dibase cracked The Knight in the head. After a Piledriver, Dibiase tried ripping off the mask, to no avail. Match really started to slow down as Dibiase began to constantly jaw it out with ringside fans. Small Lawler chant started to surface here. Dibiase also proved, that President, Manager, or Wrestler, he is still a top heel. At 9:53, Dibiase sent the Knight into the ropes, only to be surprised by a body splash out of nowhere. Though The Knight didn’t get that high off of the ground, crowd still popped hard for this. Knight really started to rip into Dibiase with the roundhouses before nailing him with a power atomic drop. Knight did the ‘Lawler’ shoulder strap spot, which popped the crowd just as much as they did in the first Dibiase – Lawler match, nearly four years ago. Not that the Memphis Knight is Lawler, or anything. Dibiase got tossed over the top rope, at 12:13. Both men, though blown up, were still fighting hard. Bossman charged Lawler from behind with his nightstick, but Lawler ducked, elbowing him in the groin. After a knee lift, The Knight grabbed the nightstick, ready to nail Dibiase. Crowd erupted, once again, here as The Knight pointed to Dibiase with the chair, whilst firing up the fans with his other hand. At this point, the crowd suddenly erupted into a frenzy, as this time, it was Johnny Ace bolting to the ring.

Final Call By Vince McMahon & James E. Cornette

McMahon" And here comes – no stranger to the The Memphis Knight…"

Cornette" Or Jerry Lawler, for that matter!"

McMahon "Here comes Johnny Ace! [*Ace positions himself right behind the Knight, as Knight slowly turns around at the sudden craze of the crowd*]And…he’s… there it is! ACE CRUSHER ON THE MEMPHIS KNIGHT! "

Cornette" McMahon, he is not getting up from this one!"

At this point, both Dibiase & Ace picked up the Knight and tossed him into the ring, almost motionless. Dibiase spread his arms out for his legendary ’Million Dollar Dream’. At this point, Brian Christopher, or Brian Christopher Lawler, as he was being referred to, came walking down the isle with a look of fury on his face. Looked very reminiscent of Dibiase’s look of rage earlier on, attacking the talk show host. Crowd popped, as he was without Sexteen, and had a chain wrapped around his hand. Bossman hopped on the apron, but was held back by the ref. While this was going on, Christopher Lawler nailed Ace on the outside, with a punch to the head. He then rolled into the ring, standing directly behind Dibiase. Once again, as the Knight did on the outside, Dibiase turned around slowly, noticing the sudden frenzy of the crowd. Dibiase turned around, directly into a punch to the head by Christopher Lawler. Christopher Lawler quickly went to the outside, as the ref turned around. Now, both wrestlers were out cold, excercising a 10 count. Finally at 8, The Knight struggled over to Dibiase, who bladed, selling Christopher Lawler’s chain punch. The Knight struggled to nail Dibiase with a stump Piledriver for the victory at 13:57.

After a few minutes, The Memphis Knight hugged Brian Christopher Lawler, as if they knew each other

Overall: 87**3/4

Crowd: 94

Match: 74


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Brian Christopher Lawler comes to the aid of The Memphis Knight.

Commentary Aftermath

McMahon" Wow! What a battle! Brian Christopher Lawler, coming to the aid of his father!"

Cornette" Brian Christopher Lawler is an ungrateful rat! Who brought in Brian Christopher Lawler, and made him the Million Dollar Kid! Who adopted Brian Christopher Lawler, when his real daddy was no where to be found! Ted Dibiase did! And now…he does this!"

McMahon" He did the right thing! And justice prevailed, here!"

Cornette" How can you say that McMahon! We don’t even know who that man is underneath the mask! Well we do! And even if we didn’t! Then that would be we wouldn’t! And that’s not right!"

McMahon" Well, I’m not sure we completely follow, but something that we’ve always followed is this match between Ric Flair, and Sting!"


As they put the cage together for the first half of the Main Event, they showed a great video package showing the (short) WWF relationship between Sting & Ric Flair. Flair came out first, dressed in his suit and tie outfit accompanied by several beautiful women. He got a lot of cheers, but a lot of booes, as well. Wouldn’t be surprised if most of the cheers were for the women. Sting, coming out 2nd, got a huge pop all the way around.


8. Sting d. Ric Flair in 10:48 of a Steel Cage Match

Referee: Joey Marella

Match started off quick and furious as Sting & Flair slugged it out all over the ring. Crowd was the loudest it’s been all night, and that’s hard to do considering how loud they were during the Knight-Dibiase match. This match, like the last hour of the card, had a nice old school feeling to it. Difference is that Flair and Sting have a lot more stamina than Dibiase or Knight. Final moments of this match came at 8:40 when Flair tied up Sting into the ropes, and decided to high tail it over the cage. Crowd popped with several “Wooo’s!” at this point as Flair was ‘taking the easy way out’. Cornette pushed Flair as being the dirtiest player of the game, saying that a win is a win, even if Sting is tied up to the ropes. Just as Flair got to the top, Sting untangled himself from the ropes, and charged at Flair. Excellent closeup of Flair’s face of disbelieve. Eventually both men were sitting on the top of the cage, slugging each other out. Finally, Sting gave Flair a head butt, knocking him off the cage, and hanging upside down by his legs. He eventually fell, as Sting climbed over the cage for the victory, at 10:48. Crowd erupted as Sting beat the former #1 contender to the WWF Triple Crown Championship.

Overall: 87

Crowd: 100

Match: 58



It should be noted here that after the match, during the dissembling of the cage, Vince McMahon took the house mic and greeted the fans a bit. He said that he had a very special announcement, and that was that directly following the WWF Triple Crown match, for the live fans, there will be a fan Question & Answer session with Michael PS Hayes. Cornette said that he’s had a lot questions about ‘that man, since 1982. I assume because of time restraints, they couldn’t air the Q&A session. While this was a nice edition, this seemed to be a method designed for keeping the fans in their seats until the very end of the pay per view. So something was sure to happen, following the match. McMahon then went to Mooney who interviewed WWF fans, asking their thoughts on who would win the WWF Triple Crown Triple Threat match. One fan picked Tenzan, saying that he was the only one of the three who knew how to wrestle. Since that was very close the the truth, you can be sure that Mooney did the quick mic jerk reaction that I’ve seen in a long time. They then did a long video package documenting Tenzan’s, Waltman’s, and Horowitz’s WWF career, respectfully.


9. Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. Waltman & Barry Horowitz in 17:12 of a 3-way elimination match, winning the WWF Triple Crown Championship for the second time

Referee: Dave Hebner

Really good match, here. And that’s saying a lot considering that the matches that THIS one had to follow. It’s not easy to follow Lawler – Dibiase, and Sting – Flair, let alone in the same night. Waltman came out first, to a showering of booes. Brian James, who accompanied Waltman, was wearing an “I love Rusha” shirt, which was odd. Tenzan came out next, accompanied by Antonio Inoki & Bruce Pritchard. His ringwear just keeps getting more extravagant. Finally the champion Barry Horowitz came out, to a nice pop. “”From Jobber to Just On Top”, read a sign that made television. For much of the opening, Tenzan & Waltman doubled teamed Horowitz. The partnership ended when Horowitz ducked a Tenzan lariat, causing Waltman to catch it instead. Horowitz then nailed Tenzan with a dropkick, popping the crowd. Waltman soon recovered, angered, and went after Tenzan. These too had a great exchange of kicks, before Horowitz ruined it with a sloppy looking double clothesline. Waltman rolled out of the ring, but Tenzan was nearly unphased. As Horowitz stood, watching Waltman struggle on the outside, Tenzan quickly locked in behind and nailed Horowitz with a German suplex. Tenzan then quickly went after Waltman, nailing him with chops to the back. After a bodyslam on the outside, Tenzan crushed Waltman with a standing fall away slam. Inoki stood calmy as Pritchard’s face grew red, yelling at Waltman. Horowitz tried to surprise Tenzan with top rope axehandle, but Tenzan quickly ducked into the ring, causing Horowitz to land an elbow on Waltman. Crowd popped, anyway. Brian James took a bump, here, as did Inoki. Horowitz was on a roll. Horowitz tossed Waltman into the ring. He quickly went to the top positioned for what looked to be a dropkick. Tenzan watched as Waltman began slowly to get up. As soon as Waltman stood up, Horowitz leaped, nailing him in the back of the head with a top rope dropkick ala NJPW’S Shinjiro Ohtani. Tenzan, then went to the top rope, and nailed the back of Waltman’s head with the Tenzan headbutt. Horowitz, already on the opposite turnbuckle, follwed up with a top rope leg-drop. He then covered, and hooked the leg of Waltman leading to the first elimination of the match at 7:44. Crowd popped at the nice sequence of moves leading to Waltman’s quick demise.

It was now down to defending champion Barry Horowitz, and former Triple Crown Champion Hiro Tenzan. McMahon started to make a big deal about Tenzan possibly being the first ever 2-time Triple Crown Champion, which meant it had a chance of happening. Horowitz really didn’t get much offense at all. By the 10th minute of the match, his chest was cherry red from Tenzan chops. After a DDT, Tenzan nailed Horowitz with a top rope elbow drop, leading to a near fall. Horowitz showed signs of life at 13:33, twice blocking german suplex attempts. Tenzan then, chopped at Horowitz’s back, then tried again to no avail. Finally Horowitz wrestled out of it, pulling Tenzan over his back in the process. Horowitz quickly went for the cover, of course. After a hip toss, Horowitz locked Tenzan in a long scissors hold spot. Who uses the scissors, these days besides Horowitz? Iron Mike Sharpe? After Tenzan dragged himself to the ropes, Horowitz was forced to release the hold. Horowitz then ‘gave a sign’ for the sleeper hold. He quickly nailed it in, but Tenzan soon dropped down with the chin-butt counter. Tenzan follwed up with with a spinning heel quick, popping the crowd. After a near fall, Tenzan crushed Horowitz with a nasty looking brainbuster, then made the cut-throat sign. Tenzan planted Horowitz’s head into the mat with the T.T.D. Inoki started climbing the ring steps, as if Tenzan had already won. Tenzan went up to the top turnbuckle, yelled something in Japanese, then nailed Horowitz with a great looking moonsault. Tenzan pinned Horowitz with both hands on the chest, and tongue handing out, at 17:09 to win the WWF Triple Crown Championship for the 2nd time in his career.

After the bell, Pritchard and Inoki hugged the outside, then quickly jumped inside the ring to hug Tenzan. Pritchard raised the hand of Tenzan as Inoki fetched the Championship belts. Tenzan, holding the belts posed for about 5 minutes for Japanese press photos at ringside. Tenzan stood with one belt around his waist, and the other two on his shoulders, standing in between Pritchard & Inoki.

After a few moments, the lights went out again, just as they were about to ‘go off the air’, McMahon yelled for the cameras to stay with this no matter how late it goes. McMahon and Cornette teased it being Sabu, again. The crowd actually to start a ‘Sabu’ as the lights remained off. Finally, the lights came back on, and standing directly behind Inoki was Paulie Dangerously. Crowd popped big time as Dangerously smashed his phone over the head of Inoki. Dangerously quickly darted through the ropes and up the ramp before Tenzan or Pritchard could react. Dangerously back peddled laughing as Tenzan eyed him down, while attending to Inoki. Wrestlemania went off the air with the crowd absolutely ecstatic at what had just occurred.***

Overall: 82

Crowd: 86

Match: 73

The WWF Triple Crown title has gained in image.

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Hiroyoshi Tenzan; 2 Time WWF Triple Crown Champion


Commentary Aftermath

McMahon" My oh my! Wow! Paulie Dangerously coming out here spoiling the celebration!"

Cornette" Coming out here when he don’t belong, McMahon! Paulie Dangerously has no business out here! He’s jealous of Inoki! He’s jealous of Pritchard! They have gone places and he’s gone no where! And now…oh, McMahon! You don’t put your hands on Antonio Inoki! Tenzan’s gonna have his head! "

McMahon" Well, definitely a very couragous act from Paulie Dangerously. And I’m sure that many questions will be answered tomorrow night, on Monday Night RAW! But what a Wrestlemania this has been!"

Cornette" McMahon! We’ve seen a lot tonight. We’ve seen the first WWF Women’s Champion since 1989 crowned in Bull Nakano! We saw a classic battle to end the TAG TEAM C1 CLASH tournament, as the Thrillseekers overcame the veteran team of Ray Rougeau & Curt Hennig! We saw the Crimson Twins at an intense level that we’ve never seen before!"

McMahon" And the WWF Title picture is just unbelievable! Owen Hart, retaining against Hayabusa. Of course we mentioned the Crimsons, also retaining their titles. But the big one. Hiroyoshi Tenzan is the new WWF Triple Crown Champion. And we do know that Carl Oulette will get a shot at the WWF Triple Crown at an event to be named later. But what competition awaits, Tenzan next? We shall soon find out! Until next time, thanks for joining us at Wrestlemania ’98!! I’m Vince McMahon!"

Cornette" And I’m James E. Cornette, and it’s been a pleasure carrying you for 4 hours, McMahon."

McMahon" So long everybody!"

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Paulie Dangerously spoiled the celebration cracking his phone

over the head of Antonio Inoki

Overall: 74%

Thumbs Up 123

Thumbs Down 23

Thumbs In The Middle 23

Best Match: Hayabusa vs. Owen Hart

Worst Match: Bull Nakno vs. Rusha

Other Shows

WCW’s April Asphalt Global 100%

Best Match: WCW Title- Keiju Mutoh vs. Brian Pillman

Worst Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Stan Hansen

Reality Twist: Much like our WWF, WCW is building up it’s Japanese Wrestlers, with Jushin Liger, Misawa, Chono, and Yokozuna among the top stars.

GCG’s The Golden War - Global 42%

Best Match: GCG Title Bret Hart vs. Sid Vicious

Worst Match: Randy Savage vs. The Cowboy Mike Hegstrand (Hawk)

Reality Twist: Despite former owner Jim Crockett being fired, GCG still has an NWA-esque feel to it, with guys on top like Bad News Allen, Bob Backlund, Sid Vicious, Randy Savage, and Tully Blanchard. Up and comers include former Olympian Kurt Angle, Rey Misterio Jr., Dan Severan, Vampiro, and Alex Wright.

ECA Combat Catastrophe – National 80%

Best Match: Tommy Dreamer vs. Billy Gunn

Worst Match: Tony Halme vs. Violent J

Reality Twist: With X-WWF’ers like Violent J, Tony Halme, Billy Gunn, and The Dark Patriot – ECA seems to be the edgy promotion that disgruntled/let go WWF’ers migrate too. Owner Bill Watts vowes to dethrone Vince McMahon. Easier said than done..but it does make for good TV.

21CW Century Battles - Buy Rate .80 - National 52%

Best Match: 21st cEnTUrY 3wAy – Nova vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Billy Kidman

Worst Match: 21CW Title – Pretty Paul Roma vs. Terry Funk

Reality Twist: Non Wrestlers are, Don Muraco, Captain Lou Albano, and Terry Funk. Trying to ride on the WWF’s building up of Paul Roma to help in there competition with ECA.

Comments, questions, hopes for the future?

Edited by Javert
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While there is the distinct chance that this will be taken in a negative way due to prior issues, I am going to say it anyways. For a show that you built up for over a year, that was quite the letdown. Allow me to explain:

-The Dragon wasn't anyone/anything really all that special, especially since the big return that you had hyped up was JUST Marty Jannetty. When you had people wondering if it was Bret or HBK or Razor Ramone among others and you deliver Jannetty, wow and damn that's NOT the most exciting thing to see.

-I think it's damn near time to unmask The Memphis Knight. Yes, we know he's Lawler and we know that everyone in WWF knows, but it's become a bit boring in my opinion.

-I HATE The Crimson Twins. I HATE that they continue to win and win and win and hoild those belts. HATE.

-The Main Event was less than thrilling and certainly NOT WrestleMania Main Event worthy. Tenzan bores me, and Waltman and Horowitz are NOT ME level wrestlers.

All in all, this was a poorly booked WM. Not poorly written, despite the fact that I have said that your writing style does not stand the test of time, you CAN and DO deliver the goods when need be, but this was not very good booking. Compared to some of the big shows you have presented in this diary over the years, namely Shangri-La, what SHOULD have been big, what was promised to be big did not deliver, and that is a shame.

I grade this a D+.

Good luck from here on out and with the future of this diary.


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Gotta agree with TGC. The writing was good, but the booking and placement on the card were horrible.

- You open with the man you've built up, The Dragon. Now, not only is him being Marty F'n Jannetty a let down, because Jannetty was basically nothing memorable in your diary, but he curtain jerks. He needs to be farther up the card for someone you've built up. Also, Steamboat or Ultimo Dragon would have been better choices for 'The Dragon', or hell, Mutoh, but you've never gone with the obvious choice.

- Owen Hart vs. Hayabusa is a match I would have loved to see, but it should have been the opener. Its the perfect WM opener, the IC title keeps it at a good level so not to be seen as 'curtain jerking', you have two guys who can flat out go, Owen can hold the match together while Hayabusa does some insane shit to pop the crowd and get them really riled up for what comes later. I'd also say it went too long. Not that neither guy could do 30 minutes, because they can, but Hayabusa is better when he goes spot to spot.

- You're horrible at making up tag team names. Not everything has to have a 'Z' at the end :P

- Corino vs. Oulette was good, and a decent length, both write-up wise and kayfabed time wise. Wrong man went over IMO, but you can't win 'em all.

- The Conan O'Brien segment sucked. Sorry, but it didn't seem like him at all, and was just unfunny. If I was watching, I would have thought it was stupid and annoying, not funny.

- DiBiase vs. Lawler in 1998? Ok, its a stretch, but I'll go with it. However, the match went too long. Its a nice Memphis nostalgia trip, but those two guys couldn't have gone 15, not at a WM level. Should have been a short tidy match, heavy on stalling and psychology.

- The write-up for Flair/Sting sucked. Plain and simple. Plus, 10 minutes for a Steel Cage Match, and its supposed to be a sub-Main Event for WM? I'd be pissed if I payed for the PPV and you gave me that shit. I'm also curious how it only got 58 MQ, did either of them have a prior injury that killed they ability?

- Here's my big problem. Not only is your WM Main Event lacking in star power, as only Tenzan really seems like a ME guy, but the length of the match would have me throwing my TV across the room. 17 minutes is about 15 minutes too short for the Main Event of the biggest show of the year, ESPECIALLY when its a Triple Threat. Plus, its not like the guys couldn't have gone longer. Tenzan and Waltman could carry the match, and Horowitz wasn't so horrible that he'd look like a bitch. Horrible decision, although I liked Tenzan going over, Horowitz was a nice nostalgia push, but a horrible choice as champion. Waltman, I could never see with the WWF title.

Just my thoughts. Good writing, horrible booking and card placement.

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Cool, thanks for the comments! It seems you guys had the same feedback as I expected a 'fan at the show'. i.e. flair - Dibiase not being able to go 15....hence me mentioning that they were incredibly blown up by the 10th minute of the match.

However, as many mistakingly do not....this diary must be read in 'context'. Sure the idea of Dibiase and Jerry Lawler in '98. But again, Dibiase's been a non-wrestling President & Manager for years now. Lawler's hasn't been full time in a while. So, obviously this is seen as fans as, something that won't be a classic. It's like seeing SGT on RAW, the first time though. And if Sarge were a big on camera guy. (Y)

Jannetty was supposed to be a WWF dissappointment...as they sometimes do..

Hart - Hayabusa opener? No way. We don't book WWE style. No way am I opening with a title match, unless it's the tag match.

Why did Flair Sting get a 58? Well c'mon. Flair in '98 isn't Flair in '88. Also poor match quality was represented in the writing to resemble a rushed match i.e. the 58.

That's exactly what I was trying to potray...somewhat of less than great booked card, but with amazing crowd heat due to great buildup over the strong storylines. Glad that it was properly translated.

Keep reading :)

Edit* thanks to the few (3) of you that PM'ed me with the great words of appreciating over Wrestlemania. You can also leave the feedback in this thread too...but it's greatly appreciated...and of course their's plenty more.

Edit deux*

As far as the Memphis Knight not being unmasked. In an effort not to spoil anything for regular readers -- I purposefully didn't want to right in every key aspect of feuds at this show. Not in the first show that I've written in a while. Though the recaps are great and all, nothing is more fun then writing the next show, after a long written PPV. Well, of course, some things are more fun, but you get the point.

With Inoki, Vince, Dillon, and Paulie the men with the pen...... :w00t:

Crimson '98

Edited by Javert
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Eh, as far as opening with a title match, I'd argue that doing it at WrestleMania is fine, but elsewhere is a different story. My philosphy is that the opener sets the tone for the show, and you need something solid that will hype the crowd, and Hart/Hayabusa was perfect for that.

Edited by sycodmn
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The only thing I didnt like is keeping the belts on the Crimson Twins(heels) and having a heel team win the C1 clash.....I tought that the C1 would determine the next challengers at the WWF Tag Titles, with a champion vs champion feel......unless you plan on turning one of the teams...which should be The Thrillseekers since the Crimsons are so over as heels(even on REAL LIFE since we all hate them).

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