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Champions League Final Thread


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It would've been better I think if Liverpool had played to win, you went looking for the draw and did the job so Liverpool fans should be delighted. Why anyone else should be glad for them I don't know though :\

Personally I do think they should be in it, but shouldn't have been at the start of the year. The Champions League is becoming a joke and they shouldn't let 148 teams in just because they come from a big football nation. The maximum should be 3, the league champs, FA Cup winners and previous champion, but that's all another topic!

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Bwahaha, just thought I'd post a joke I overheard in the pub last night. Bearing in mind that it was told by a bitter Mancunian, and is a little out of order (but not much):

"Aye, what do you get for being great at diving, being offside a lot, and saving penalties half way out the six yard box? The Champions League trophy! *cue laughter* I thought they only stole hub-caps? Moving on up, eh?"


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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Its not funny at all, In fact its fucking shit, I mean its not even much of a joke, its like me saying.....

Whats got long hair, supports plymouth and listens to dragon-oriented rock music...............ReilDeal, bwahahahaha.

See its not funny, they've just taken a few so-say 'facts' and tried making them into a joke, a joke thats not actually funny, at all.

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It would've been better I think if Liverpool had played to win, you went looking for the draw and did the job so Liverpool fans should be delighted.  Why anyone else should be glad for them I don't know though :\

Shut the fuck up.

All I've heard from the likes of you since we beat Chelsea has been bitching. "Oh, it's going to a boring game", then when it turns to be one of the best finals ever, it's "well you played for the draw". FUCK OFF. Newsflash: We played to win by playing Kewell and got found out, I'll happily admit that. Rafa made a mistake playing him (and I hope to God he's gone next season), and we were just got away with it.

Our formation at the start of the game was pretty attacking, with Baros, Kewell, Garcia and Riise all attack-minded, and we got fucked up. Hamann came on and made the difference, but the formation we were forced into (because, IIRC, Steve Finnan picked up a thigh injury) at half-time was naturally defensive.

Gerrard was switched over to the right to control Serginho, because Smicer can't defend. That took away another attacking player (although he was still playing defensively as well), and by extra time all the players were physically and mentally exhausted. Milan's experience told at that point (and they had 2 fresher players than ourselves, as they didn't have to make a change so early or at half time), so for them to attack was natural.

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Yep, you go for the killing blow then get caught on the counter attack, much like we did twice in the first half.

When we were losing we could afford to throw everyone forward - we had nothing to lose. But suddenly when it gets to 3-3 you have everything to lose again.

Besides, the 'playing for a draw' argument is bullshit in a one off game. There had to be a winner, and why play for penalties against a team who a) had never been beaten on penalties, b) won the title two years ago on penalties, and c) had a goalkeeper who had already saved one of your penalties?

Terrible thing, jealousy.

Besides, you act like we had no chances after that. If it wasn't for Garcia's inability to control it on the night, we would've won in normal time.

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I suppose the obvious thing then, is as that little toffee Gerrard said, is to say you played for penalties :rolleyes:

Besides as a Spurs fan I've seen plenty of games when the team are on the ropes of the opposition clinching it, Liverppol could've won in the 90 they chose not to.

As for the Garcia chance, were it not for Schevchenco and JDT missing great chances themselves they would've won 5 - 4.

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Shevchenko didn't miss, Dudek saved it.

Little toffee Gerrard  :lol:  You suck at winding people up.  Actually, no, you just suck at life.  Anyway, he also said we wouldn't win it.  OH SHIT WHOOPS.

Gerrards a boyhood Everton fan :rolleyes: I can understand why YOU would be delighted, my comment was on the armchair fans who have decided it's a great achievement and we should all love Liverpool. To a neutral you didn't particularly do anything to warrant the victory Liverpool played negative and thats a fact, anyone who saw them with 10 men in the box would agree.

Then again we are talking about someone who always trys to bring things on a personal level anyway so why I even bothered trying to respond to your small town shenanegans is beyond me.

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I'll tell you what I loved. Even though Milan lost, they still proved how good they are. People were saying how if they got control of the game it'd be shit, yet like Rock Box said, it was by far one of the best finals or games for that matter in years upon years. Milan were super on the night too, as were Liverpool too. Just like I said, Milan need to sort out so much stuff over the summer, because they've got big problems. They kill off a game in the first half, and yet somehow can still drop a three goal lead TWICE in like a week.

A few people were saying it was the best comeback ever, my brother being one as he supports them. I'd say it's certainly one of the best, I still rank it a touch behind the United one. That comeback was just super amazing with like two goals in about a minute, I miss the old United :blush:

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Depends on what you mean by comeback. If your talking Champs League only then probably this one, if Liverpool had played like that for the rest of the game rather then sitting back and defending for the next hour then I'd have a completely different view of it all.

If your talking about comeback in all competitions then no. Aside from the fact this happens every two to three weeks in the English leagues somewhere, the winner would be Man City at White Hart Lane in the cup last season (well two ago now). 3 Nil down at half time with 10 men, they come back and score 4, incredible stuff, though excrutiating to watch at the time.

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