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Champions League Final Thread


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Depends on what you mean by comeback.  If your talking Champs League only then probably this one, if Liverpool had played like that for the rest of the game rather then sitting back and defending for the next hour then I'd have a completely different view of it all.

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If I had a pound for every time a Spurs fan said to me at the start of the season "look, we'll be in tjhe European places at the end of the season, we've got a great team this year", I'd have a lot of money.

If I then had a pound for every time Spurs didn't get into Europe after all these fans saying that, I'd be an even richer man.

Jeez, Spurs fans, start giving me a pound, this sounds like a surefire moneymaker.

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His team just won the European Champions League, and he was just making some points to lanky. I think it also was the greatest comeback,and that Liverpool, although maybe not playing exactly for a draw, knew that they couldn't afford to give a goal up, and defended well at 3-3. So, I agree with him to that extent.

Why does he come across as a prick?

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The pub joke I posted sucked too, but of course, this one isn't at Liverpool's expense, so it's funny as fuck by default :P

It's just the way he keeps taking shots at lanky that aren't even remotely connected to the points he was making. And because he's such a hardcore Liverpool fan he's been posting here ever since the final, while the rest of his city has a raging party. And the fact that he refuses to believe there can possibly be a problem with Liverpool in any way.

Wait, I'm jealous because Bristol Rovers didn't win anything? Yeah...sure. Just because I hate the way one of their biggot fans acts means I'm jealous Liverpool won the cup?

Just fuck off. To use a popular Rock Box "arguement".

Edited by TheReilDeal
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From what I see him post in other threads, he has always been quite honest about Liverpool's shortcomings.

And also, not everyone can afford to go out partying several nights in a row, whether it be because he can't afford it money wise, or he has more important things (in which case I assume education) to deal with.

And I think the most annoying thing said in this thread was the "I'm above this" type post that lanky did. I don't disagree with lanky arguing, but that came across as more prickish than anything else.

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- I don't live in Liverpool (Y)

- I've actually stated on numerous occasions this season that there has been plenty wrong with Liverpool, selective memory I see.

- All the 'shots at lanky' were connected to the thread.

- If you're not jealous why are you so quick to enter the Champions League Final thread, and throw a hissy fit when a fan of the team that won the biggest club competition after a shyte season is happy? If the score would've stayed the same and we lost 3-0, I'm pretty sure you'd have had a field day taking shots at Liverpool fans.

Edited by The Rock Box
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Yeah, people have been too quick to rubbish things.....either what lanky said about Liverpool sitting back after getting the 3 goals back (who wouldn't? why waste all that hard work?) or that Milan threw it away (which they did to an extent, but Liverpool had to score the goals, and they did).

Oh well, always the way I guess.

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People should be happy for Liverpool.

Shitty referee decision? Pfft, I'm sure Milan have had plenty their way this season, and Liverpool have had plenty against them, it always evens up.

The penalty was 100% penalty, he took his feet.

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So you're saying that after scoring three goals in ten minutes (well, scoring one and being given two), they're going to say "omg, we've scored three goals, we're back in it, we cannot possibly score another one even though it only took us ten minutes. DEFEND~!"

Would you EVER see a team like Arsenal doing that? Hell no... Italian teams ALWAYS get bashed for that very thing (even by YOU), so how can you sit there and defend Liverpool for doing it?

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Liverpool are not Arsenal in any way shape or form.

Arsenal are an attacking team, it's the way they play.

Liverpool are a very defensive team, especially when they need to be, but at 3-0 down, it showed that they can be attacking, thus bringing the score back to 3-3.

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