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Big Brother 6 (UK)


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That was awesome.

Science: "I'm the narrator!"

Derek: "No you're not"

Science: "Yeah I am"

etc etc etc

Derek: "Don't tell ME what to do. If you want to be the narrator you should've asked."

Science: "Lemme be the narrator?"

Derek: "No, I want to be the narrator!"

It was funny at the time...

The father and son talk that followed was better though :P

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

In a way, it got to the point when I was wishing for 'Team Saskia' (I hate that name) to retaliate, because that episode was almost a carbon copy of the night before.

I can see the Vanessa impression and Wet the bed scenes being the only ones certain branches of the general public will remember though.

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I love how if you took just the audio of all of Saskia's arguements, you'd never be able to tell what she was arguing about at any given moment, because every one of her arguements throughout the whole of BB have gone like this:

Maxwell: <Something provacative aimed at someone who'd annoyed Saskia>

Saskia: You're a fuckin' prick you are ain't ya, ya fuckin' prick!

Defendant: <Some random arguement that actually makes sense>

Saskia: Yeah, ya fuckin' prick, you're a fuckin' prick ain't ya?

Repeat ad infinitum. Then hide behind Maxwell.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Reil if you really can't understand why people think Science is an annoying childish cunt, you should probably drink some caustic soda.

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So what if he can be childish at times, at least most teams he speaks his mind. Unlike someone like Saskia for instance, who clearly has been stringing Maxwell along the entire time, then basically started sleeping with him and stuff in hope that the viewers would want more and vote her in.

She'll go tonight for sure. Hopefully next week though it's that cunt Craig, that guy is such a foolish bitch and has the most annoying voice in this world.

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Best Argument Ever

First of all, Anthony was hilarious when Maxwell and Saskia were at it. Craig however, was boring.

Kemal is officially god though.

"At least somebody got wet tonight"

And Derek must win.

"No you're not"

"Yes I am"

"No you're not"

"Yes I am"

"No you're not"

"Yes I am"

"We'll see about that"

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Makosi and Vanessa must die, seriously I hope they both jump off a bridge or something, they are quite possibly the two most annoying people I have ever seen.

The house hasn't been the same since Sam left to be honest, and it got even worse when Roberto was kicked out last week. It's annoying when entertaining people such as Roberto get voted out while people as boring and pointless as Vanessa are still there.

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