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God I'm fed up of Kemal, Makosi and the rest of Team Diva (Derek and Science aside). I have no idea how they've managed to convince the public that THEY are the ones in the right in all this, when it's them that have been causing most of the trouble.

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It's because Kemal is a faggot. Everybody always loves a good faggot. It's true. Craig is a puff, he aint no faggot. Derek is a well-spoken queer (So is hated), Craig is a whiney puff (So is hated) and Kemal is a bitchy-annoying faggot (So is loved. Plus the fact he provides 12 year old girls with shitty catchphrases).

However the greatest comment of the night, was about the 'reacial divide' in the house.

Saskia : "I'm not racist. My granda's from South Africa (Or somewhere). I'm 1/4 black."

Bwahahahahahaha. Why can't people just say "I'm not fucking racist, okay.........now can we hurry up that National Front Pub over there's shouting out for me".

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I never said I liked Science, or that he wasn't an immature cunt (which he is). No idea where you managed to get that from :P I even said he was at the top of the last page. I just pointed out that whoever it was that I was quoting at the time seemed to hate every one in the house no matter what they did, so why's he even watching it?

And Kemal's "At least one of us got wet last night..." comment was fucking gold. Saskia's reaction was dissapointingly tame (she was probably still trying to work out what it meant), but still... Thank fuck she's gone. And the hard bloke who was going to beat the shit out of Kemal an hour or so earlier nearly cried, which just made my day. Maxwell's a fucking pussy. I don't care how funny he is, I hate him.

Maxwell to go next week (vs. Craig, although I'm not sure how many people would actually vote Maxwell out if he was against Craig...). Then Craig to go the week after (probably vs. Eugene), then I'll have run out of people to bitch about :(

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I love the way that Craig, of all people, can't cry when he needs to :P Edit: Ahahahahahaha, just hours after he's been in the diary room, he's in tears and wants to go home. Fine by me, you complete wanker.

I love the way they're playing "All By Myself" for Eugene.

I love the way that Makosi hasn't worked out that the reason everyone was booing on Friday was because we, as the British public, mostly despise Saskia, and they must've felt the same, because they nominated her.

That is all.

Edited by TheReilDeal
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Bahahaha, that was the greatest thing ever. Maxwell is trying to be a friend to Craig, who's balling his eyes out because Anthony doesn't love him and was snogging Makosi and Orlaith, and after Craig finishes crying, he's like "Saskia'll be tucked up in bed now, bet you wish you was with her...". Then Maxwell starts doing the whole "I'm trying not to cry, I'm trying not to cry. I'm..ah sod it..." thing.

Craig = evil.

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