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100 Greatest Movie Quotes

Guest Wrestling_Man

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Only here could Roddy Piper get into somebody's "favourite movie quotes" list.

Sad lack of decent British films, and as Hamster said, the problem with the AFI is that they have far too much love for old movies, irrespective of whether or not they were actually good or not. Nice to see two quotes from A Streetcar Named Desire in there, if only because I have an exam on it on Wednesday afternoon. Brando is also very, very quotable.

Some ones I was sad, but not necessarily surprised, were omitted...

"We were a few miles outside of Vegas when the drugs started to set in. 'No point in mentioning these bats,' I thought, 'the poor bastard will see them soon enough.'" - From FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS

"Yes, that's a point, what has happened to my agent? Bastard must've died! - From WITHNAIL AND I

"In America, first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women." - From (obviously) SCARFACE

"You people need people like me! So you can point your fingers and say 'hey, that's the bad guy.' Say goodnight to the bad guy!" - From SCARFACE

"They're selling hippie wigs in Woolworths, man. The greatest decade in the world is at an end and, as Presuming Ed has so rightly said... we have failed to paint it black." - From WITHNAIL AND I

"Get my wallet... it's the one that says 'Bad Mother Fucker' on it." - From PULP FICTION

"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?" - From TRAINSPOTTING

"When you're sad, you need to hear your sorrow structured into sound." - From GIRL, INTERRUPTED

"Not steal. Commandeer. We're going to commandeer a ship. Nautical term." - From PRIATES OF THE CARRIBEAN


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"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." - Verbal Kint, "The Usual Suspects" (1995)

Strangely that was on the second list that was posted but not the first. That, and "just like that...he's gone" from Suspects also should be pretty high on any list IMO.

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So it has "I must break you" but no "If he dies, he dies"

Screw that list too.

They only put in one quote from each movie, I believe, and "I must break you" is a WAY better quote.

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This list also sucks because none of the quotes feature swears...except for the controversial Gone With the Wind saying DAMN...Oh you've gone too far. I know that was big like 50 years ago but seriously some of these movies shouldn't even have one quote nevermind 3 or 4. Here is my 5 favorite in no particular order.

Bruce Willis (Die Hard)- Yipikiya Mother Fucker.

Samuel L. Jackson (Rules of Engagement)- Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell!

Robert DeNiro (Meet the Parents)- Are you a pothead, Focker?

Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte (48 Hours)- Jack tell me a bedtime story. FUCK YOU. Oh that's my favorite.

John Goodman (The Big Lebowski)- Donnie you're out of your element!

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I took a general Pop Culture class my first year of college and we took a day to talk about quotes and their significance in pop culture. Based on the stuff said in that class, I think this is an excellent list of quotes that had an impact on pop culture, not just cool quotes in general.

As far as the Star Wars quote goes, I agree, it should definitely be here. I actually just finished up a Pop Literature class where we read a book called Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs. It basically analyzes the importance of pop culture. One chapter was specifically about Star Wars and since my prof was a big Star Wars fan, he discussed how that particular scene had a huge impact (pop culture-wise) on his generation and was probably the defining pop culture moment for people his age. Of course, he is a bit biased.

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Clearly "It was a run-by fruiting!" from Ms. Doubtfire should be #1 and the AFI is just a bunch of cumpstains that don't what they're talking about. <_<

Seriouosly though? #2, I think shoulda been #1 as more people know it.

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Guest Wrestling_Man

OK, here is what should've been the greatest movie quote.

"I was born, a poor black child."

Steve Martin in The Jerk.

Just a funny, out of nowhere line.

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My favourite quote is, "I've got a bad feeling about this..." - Star Wars, said by Han Solo. That should have made the list IMO.

And, "With great power, comes great responsibility." - Spiderman, said by Uncle Ben. Even though it's more of a comic book quote, it was in the motion picture and therefore should qualify I think. Most people knows it more than a quarter of those quotes in the list.

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This list also sucks because none of the quotes feature swears...except for the controversial Gone With the Wind saying DAMN...Oh you've gone too far.  I know that was big like 50 years ago but seriously some of these movies shouldn't even have one quote nevermind 3 or 4.  Here is my 5 favorite in no particular order.

Bruce Willis (Die Hard)- Yipikiya Mother Fucker.

Samuel L. Jackson (Rules of Engagement)- Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell!

Robert DeNiro (Meet the Parents)- Are you a pothead, Focker?

Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte (48 Hours)- Jack tell me a bedtime story.  FUCK YOU.  Oh that's my favorite.

John Goodman (The Big Lebowski)- Donnie you're out of your element!

The only films I saw with multiple quotes were the likes of Casablanca, Sunset BLVD and Gone With The Wind, absolute classics, and each one of those quotes has become integrated into popular culture, and you're complaining that something from Meet The Parents, a juvenile comedy that's had no bearing on culture whatsoever, didn't get any quotes up there, and that none of them had swearing in them?

And if you don't get understand why "Frankly my dear..." was at number one, especially when it's FAR better than any of the quotes you suggested, in which the only moderately important one is "Yippy-ky-ay Mother Fucker!", then I suggest you...er...watch more films, I guess.

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"Define irony: a bunch of idiots dancing around on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash." - Con Air, while they were listening to Sweet Home Alabama.

"There's only two men I trust. One is me. The other is not you." - Also Con Air.

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Personal favorite quotes:

"Does she know that her daughter is still alive?" -- Bill, (Kill Bill Vol. 1)

"The ship... out of danger? " Yes. "Don't Grieve, Admiral. It is Logical. The needs of the many outweight..." ...the needs of the few. "...or the one. I never took the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?" Spock... "I have been, and always shall be, your friend...Live long and proper" -- Spock and Kirk, (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

"Two days ago, I saw a vehicle that would haul that tanker. You want to get out of here? You talk to me." -- Max, (Mad Max 2, The Road Warrior)

"What a fitting end to your life's pursuits. You're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find. Who knows? In a thousand years, even you may be worth something." Hahaha...sonofabitch... -- Belloq and Indy, (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark)

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Shaun of the Dead

"I'm just going to check if it's safe."

"Okay. Is it safe?"


Roddy Piper Film

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all outta bubblegum."

Meet the Fockers

"We're gonna name him after you, doctor."

*Zooms in to doctor's nametag, 'Gaylord Focker.'

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