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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I like the game, but I've never been a fan of fifteen million reversals throughout a match. The game is a lot of fun though, but my biggest pet peeve is top rope moves. When the opponent is on the ground, they are seemingly useless since the opponent always gets up. This was a problem in prior Smackdown's that seems to have returned, the opponent not staying down long at all. Funnily enough, it seems like my guy is down for an eternity after a simple move. This blows because it's no fun to be RVD when I can't even hit the Five Star Frog Splash properly.

Edit - A Samoa Joe movelist that I'm not keen on losing. If It's already been posted than it can be deleted, but I haven't seen one around thus far. I haven't had the opportunity to really cycle through every page in this thread. But some of you may want it as well.

Samoa Joe

Standard Actions

Ring-In: Normal

Ring-Out: Roll Down

Taunt: Taunt Samoan 1, Cut Throat, Hold Up 2,Taunt Samoan 3

Fighting Stance: The Rock

Walking Motion: Normal

Running Motion: Normal


Strike Attacks

Dupree Punches

Toe Kick 1

Back Chop 4

Sweep 1 (running leg sweep)

Double Axe handle

Middle Kick

Grapple Moves


Body Knee Strike

Wrist Clutch & Elbow

Headlock 1

Snapmare 2

Headlock Takeover


Eye Rake 1

Low Blow 5

Eye Rake 2

Head Pound

Triple H Choke


Abdominal Stretch

Bear Hug 2

Headlock 4

Sleper Hold 1

Snapmare & Neck Lock 2

Moves 1 Technical:

Leg Trip 02

Shuicide (Island Driver)

Back Side Slam 01

Belly to Belly 4

Spinebuster 4

Moves 2 Power:

Back Chop 7

Powerbomb 11

Emerald Fussion (Island Driver)

Powerslam 4

Suplex 3

Moves 3 Old School:

Back Chop 6

Knee Breaker 1

Scoop Slam 5

Samoan Drop 3

Suplex 11

Grapple Attack:

Grapple Punch 3

Grapple Body Attack 1

Grapple Elbow Strike 2

Grapple from behind:

Abdominal Stretch 1

Back Suplex 3

Back Side Slam 2

Back Suplex 4

Knee Breaker 2

Sidewalk Slam 5 (Standing Release Sidewalk Slam)

Sleeper Hold & Scissors 1 (Rear Naked Choke Replacement 1)

German Suplex Pin 2 (Chimeraplex Part 1)

The Walls of Jericho 3 (The Samoan Crab)

Dragon Suplex Pin (Chimeraplex Part 2)

Back Tazzmission 2 (Rear Naked Choke Replacement 2)

Top of Cell Attack:



Strike Attacks:

Kurt Angle Stomp

Jericho Senton

Double Knee Drop

Grapple Moves:

Back Chop 1

Oriental Knee Drop or Ric Flair Knee Drop

Cross Armbreaker

Running Kick

Walls of Jericho 2 (The Samoan Crab)



Strike Attacks:

Shining Wizard 2

Yakuza Kick (OLE Kick)

Knee Attack 1 (OLE Kick replacement)

Grapple Moves:

Big Back Chop 1

Chop & Punch Combo

Turnbuckle Body Strike

Superplex 1

Body Strikes

Stomp & Choke (Face Wash)

Grapple from Behind:

Turnbackle Smash

Super Back Suplex

Toss into Ring Post

Rebound Suplex

Forearm to Back


Groggy on ropes:

Knee Drop 3

Rebound Attack:

Shoulder Block 2

Elbow Drop 5 (The Samoan Elbow Drop)

Vaulting Body Press 2

Diving out of ring attack:

Dive Through Ropes (Flying Elbow Tope)


Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp.:

Missle Dropkick

Flying Clothesline 2

Diving Attack vs. Downed Opp.:

Diving Elbow Drop

Near Knee Drop

Knee Drop 1


Running Stikes:

Clothesline 11 (Lariat)

Knee Attack 2

Running Grapple:

Running STO

German Suplex 1

Rear Techniques:

School Boy Pin 2

German Suplex 6

Running ground attack:

Elbow Drop 5 (The Samoan Elbow Drop)

Dropkick to Knee 3

Counter Attack:

Spinebuster 4

Belly To Belly 4

Powerslam Pin 3

Tag Team:

Standing Tag Team:

Double Clothesline

Double DDT

Double Suplex

STO & Sweep

German suplex & STO

Corner Tag Team:

Kick to Gut

Calf Kick & Sweep

Double Stomping

Gut Crusher

Body Splash & Whip



Pump Up Buster (The Muscle Buster)

Rear Naked Choke (Choke Sleeper)

Signature Moves:

Powerslam Pin 3

Emerald Fussion (The Island Driver)

Stomp & Choke (Face Wash)

Chair Finishers:

DDT 23

DDT 23

Combination Attack:

Slap 1

Slap 1 (reversed)


Edited by VerbalPuke
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This game just made me really mad!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: I was doing the ECW Rematch challenge. Guerrero and I were having this awesome match and I was really close to winning after almost 20 minutes when out of the blue Eddie knocked me down during an exchange on the floor and used a sledgehammer. What the fuck? :angry:

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Why does everyone hate voice overs? I dunno if I'm just afraid of not having any noise in the room as I play a game, but, I enjoy it, the commentary's decent, just repeditive, not that bad...And voice overs are bad, but reading text is for RPGs, And DoR sucks to me, and so does stamina, I'v played SD! games since SYM, and I'm really sick of hearing this infinite stamana crap, You want realism, go play DoR, leave us PS2 bitches alone.

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You can also grab them with any front grapple, then press R1. That ducks behind them and stuns them for a second.

That I did not know, I'll have to check it out. I've always used Xero Gravity's way of doing it. You can also do the turnbuckle clothesline then quickly move behind them as they stumble out of the corner, but it's not as good as the other two ways.

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You can also grab them with any front grapple, then press R1. That ducks behind them and stuns them for a second.

That I did not know, I'll have to check it out. I've always used Xero Gravity's way of doing it. You can also do the turnbuckle clothesline then quickly move behind them as they stumble out of the corner, but it's not as good as the other two ways.

Yeah. It used to be grapple then triangle, but obviously thats used for whipping now. And I used to use that turnbuckle method to set up for my tazmission, it was awesome :P

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You can also run at them and push Square...you go around behind them, and you can immediately hit the attack. Pretty cool, actually...

By the way, has everybody else noticed that finishers are countered or kicked out of a lot more often than in the previous games? Much more realistic, but it gets to the point where you're thinking, "What do I have to do to get rid of this guy?" for every damn match.


Voice overs are okay, it just gets kinda' weird how you have to play season mode over and over and over...wait, you had to do that in the other games, too. Okay, forget what I just said.

Fun game, overall, but the GM mode is kinda' annoying at times.

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By the way, has everybody else noticed that finishers are countered or kicked out of a lot more often than in the previous games? Much more realistic, but it gets to the point where you're thinking, "What do I have to do to get rid of this guy?" for every damn match.

Up the finisher damage in the custom settings then.

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