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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I'm talking about when your outside the ring run toward the apron and hiot square and you will get up on the apron. takes a few tries sometimes but it works. I'm goign to play it now and see if you cna do moves from that position

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You can only do diving attacks from the apron if you're on the outside and you get on the apron. I have no fucking clue what Zero is talking about.

I wish my PS2 would stop telling me there's a disc read error. I really want to play, damnit. :(

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Just had one of the sickest bumps ever. It was a TLC match for the cruiserweight title Champion - Paul London against Jeff hardy(me) started off kinda slow with Londond getting the uper hand at the 23min mark he had my upper body in red and I had his upper body in dark orange. we each do our finishers through the tables and at the 75 min. mark I decide I'm gonna go for the kill.

I knock him out in the center of the ring to buy me some time to set everything up. I get the ladder and set it up in the center of the ring and then I set a table to the right of it.

he starts getting up so I climb the left side of the ladder , luckily instead of knocking the ladder down he climbed up with me and we started punching each other we were both one punch away from falling. Luckily mine connected. With him groggy on the ladder I hit down + circle and everything happened liked I planned it. Hardy pushed him off and Londond landed on the table , hardy taunts and leaps from the ladder witht he Swanton connecting and sending himself and london through the table.

I go for the pin but jeff kicks out at 2 . I kick him a few times and go for the pin again only to rolled up with a possum pin. Hardy couldn't kick out. London kept his title ina hard fought match . the total time of the match was 1hr. 45mins.

With out a doubt one of the top 5 matches i've had

and yeah you cna do aeril moves off the apron . get on the apron and then do the as you normally would

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Holy shit, you can do apron moves! Wow. Doc, what the hell difficulty are you playing on to make a TLC match last almost two hours? And are you using the slider settings posted a few pages back? I can't get a match to last longer than twenty minutes without my opponent just being easy-pickings and I know I'm not that good at the game.

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I play on hard and legendary. Mostly legendary though with the sliders posted . I don't go straight in and try to hit my finisher as soon as I get it though . I work over my opponent a lot and try to hit any specific spots I have for that character. I could easily finish a match within 5-15 mins. but i like make them last longer sometimes though I literally have trouble (Ie. when fighting HHH , Angle , and Benoit) and those matches last longer .

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Had a cool match last night. Was Masters vs. HBK, and it was almost 20 minutes of me owning him, but Michaels refusing to lose, countering 3 Masterlocks, and not tapping out to 2 more. I only wanted a quick match before bed, so I was toying with the idea of loosing via DQ (thus still getting to own him a bit). In the end, I won with a half-boston, or some other non-masterlock submission hold :(

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Had a cool match last night. Was Masters vs. HBK, and it was almost 20 minutes of me owning him, but Michaels refusing to lose, countering 3 Masterlocks, and not tapping out to 2 more. I only wanted a quick match before bed, so I was toying with the idea of loosing via DQ (thus still getting to own him a bit). In the end, I won with a half-boston, or some other non-masterlock submission hold :(

That's a huge complaint I have with the game, Type A submissions are too hard to win a match with while Type B submissions are too easy. Even adjusting the sliders for them doesn't seem to help much.

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I had a match a few days ago that seriously pissed me off.

I was playing in GM mode, and Batista needed a win to raise morale, so I put him in a singles match vs. Carlito (Batista was too fatigued, or I'd have made it a Hardcore, Table, or Steel Cage match). Carlito kept kicking out of pin attempts even after his head and chest were both red, blocked a Batista Bomb attempt (yes, blocked, as in spins you around when you attempt the move), and kicked out once after a Sit Down Power Bomb. I ended up having to beat up on him enough that if it was a real fight he would have been in an Intensive Care Unit for a month and in traction for a few months after that before he finally got pinned.

And I was playing on Easy!

(Carlito is going to be put in a One on Three Handicap match vs. Kane, Batista and John Cena for giving me that much grief)

And I wish I could get a `Holy shit!' chant from the crowd again. I haven't managed to do that in a while. May have to start doing a lot more TLC matches and try to do the dive off a ladder onto a victim set up on a table outside the ring spot.....if I can get them to stay on the table long enough.

(I swear I'm about ready to set the sliders so that finishers are almost a sure thing due to that Carlito match and a Slobberknocker match I had as Taker where the Last Ride got countered (by Sylvan `waste of space' Grenier, of all people!) 3 times before I finally hit it)

Shortest match I've had lately: 1:27 seconds - Tajiri (Intercontinental champ) vs. Ric Flair - Steel Cage Pin and Give Up match. Pinned Flair after a Buzzsaw kick. I'm sure I've had one that's shorter but not by much, though.

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And I wish I could get a `Holy shit!' chant from the crowd again. I haven't managed to do that in a while. May have to start doing a lot more TLC matches and try to do the dive off a ladder onto a victim set up on a table outside the ring spot.....if I can get them to stay on the table long enough.

Just put someone through the announcer's table, that gets a HS chant every time.

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Is there a cheat code to unlock everything? The reason I ask is because my season modes lock up right at the start of "A Very Special Story". I have tried picking Christian, but then it locked up whenever I got to the Royal Rumble storyline. So I either need that fixed or cheat codes so I can just get around all that stuff :) thanks

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I had a couple more good matches today.

First one was a triple threat TLC match for the Cruiserweight Title. It was Paul London © vs Khrosow Davari (me) vs The Hurricane, which resulted in London winning with a possum pin on Davari.

Second was, again, for the Cruiserweight Title, except it was a cage match. Paul London © (me) vs Chavo Guerrero. A good match that just past the 10:00 mark. London won after stealing Chavo's finisher and escaping the cage.

Last match was, you guessed it, for the Cruiserweight Title. 5-Man battle royal between Paul London © (me) vs Khrosow Davari vs Charlie Haas vs Rey Mysterio vs Spike Dudley. First out was Spike after a London Star Press, followed by Rey Mysterio by 450 Splash. Davari tapped out to the Haas of Pain before Haas was finally eliminated after a 450 Splash. Match was in the 18:00 range.

EDIT: Another good one.

Elimination Chamber for the Cruiserweight Title. It was Paul London © (me) vs Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero vs Khrosow Davari vs Tajiri vs Charlie Haas. First to go was Tajiri who was pretty much KOed after being thrown from the top of a chamber, and London easily pinned him for the three. Following him was Charlie Haas after a 6-1-9. In a shocking moment, Paul London was caught off guard with a backslide by Chavo Guerrero and was eliminated. Soon after, Chavo fell victim to a 6-1-9 and it was down to Davari and Mysterio. After some decent cruiser action, Davari found himself spread eagled on the steel outside the ring. Rey scaled the chamber wall and climbed onto a chamber before STEALING Davari's finisher (top rope legdrop), from the top of the chamber onto Davari before pinning for a three. New Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio.

Edited by TheMystikFool
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It's probebly been asked before. But is there an easier way to possum pin? I'm trying to get WM21 and ECW, and I can't get it, I'v tried for hours with the L2 Circle one and after I did it once (for the challenge) It wouldn't do it again.

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