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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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Phew. I just had a good ass first class match between Bryan Danielson(me) and William Regal(cpu). He was reversing everything the first few moments of the match, then I did, then we just went at it, brawling and technical wrestling everywhere. Finally I went for a pin after the Randy Orton crossbody and got a really close two. We went at it until the 20 minute mark, then I put him in the crossface chickenwing for the victory. Never knew Regal could be that hard.

Edited by ThaMyth
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Spaces after commars.

I'm really digging GM mode when I've got 4 mates around. Yesterday it was class, we all had 4 wrestlers on the roster and made matches accordingly. Everyone is about as good as each other thankfully, so we usually get good match ratings and it makes going through GM mode easy because they book matches too.

For example, we had a HIAC match and while HBK pinned Bret, I Pedigreed Rey through the cell. So we rematched next match as two singles matches.

Anyone else found a way to get through GM mode easily, instead of the boring "book...simulate" method?

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I've been getting back into this game by creating people recently. A pretty awesome match for the Women's title, me as Mickie James challenging Trish and taking the strap after a 16 minute match. Oh, and I also made two jobbers to beat the shit out of, which is fun. Jose, a Mexican, and Gabriel, an emo. Good way to kill time.

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I don't nearly enough about computers so here goes a question probably asked a million times. I have a max drive donated to me for a few days. How can I get CAW's easily onto the stick and whats the chances of them having move-sets etc?

Any help will be much loved.

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It's not so much gettings CAW's onto the stick rather a save file. From there you'd copy it to a second memory card and then copy CAW's from it via the in game options. They probably will have move sets, just depends on who did the save I guess.

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It's not so much gettings CAW's onto the stick rather a save file. From there you'd copy it to a second memory card and then copy CAW's from it via the in game options. They probably will have move sets, just depends on who did the save I guess.

So, because I am really totally thick when it comes to these things, I have to find a save file on the net and then copy them over?

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Yeah I have both discs on me, just to me and stuff like this its like advanced physics. How would I go about searching for them online? I found a few save files using the max drive but there is no describsion to say what it contains.

Also, a PES5 file with all the players bought would be nice as its part of a diary idea of mine. >_>

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There's a few posted in this thread. Theres 163 pages to look through but they're in there. Gamefaqs has a save section which should have some for Smackdown and PES5. http://www.cheatsforplaystation2.com/sdvr2k6/ has a few as well.

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Did you get the two ickle discs that go with it, because you'll need them to a) install MAXDrive to your PC, and b) Get the files on your memory card.

I already asked him you fool.

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