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Charlotte Bobcats


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There are a few more picks, I just don't know how many between 2 and 6 though. They'll be announced after another break. The Charlotte Doormats better thank God this wasn't televised since no one in the place where they're doing the show seems thrilled by the team :P

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It's done now. Basically, they picked a lot of restricted free agents to get rid of players and have "cap room", but I can't imagine anyone wanting to play in Charlotte with this collection of shitty talent. If they're lucky they'll win 15 games next year.

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What did you think....they were gonna make the playoffs next year or somethig? They can't even get the #1 pick in the lottery their first 3 years. The NBA has this system of having expansion teams be terrible before they can turn it around. They don't even get to use 100% of the cap space.

Go check out the early Raptor rosters


How do you get NBA TV for free? Isn't it a pay channel on satellite and Direct TV?

Edited by sahyder1
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No, I obviously didn't think they would make the playoffs, but they could have done better than pick 12-14 bargain basement players, and only 3 or 4 guys who might get significant playing time. On top of that aside from Okafor/Howard they won't have anyone to draw the fans in. I know I sure as hell wouldn't pay good money to see the equivalent of an NBDL/CBA squad. There's no need to be such an ass every time I post, but I guess you haven't learned that yet.

Edit:Actually all of the guys below can leave as they are now unrestricted. They didn't make the distinction with the guys aside from Fizer and Slay on the graphic, so that's why I was mistaken. So in reality only 10 of the 19 picks are on the team roster for now, and they're looking to move Pachulia & Pavlovic. If Fizer & Slay were smart they'd sign elsewhere. Everyone else would probably be better served to stay if they can get a contract offer from Charlotte.

Lonny Baxter*

J.R. Bremer*

Maurice Carter*

Desmond Ferguson*

Marcus Fizer*

Richie Frahm*

Tamar Slay*

Jeff Trepagnier*

Loren Woods*

Edited by naiwf
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No, I obviously didn't think they would make the playoffs, but they could have done better than pick 12-14 bargain basement players, 2 guys who most likely will walk in Fizer & Slay and 3 or 4 guys who might get significant playing time. On top of that aside from Okafor/Howard they won't have anyone to draw the fans in. I know I sure as hell wouldn't pay good money to see the equivalent of an NBDL/CBA squad. There's no need to be such an ass every time I post, but I guess you haven't learned that yet.

Then maybe you need to get a clue about the NBA. Right or wrong, this is how the system is. They only get to use 66% of the cap space everyone else does. They don't get a first overall pick their first 3 years. You expected them to draft Houston, Hardaway, Kittles, Grant, Eddie Jones? This is how the system works, this is how it has been for a long time.

The Raptors and the Grizzles didn't get the likes of VC and Gasol from day 1. Have you taken a look at the teams they had?

There's no need to be such an ass every time I post, but I guess you haven't learned that yet.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I couldn't give a damn about what you post. I respond the same way no matter who's comments it is I disagree with......and you weren't the only one to comment on the lack of talent on this roster.

Edited by sahyder1
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Again, you're being an ass. Did anyone say they should draft an overpaid All-Star team? No they didn't. They could have picked up some talented veterans for relatively cheap and at least put out a product with players fans might have heard of. The majority of those guys have zero NBA experience.

I don't give a shit about who Toronto & Vancouver picked years agp. Charlotte was the only team making selections this year and could have afforded one minor NBA name instead of a bunch of guys that NBA.com probably struggled to find info for. What good does it do to have a lot of cap space if no one will go play in the NBA equivalent of Siberia? Have they learned nothing from Atlanta? Toronto? the Clippers?

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Again, you're being an ass. Did anyone say they should draft an overpaid All-Star team? No they didn't. They could have picked up some talented veterans for relatively cheap and at least put out a product with players fans might have heard of. The majority of those guys have zero NBA experience.

I don't give a shit about who Toronto & Vancouver picked years agp. Charlotte was the only team making selections this year and could have afforded one minor NBA name instead of a bunch of guys that NBA.com probably struggled to find info for. What good does it do to have a lot of cap space if no one will go play in the NBA equivalent of Siberia? Have they learned nothing from Atlanta? Toronto? the Clippers?

Well, do they expect to compete the next few years? Absolutely not. So why not just stick with cheap talent and get the hight draft picks and luck out like the Raptors did with the likes of T-Mac and Vince. Charlotte will draw no matter who's playing. It's basketball country and fortunately North Carolina fans happen to be a lot smarter then you and actually know what the reality of an expansion franchise is.

In the meantime draft a list for us of guys you would've picked instead and how it makes sense.

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If Charlotte drew so many fans, why did they lose a franchise recently?

Someone's clueless about their recent NBA history. :rolleyes:

Go do a little research on the Hornets ownership. You'll find out why the fans started boycotting the team. Do you think the NBA would've went back in if it wasn't a good basketball town?

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Charlotte loves their basketball, that's why they led the league in attendance for their first few years. Just look at the colleges around there, Duke and the North Carolina schools. It's basketball country, that much can't be denied. The fans'll be there, it's just up to Bob Johnson to KEEP them there.

I personally don't mind what they drafted. They've shown their going to draft their cornerstone with the number 2 pick. I wouldn't worry much about the expansion draft, it's just a starting point.

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But his reputation dictates that he's a bit of a tightwad that won't spend money. Like I said it was either Barkley or Stephen A. Smith that said they expect Charlotte to be the Clippers of the East. Part of Bickerstaff's interview today basically was that the main thing they wanted to know from Okafor & Howard would be if they'd want to play for Charlotte after their initial contract expired. I don't really think Charlotte's going to succeed with him in charge, but that's just my opinion based on what I've heard.

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Guest bukkake bandit

Considering how bad the East is, it wouldn't have hurt to draft one decent guy with a fat contract. With that and the #2 pick, you have a chance to slip into a lower seed.

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Guest Reaperstang

They should have at least tried to put a good product on the floor. I think they should have got one of the big names and then u sed their draft pick to build a team that can win at least 30 games.

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I think the X00 million dollar entry fee that they got to split was more significant than the viability of a basketball town. If they only cared about location Toronto & Vancouver would have never gotten teams.

Yet again you show your wonderful NBA knowledge. The Raptors and the Grizzles each paid 50 million less then what an American expansion team would've paid because the NBA wanted to expand into Canada. You think the NBA only cares for the entry fee? What good does it do the NBA if teams are gonna keep relocating? You're absolutely retarded.

Considering how bad the East is, it wouldn't have hurt to draft one decent guy with a fat contract. With that and the #2 pick, you have a chance to slip into a lower seed.

Yeah but someone like a Houston isn't gonna lead them far into the playoffs.....so what exactly would be the point of that? Wouldn't they rather just sit back for a couple of years and then build around a young nucleus. Look at what the Grizzles did.....and look at how deep that team is now. The Raptors were garbage their first few years and then they get VC and were on the brink of the conference finals......and that was in Canada. You couldn't sell basketball to Toronto at that point if you tried. Heck, when the Raptors first came in the league Toronto area news papers used to do articles on basketball rules and when to waive those stupid free throw distraction things. This is Charlotte. Whole different story. This franchise will be successful.

But his reputation dictates that he's a bit of a tightwad that won't spend money. Like I said it was either Barkley or Stephen A. Smith that said they expect Charlotte to be the Clippers of the East. Part of Bickerstaff's interview today basically was that the main thing they wanted to know from Okafor & Howard would be if they'd want to play for Charlotte after their initial contract expired. I don't really think Charlotte's going to succeed with him in charge, but that's just my opinion based on what I've heard.

What exactly are they basing this on? Johnson's got a huge business empire. Stouamire didn't last long in Toronto but look what the Raptors did instead. Drafted T-Mac and Vince and went to the playoffs. Heck, they were withing a shot of the conference finals 5 years into their franchise history.

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Just because the Raptors went on to draft VC and TMAC, that doesn't mean that Charlotte is going to do the same thing.

I think they should've taken Atkins or someone else but by taking young players with potential, maybe they can lure a couple five year+ veterans to come play for them and help them build a good, young team for the future. And I'm sure they can offer the max to a free agent this year, as well.

And if Charlotte didn't move up to #2, I think they would've done well in taking Luol Deng to please some of the Duke fans.

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