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Lost - Season 2


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Anyways I called a couple things in this episode before they happened like Desmond. And does he the way he says "Brother" remind anyone of Liquid Snake.

But man this was fucking amazing. The preview for next week got me so siked up also. I can't wait. :w00t:

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Am I supposed to know who that guy was? WHO WAS THAT GUY?!? :o Watching Invasion now

sorry for the double post.

But if you mean Desmond. He was the guy who was running up the stairs of the stadium along with Jack in the flashback. And then they talk as he checks out Jack's ankle.

Not sure if that is what you wanted to know.

I got it. A little late but I got it (Y)

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It looks like they're going to switch focal points throughout the season. Starting today the episode's focal point was the hatch, and then every other episode will probably base itself on the Walt situation. Sounds way awesome to me.

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Fucking hell, with some fantastic debuts this week ("Arrested Development", "My Name Is Earl", "The Office", "Corner Gas" for Canadians, and while it wasn't perfect "How I Met Your Mother" was also good) I didn't think I'd be saying this, but "Lost" has instantly reclaimed the title of "Best Show on Television". The Locke/Jack thing is the stuff that can fuel seasons worth of good television, but I don't anyone needs to worry about any lack of storylines. They've covered a lot of ground in this first episode, and yet they've still not yet resolved all of the cliffhangers yet, which is fantastic. Good to see this show is still fresh as it was when it debuted.

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Oh, wow. Great stuff all around. I'm glad they paid so much attention to the hatch. The opening scene was mind blowing, as was the ending. Absolutely surreal. I can't wait to see what's going on with Michael, Jin, and Sawyer. I also can't wait for the season to get into the swing of things so we can get a lot of the characters covered.

What an awesome show.

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I did not watch this show last season, but it really interested me, and I heard great things. So, I read the episode summaries on ABC.com before watching the Season Premiere. And I've to the conclusion that...I made a big mistake not watching the first season. This episode was great. I kind of figured who the guy was once I heard his voice, but it was still a shock, and I cannot wait for next week.

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Above average episode but it was slow at times. I can understand the flashbacks of Desmond and Jack running the stadium but the Sara/Jack thing was probably a filler I guess and what the heck happen to the guys on the raft? I want answers damnit!

Edited by That One Guy
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That was quite the awesome show. I am so happy that I was able to catch up on the season (if ABC did not show the repeats, I probably would never have watched). Excellent stuff. When they started off with this guy working out, from the back, I was thinking he was Sawyer, if only for the same kind of hair. I wasn't expecting anything inside the hatch.

I loved how Locke answered Hurley's question about why he opened the hatch even though he was running right for him. "Oh, good point." Locke is awesome, as is Hurley. Jack's reaction to Hurley telling him he was in a mental hospital was good, too.

I did not expect that guy to be Desmond. I knew something was up with him running the steps with him, but I figured it would be something later on. Now we need to know why he is in there. How he got in there. Why is it quarantined. Too much stuff to answer. It's going to be awesome.

I wonder where Kate went as she was no where to be seen. I want to know what this thing means on the Apple II (it was an Apple II, right? it looks like the ones I used back in the late 80's for school): >: Anyone have a clue what that is supposed to stand for?

Can't wait to find out what is going on with Sawyer, Jin, Michael, and Walt as well as where Vincent ran off to. Easily the best show on TV right now.

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How about this, the guy that got killed ni the acident's last name wa Rutherford, Shanon's last name, Sarah was on her way to pick out stuff for the wedding, Boone and his mtoher run a wedding planing buisness, so it's possible that Sarah killed Shannon's father while on her way to see Boone and his mother.

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How about this, the guy that got killed ni the acident's last name wa Rutherford, Shanon's last name, Sarah was on her way to pick out stuff for the wedding, Boone and his mtoher run a wedding planing buisness, so it's possible that Sarah killed Shannon's father while on her way to see Boone and his mother.

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