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Talk Zero Out of Buying an XBox 360


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I cant wait for the 360, but I've decided that I'm going to hold off on buying it for at least a couple months. I want to give them enough time to work the bugs out, and most importantly, I want to buy the 360 when I pick up Halo 3. Until then, I think I can survive with XBox.

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I'm still not convinced of whether or not I'm gonna throw down the coin for it, but for all the diehards out there I'm getting a PS3 and a Revolution no matter what. Well, as long as Nintendo doesn't Virtual Boy the Revolution, I'll get one. I've owned every Nintendo home console and both of Sony's machines, so I'm sure I'll continue the trend. This is strictly a whether or not I (or anyone else considering it) should buy an XBox 360, not comparing it to the other two.

And ROC, don't get me wrong, I love the Dreamcast. When PS2's were nowhere in sight, I got a Dreamcast instead and was far more pleased with that opposed to Sony's weak first six months. Honestly, Sony should have just launched the system around the time NBA Street and TM Black hit shelves, because that's when the system actually had some decent games. But Microsoft isn't Sega, simple as that.

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My X-box that I had worked for two years fine(I got it the first Christmas the X-Box came out) until I had to get another one(and that was because I dropped it a couple of times.) I'm on my second X-box and I've had it for a year and it works great. I've already put the money down for a 360 and plan on paying it off before it releases so I can get it during the second shipment.

Edited by Tevye
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I've had my PS2 for like, I dunno, 3 or 4 years and I've never had a problem with it. I've never gotten any disc errors or anything like that, it's only froze a handful of times, I've never had to take it apart or send it in for repair or anything like that (the controllers, on the other hand, I had a problem with). Maybe I'm just a lucky one. Anyhooo. I never bought X-Box, it's never really interested me. I'm not big into games like Halo, SOCOM, or Splinter Cell or games of that variety. I basically only play sports games, wrestling games, and Grand Theft Auto. Sports games make up about 90% of games I own. Madden, NHL and NBA "fill in the blank", Fight Night, Tony Hawk, shit like that. Besides that, I'm not a big fan of video games... well, outside of the classics for the SNES and a few PSX and N64. My PS2 has served me well for that and that's all I ask of it.

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The Playstation 2 I got on launch died in ONE DAY. The second one we got on refund lasted 6 months until it started freezing and not reading discs over and over.

The XBox we got on launch did the same thing, it got to a point where I couldn't stand it. Got $75 on trade, and bought a refurbished one for cheap that has lasted about 1 year so far.

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Launch hardware does frighten me, although no one I know has ever had a problem with their XBox. Still, MS rushing this thing out the door has me a bit skeptical about that. Not necessarily enough to talk me out of it though.

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I'll have Sony for WWE games. Unless THQ finally wakes the fuck up and starts making the same game for all three systems.

Anyway, I threw down the $400 today. You failed at convincing me otherwise. You fail EWB, YOU FUCKING FAIL!

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