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Your favorite Neighbours characters of the past 20 years

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I know there's a number of Neighbours fans out there (judging by the Neighbours thread) so I thought, cos it IS the 20th Anniversary, and because Neighbours itself has made a big thing about it, why not celebrate the show that brought us Kylie, Imbrugly-Woogly, Guy Pearce and even Russell Crowe (well he was in it for three episodes!)

So, for the fans out there, we'll compile a top list of characters from the show, past AND present. List your top ten characters, 1st place getting 3pts, 2-5 getting 2pts and 6-10 getting 1pt.

Also, throw in your five most annoying characters and we'll get a good old list going on that.

go to www.bbc.com/neighbours if you need some reminding.

Anyway, without further ado....

my choices:

Favourite characters:

1. Karl Kennedy

2. Harold Bishop

3. Jim Robinson

4. Helen Daniels

5. Susan Kennedy

6. Beth Brennan

7. Joe Scully

8. Mrs Mangel

9. Darcy Tyler

10. Lance Wilkinson

Most annoying characters:

1. Matt Hancock

2. Taj Coppin

3. Janelle Timmins

4. Dylan Timmins

5. Dee 'Moon-Pie' Bliss

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I fucking love you!

1. Mr Kennedy........Kennedy!!!! Karl Kennedy

2. Libby Kennedy

3. Toadie Rebecchi

4. Lance Wilkinson

5. Harold Bishop

6. Paul Robinson

7. Susan Kennedy

8. Phil Martin

9. Lou Carpenter

10. Darcy Tyler

Hon. Mentions

Jim Robinson, Dorothy Burke, Max Hoyland, Joe Scully, Billy Kennedy.

Most Annoying:


2. 'Stingray' Scott Timmins

3. Boyd Hoyland

4. Cindi

5. Julie Martin (Think thats her, was married to Phil)

EDIT - After playing on my concience all day, I decided my list was final, but I HAD to include honourable mentions, for those characters not for my top 10, but who's contributions should not be ignored. My list is now final

And wow, I must really like the Kennedys.

Edited by timmayy
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Yep I do! And them having an interview with some 'underground magazine' about it. And them having a competition where contestants had to ring a number and shout verbal abuse, with the best one winning. They gave them Karl's number to ring, which lead to amusing incidents.

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1. Karl Kennedy

2. Toady

3. Joe Mangel

4. Lou

5. Doug Willis' Yute (not a character, but it does the job)

6. Harold Bishop

7. Joe Scully

8. Steph Scully (because I would)

9. Connor (underrated)

10. Paul Robinson

I want to see miles more votes for Dougs Yute.

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Guest Booker T & The MG's

I was going to post that link to the Neighbours site on the BBC website it's brilliant a serious nostalgia trip.

Top 10

1. Lou Carpenter

2. Harold Bishop

3. Helen Daniels

4. Karl Kennedy

5. Phil Martin

6. Paul Robinson

7. Sky Mangel (Mostly just for looks, especially when she was a brunette)

8. Joe Mangel

9. Annalise Hartman (Again for looks)

10. Lauren Carpenter (Once again mostly for looks)

Honorable Mention

Jack Scully (100% just for watching him dance when he was non-stop party Scully)

Most Annoying

1. Hannah Martin

2. Serena Bishop

3. Svetlanka Ristic

4. Michael Daniels

5. Lori Lee

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What is it with all this Neighbours stuff? We all know Prisoner Cell Block H is the best thing to come out of Aussie television :P

Haven't watched in sometime, but I used too here and there. I love that blonde girl, whether she's in it anymore I'm not so sure. Doing some research, I THINK she's Steph. She's mega hot. Lyn Scully is probably joint favourite though, or maybe I'm being biased because I like her so much from Prisoner :)

Looking over the BBC site brings back some crazy memories of how the show used to be. Maybe changed too much for me, I might check it out today though if I can catch up with it. All I can say is that Toadfish, now he rules.

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1. Harold Bishop - Especially his heel turn after his stroke

2. Paul Robinson

3. Phil Martin

4. Billy Kennedy

5. Susan Kennedy

6. Sky Mangel

7. Jim Robinson

8. Lou Carpenter


10. Darcy Tyler

Most Annoying


2. Paul - Just a shade better than Hannah, but HATE!

3. Serena - Never got the attraction

4. Sindi

5. Svetlanka Ristic

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Guest Dakendo

I'm only a nipper, so I haven't been able to see Neighbours for as long as some of you guys, heh.


1. Harold Bishop. As 9 to 5 said, he rocked after he turned nasty.

2. Susan Kennedy.

3. Karl Kennedy

4. Sky Mangel, :wub:

5. Paul Robinson.

6. Darcy Tyler.

7. Toady.

8. Connor.

9. Lance.

10. Steph Scully, :wub: once again.

Most Annoying:

1. Boyd Hoyland.

2. Serena Bishop.

3. Scott Timmons

4. Bree Timmons

5. I can't think of anyone else, so throw Boyd in again for #5.

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1. Toadie - Just a God among Pondlife named people

2. Joe Mangel

3. Lou Carpenter

4.Harold Bishop

5. Stingray

6. Sky Mangel

7. Karl Kennedy

8. Bouncer 'The Dreaming Dog'

9. Lance Wilkinson

10. Phil Martim



2. Izzy

3. Julie Martin

4. Dee Bliss

5. Helen Daniels

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