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Travelling to London

Farmer Reil

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Yeah, basically, what's the cheapest way to get to London (specifically, from Bristol)?

I just booked a ticket for a gig at the Astoria in February. The gig is on a Friday night.

SuperSaver would be £40 open return but can't be done on Fridays. The next one up is £50 but is useless because I wouldn't be able to go back until Monday. The only one that would allow me to go on Friday afternoon, then go back on Saturday morning would cost £112. Fuck. That.

Then there's the bus, which takes an hour longer but only costs £25. Bargain. Except that doesn't work on Fridays either, so I'm left with the Thursday night problem all over again. Friday night won't be a problem, because *usually* DF go to the bar after gigs, so I intend to follow them, and I'll just sit on the bench in the train/bus station at 4am or something and wait for the next one :P

Going on Thursday would be fine, except that hotels cost fuck-off money. There's no way I'm paying £40 for eight hours of sleep. Anyone know any uber-cheap crappy places that have a bed and a roof? Keef, can I crash on your floor? :shifty:

So, can anyone beat £25 + whatever a bed ends up costing me?

Getting a lift is out of the question (unless Burning Dragon or BSIG can drive, and I can convince them that they love me, and Power Metal and really want to go :shifty:).

Also, is the Astoria relatively easy to find? My sense of direction is worse than those little toy compasses that don't have magnets in.

Edited by TheReilDeal
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1.) Who you going to see?

2.) Can I come >_>

3. Astoria is easy, go to Tottenham Court Road train station, follow the people dressed like you. There are two music venues on that road, look for the one with the longest queue, that's the astoria.

Oh and, on a completely serious note. You are more than welcome to crash at mine, only really room for one though I'm afraid, how many people are you going with?

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Astoria's okay to find. Just ask two guys holding hands where G-A-Y is..... :P

As for getting into and out of London, I believe National Express do overnight buses that are pretty cheap. Do some research into that.

I dunno if they do it from you but from Birmingham we have these blue coaches that do London for as little as £1.

As far as trains, have you got Young Person's Railcard? That's a must cos it'd cost £20 and you'd save that on your first trip to and from London (it gives about 1/3 off for every journey!) You could go into Bristol Templemeads (or whatever it's called in Bristol) and ask them the cheapest way to get to London in February. The sooner you book, the better the deal. Some stations are surprisingly happy to give tips on cheap travel.

Or www.thetrainline.com

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I insisted months ago, but you "couldn't afford it" :P So this time you're coming because you've got like, three months notice ¬_¬ (I was only joking about the floor, and it turns out that the mate I'm going with has a conveniently-placed dad. Score.)

The gig is Dragonforce (who have a preview track off the new album on't website [/cheapplug], supported by Edguy (which is annoying, as everywhere else in europe it's the other way around).

After a little more research, I realised I can get to London for £3 each way. Score! There's bound to be a catch with those FunFare tickets, but meh.

I also found my National Express card that says "valid until September 2007" on it, but I've got no idea what type of card it is. Meh.

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