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  • 1 month later...

Anyone still play? I just hit 61 on my paladin last night. Too bad TOG doesn't play anymore. :(

PS WTB competent PUG pst

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is me QQing.

I was in the queue for Blood Furnace and got matched up with this level 61 rogue through the LookingForGroup system, pulled a few guildmates in, found a paladin to tank for us.. and we didn't get past the first boss. The rogue was the most annoying person ever, the kind of guy you run into in any kind of MMO - the guy that sits there and bitches when he doesn't get healed while trying to tell everyone else how to play their class. The first boss in the instance we were doing randomly mind-controls a member of the party, turning them hostile, and I got MCed while I was trying to heal the rogue. Well, while MCed, my heal was redirected onto myself - so he died, and then for the next five minutes he wouldn't shut the fuck up about "OMG WELL IF I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HEALED.."

Grrr. Makes the game as fun as slamming your dick in a door. :[

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This is me QQing.

I was in the queue for Blood Furnace and got matched up with this level 61 rogue through the LookingForGroup system, pulled a few guildmates in, found a paladin to tank for us.. and we didn't get past the first boss. The rogue was the most annoying person ever, the kind of guy you run into in any kind of MMO - the guy that sits there and bitches when he doesn't get healed while trying to tell everyone else how to play their class. The first boss in the instance we were doing randomly mind-controls a member of the party, turning them hostile, and I got MCed while I was trying to heal the rogue. Well, while MCed, my heal was redirected onto myself - so he died, and then for the next five minutes he wouldn't shut the fuck up about "OMG WELL IF I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HEALED.."

Grrr. Makes the game as fun as slamming your dick in a door. :[

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Still playing on Sargeras Horde side. Annoyed as hell by Magtheridon, and progressing through Serpentshrine Cavern. :/ This games pretty much only for raiding anymore to me, arenas suck, so does World PVP. God do I miss the days of Eastern Plague Lands, Sorrow Hill, and Hillsbrad actually being interesting.

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Are you kidding? World PVP is fun as hell. I love battling for Halaa in Nagrand or taking the Twin Spires in Zangarmarsh.

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I've been playing this for the lsat 10 days, hence limited posting on here.

In that time, I've used 3 characters; Orc Hunter, Orc Warrior, and a Troll Mage.

The mage has been my favorite thus far.

I just....absolutely hate the alliance characters. Too many kids playing it.

I'm playing on Bladefist if anybody wants to look me up; typically, I'm on under "Khalima" (my mage). Level 16 and moving up.

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I don't know about Alliance on Bladefist but they're total goons on Maelstrom. Total goons. There's at least a dozen who feel the need to post on the Maelstrom forums on Worldofwarcraft.com EVERY time they kill someone. EVERY. TIME. No one gives a shit, dude!

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I'm pretty sure I hate the majority of WoW players. >_> Just ugh, even in-game they can be some of the most annoying pricks ever.

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I'm pretty sure I hate the majority of WoW players. >_> Just ugh, even in-game they can be some of the most annoying pricks ever.

Well, in my experience, it's mainly the kids that are the pricks.

In fact, earlier tonight, I'm in Thunder Bluff about to head to Camp T...

"Hey, I need your help"

**Invites to group**


Me: With?

Goob: a quest

Me: What Quest?

Goob: I need support


Goob: Neeru Fireblade

Me: Just talk to him.

Goob: My friend said I'd be killed.

Me: You will, if you go into Ragefire.


Yeah, I hate level 9 guys asking me to go into instances. Aside the fact that they're too weak, they just want a quick fix.

Anyways, yeah, I'm proud of my mage so far. Level 23, 141 in Enginering, and all the talents are in Frost...

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Yeah. I was playing my druid earlier and this guy said something like "Ever notice how the chief never sends anyone out to find his greatmother at the well?" so I replied with "He does, though. He sends the player." and then the guy gets all surly and "It's called a joke retard" and all this crap.

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