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24 Season 5

Green Demon

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You know a show is good when you feel a sense of anger at the end of every episode - not at how it ends but rather that it ends at all. Great opening two episodes; it started rather conspiciously but picked up pretty quickly. I hadn't even given a thought at all to Kim appearing this season, but when Chloe brought her up I see no reason how they can possibly keep her out. She's bound to be a tad pissed when she finds out her father kept his faked death from her.

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Yeah they were definatly a good 2 episodes and I am glad that we wont have to wait long for two more. I also heard from a few places that Elisa(Kim) will make an apperance this season in some form. You would think that after 4 seasons that the show might start to become stale since it is basically terrorist vs. Jack Bauer but to me it has just been getting better. I am just wondering what is going to be happening to Tony with what happened to him during the episode.

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I wonder when we will get to see Sean Astin. He is part of this season but he wasn't in the the first two episodes.

Edit: One thing I did not like was the secret services member of working with the terrorists. Didn't that storyline already happen in another season of 24? Or did I image that?

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Guest slimlayzie

Excellant start to the season, that's all there is to say about it. The Palmer assasination was a big surprise to me. I loved Palmer, and figured he would always just escape death. But then Michelle, and possibly Tony...wow! Tommorrow's looks intense too. Best show on TV IMO.

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Loved it. Was hard to pick up on the characters at first. Were Palmer and Michelle main characters? Doesn't seem right to kill them if they were. I have to work tomorrow, but I'll download the episode or something for sure (Y)

They were main characters, yes. Why wouldn't it seem right to kill them off just because they are main characters? That's the whole point. Who cares about minor characters getting killed? They don't provide anything shocking in that part. But someone like Palmer or Michelle dying does add the shocking element to the show.

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Loved it. Was hard to pick up on the characters at first. Were Palmer and Michelle main characters? Doesn't seem right to kill them if they were. I have to work tomorrow, but I'll download the episode or something for sure (Y)

The only "MAIN" character is Jack Bauer, Palmer and Michelle were major characters, but in the land of 24 no one is safe

Meh, I disagree. Jack Bauer is the star, but over the course of Days 1-4 Tony and Palmer were (and Tony still is) both main characters and Michelle became one from Day 3 to... well, tonight.

I'm gonna miss Michelle; she was always the best female lead 24 ever had, but at least she went out sticking to her principles, even if it cost her her life.

That being said, they set up Chloe, Curtis, and Edgar as strong characters last season so at least the losses of Michelle and Palmer don't completely fuck shit up.

Though, Jesus, poor Tony. Considering how many close calls he and Michelle had only for this to happen... damn. I think he'll end up pulling a Miracle Tony Comeback a la Day 3.

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