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The Guitar Hero Thread


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That list has been confirmed as a fake


A list of songs has been floating around online today, purportedly comprising the Guitar Hero: World Tour setlist. With songs from bands like Tool, Pink Floyd and Thin Lizzy, it looks like a music-game lover's dream. Well, the folks at Activision and Red Octane are pinching us all awake with the announcement that it's a fake. We spoke with a representative who confirmed that, while some of those songs are indeed in the game (Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher," for one), the bulk of it is wishful thinking and pure speculation.

And we were so looking forward to the boss battle with bassist Sting, too. Drat.

Edited by TheFireChrisCage
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So anyone tried this new Guitar Hero for the DS yet then? I bought it last weekend and it's not bad. I certainly wouldn't consider it any sort of substitute for proper Guitar Hero on a console, but on its own merits it's pretty decent. It does no-sell a fair few strums though, so trying to get 100% on a song or anything on the higher difficulties gets pretty frustrating. Not sure I'd recommend it for people who play the console version religiously, but as an introduction to the series or as an aside to its bigger brother, it's alright. I'd try it out before you buy if you can though, it's definitely not for everyone.

I do prefer the battle mode over GH3's though (called Guitar Dual mode on the DS) as the power ups are better IMO and the mode as a whole is better integrated into the game.

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I demoed it at work earlier in the work, and it's pretty cool. Not sure if it was just our demo copy (which was written off as faulty), but it seemed to slip out of the GBA slot fairly easily. I'm with you on the strumming too, it was a bit hit and miss. Never tried the boss battles or anything, but I was impressed with the sound quality (especially with headphones on). I did enjoy it enough to consider a purchase, but the tracklist really isn't all that impressive.

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I've only had it slip out of the GBA slot once and that was when I first started playing it and was probably a bit too over-enthusiastic with it. I agree, with headphones on the sound quality is excellent, and even without it's still playable as long as you're not in noisy surroundings. I enjoy the tracklisting enough, but as I say people who play the console versions a lot have been spoilt for choice in comparison. Guitar Dual mode is definitely one of the highlights of the game - I can't remember how Battles go in GH3, but here it's almost the same as doing a regular career except without different save slots. You just pick a character, outfit, guitar and style and then you play through the tiers in Dual mode the same way you'd play through a career, although I presume you have to have unlocked them playing through the career first. I've just finished the career and now I read that the bonus 26th track is unlocked when you complete Guitar Dual mode, so I'm getting stuck into that now.

Edited by Scott McFly
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Today I bought the Guitar Hero 3 bundle from Tesco for £44 after lots of nagging from friends.

Had a woman in the supermarket bitch about me very loudly to her husband because I didn't say thank you when she stopped her trolley to let me through. I kept my cool because I didn't want to curbstomp any parasitical chain-smoking jizz swallowers tonight when I could be playing Guitar Hero.

Waited ages for the cashier to get the real game out of the warehouse. I think their warehouse was somewhere near The Moon. That's how long it took. Meanwhile, I got chatting to another cashier who seemed quite smug that Tesco were selling it so cheap.

Brought it home.

Started to unpack the contents of the box and put the guitar together.

Got nagged some more by friends ringing me to see if I had it yet.

Finished putting the guitar together and popped my Guitar Hero cherry.

Boom! Pure awesomeness.

Played a few games online and then launched into career mode.

23 songs and 2 bosses later, at 2AM, it's time for a break.

I want to play it again already. :(

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Did Marsh just really say jizz-swallowers? Wow and damn.

I had the same problem with BIF and 3&7's. All that accomplishment is washed away though when you hit that nice brick wall they've erected in the last setlist.

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Guest Gavin

I'm stuck on the final section on Hard. I've completed Cliffs Of Dover, but I'm really shit at the other three. Metallica - One is easy up until like 78% then, my needle just goes straight down, Green - Yellow - Red in a matter of seconds.

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Still only one song I can't beat on Expert, and it's Raining Blood. I'm never attempting that though with the OBYR+BYRG pull offs during the Mosh I or whatever, especially considering that my friend who plays guitar said it's really just like hard where it's three note pull-offs instead of four like on expert.

I seriously hope they tone it down with GH:WT, otherwise this game's only getting a rent from me since we get week rentals at Hastings.

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After my previous statement I might actually be buying the game, as one of my favorite rockstars, Zakk Wylde, is a playable character and you can play Stillborn by his band Black Label Society. Also saw the 23 confirmed songs so far, and if there are few more songs that are GH:WT exclusive that I want to play, will definitely buy it. I mean, frickin Hotel California is on it!

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  • Admin

Following on from Ekin, these are the confirmed songs for people to lazy to check:

"Are You Gonna Go My Way" by Lenny Kravitz

"Beat It" by Michael Jackson

"Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins

"B.Y.O.B." by System Of A Down

"Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne

"Damnit" by Blink 182

"Everlong" by Foo Fighters

"Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor

"Feel The Pain" by Dinosaur Jr.

"Hollywood Nights" by Bob Seger

"Hot For Teacher" by Van Halen

"Hotel California" by The Eagles

"In The End" by Linkin Park

"The Joker" by Steve Miller

"Lazy Eye" by Silversun Pickups

"Light My Fire" by The Doors

"Love Me, Two Times" by The Doors

"Misery Business" by Paramore

"Mr. Crowley" by Ozzy Osbourne

"Never Too Late" by The Answer

"Obstacle 1" by Interpol

"One Armed Scissor" by At The Drive-In

"Purple Haze (Live)" by Jimi Hendrix

"Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol

"Santeria" by Sublime

"Stillborn" by Black Label Society

"Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast" by Airbourne

"Trapped Under Ice" by Metallica

"Weapon Of Choice" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

"What I've Done" by Linkin Park

"The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix

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Indeed, that looks pretty good. Very good actually. I could probably stretch to affording it with the instruments but there really is only room for one drumkit in my room. And I really don't need a 4th guitar despite this one having whatever that new bit is further down the neck.

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I decided early on I'm getting this instead of Rock Band 2 (I didn't buy the first) so seeing that list makes me feel better. Hopefully the rest of the setlist is on par with that. I'm really glad Lazy Eye is in the game.

Why does it seem like there's a bunch of the songs in both games? I thought that would mess up exclusive rights.

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