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The Guitar Hero Thread


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The only song I can't five star on easy is Queens of the Stone Age. I fucking hated QOTSA to start with, this isn't helping.

If it's the run at the end of the solo that's giving you fits, just practice doing some hammer-ons/pull-offs and that should take care of it. Once you get the solo, the rest of the song is cake.

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There aren't any hammer ons/pull offs in that section of the song. Not on easy anyway. :/

I five starred it just now anyway.

Thats easy done.

Medium ahoy. Already have most of the first two venues tracks five starred on med, just got ZZ Top to do. Gonna give them a rest though and do some secret tracks, just unlocked about sixteen of them.

Edit: On the off chance that Zakk Wylde was just walking past my house, I'd like to apologise for butchering his song just now.

I'll stick to ZZ Top for a while.

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I really don't listen to music..and I couldn't play the guitar for shit.

But this game is pretty damn awesome. I am good at DDR..so the concept is pretty simple.

All the easy songs were pretty easy, and I've got some 100%s for Medium, but when it comes to hard, I can't seem to grasp that orange button. I've passed one hard song..barely.

When i read here there is a way to play lefty I just laughed...I'm a lefty, but I'm just to used to playing righty now..lol

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I Wanna Be Sedated is a total bitch at higher difficulties, but it's just the way the songs are grouped. The first ones are easier to play when they leave some of the chords out, but when they add in everything that's supposed to be there, it could be in the fourth venue easily.

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