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Who is the better band?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the best band of these 4?

    • Black Sabbath
    • Led Zeppelin
    • Iron Maiden
    • Judas Priest
    • Motorhead

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Ok...this time, the tenuous link is just that they are all UK bands that have been huge/big at one time or another. Admittedly, due to this, it may just come down to more a case of what style you prefer, rather than which band is the best...but meh, I don't care :P

Vote away!

Bollocks....put 4 in the poll question, but naturally it's 5...I added Motorhead at the last second you see >_>

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As much as I love all of them, Maiden > *, and that's no hyperbole in my opinion. Everything about them is just brilliant - the music, the lyrics, Bruce's voice, the stories each song tells, the stories each album tells - they can't be beaten. OK, so maybe I'm biased, but that's what the poll's about, getting your opinions out there.

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Maiden for me. I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, but the fact they totally blew me away live means they win for me. I probably listen to more Zeppelin, but I dunno, Maiden jumped straight out at me as the 'best'.

Edited by YI
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I'm disgusted to see that I'm the first person to vote Motörhead.

Black Sabbath were groundbreaking, and nearly got my vote, but everything post-Ozzy really tarnished them. As good as the early stuff was, it's not nearly good enough to make up for how terrible Ronnie James Dio is. Not to mention some of the wank they did with Ozzy. A lot of their stuff, behind the songs still in somewhat frequent circulation (Paranoid, Iron Man, War Pigs etc.) have aged pretty terribly, too.

Iron Maiden are a good band, but that's about it. Up until recently, they were sticking to a formula that was getting tired pretty quickly, and the new sound isn't all that great anyway. Not a knock on them, they're a great band, but just a little too corny, and not as good as other bands in the list. Superb live show, though.

Judas Priest are, for the most part, rubbish. The early stuff (Freewheel Burning, especially), when Halford just screeched like a banshee for whole songs is fantastic, but after that they got far too camp and corny, and embarassing to listen to. Case in point: "Take These Chains".

Led Zeppelin, while a good and talented band, and obviously groundbreaking, were never going to get my vote, because Jimmy Page is a cunt. Making a career out of stealing music from black blues musicians wasn't cool when Elvis did it, it was even less cool when Page did.

Motörhead, though, are just fucking incredible. Fast, aggressive, uncompromising, and fucking LEMMY, for fuck's sake. And before anyone tries to say they're One Trick Ponies, which is about the only criticism I ever hear levelled at them, listen to Don't Let Daddy Kiss Me, an acoustic ballad, or 1916, which doesn't even have any guitar on it. They're a fucking incredible band, and one of my all-time favourites.

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I voted for Zeppelin, but I think that was in part due to grogginess from just waking up as they're in fact my second favorite band on that list, with Sabbath being #1. It's more a matter of me not being very into metal than anything else when all is said and done.

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I was split between Motorhead and Black Sabbath, but went with Black Sabbath. I am the first and only voter thus far to vote for Black Sabbath. What is wrong with you scum?

Led Zeppelin never did anything for me, and I was never very fond of the vocals either.

Motorhead and Iron Maiden are both great bands, that I enjoy immensely, just not enough to get my vote.

Judas Priest has one song I like, so obviously they can't get my vote.

Black Sabbath got my vote because on one hand I've been a fan since I was in the 4th grade. The album "Paranoid" was the first cd I ever bought, and to this day still stands out as one of my better purchases. Sabbath had four great components coming together as one awesome sound, as each member of the band made them something special. Ward, Butley, and Iommi (spelling?) do not get nearly enough credit for being such amazing musicians. Ozzy's voice filled that music perfectly, and made Sabbath one of the greatest rock acts of all-time.

By the way, I just heard this band called Pentagram, who are quite similar to Black Sabbath. They were around between 71-76, and very very good. It's a surprise nobody seems to know of them.

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Gotta go with Maiden, atlhough all those bands are good.

Anyone seeing Maiden on the next tour? I've got front row standing at the Hallam FM Arena.

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