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World Cup 2006


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Guest Ringo Mars

If we learned anything from the Czech/Italy game it's that people should have waited to see more of Rosicky before starting a bandwagon of love :P

His WC performance has been just like what he does at Dortmund. He plays extremely well then he dissappears for the next few games.

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Have Brazil ever played a team as unknown as Ghana in the knockout stages? They always used to take out the big teams, and enjoy it.

They'll either find it hard against Ghana, or absolutely rape them.

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I don't rate Ghana's chances against Brazil with them missing Essien. Also it was nice to see that Ghana is just like every other African nation, with players who go down and roll around for about five minutes after a light breeze makes contact with them.

Oh, come off it. If the US had a 2-1 lead we'd be doing the same thing. It's called stalling out the clock.

Unbelievable. Why was Twellman not on the squad? Why was Johnson never a starter? Why did we play a 4-5-1? And can we borrow a Dutch coach for next time -- they seem to know what they're doing.

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I don't rate Ghana's chances against Brazil with them missing Essien. Also it was nice to see that Ghana is just like every other African nation, with players who go down and roll around for about five minutes after a light breeze makes contact with them.

Oh, come off it. If the US had a 2-1 lead we'd be doing the same thing. It's called stalling out the clock.

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I think that Arenas is probably on his way out also there were alot of tatical mistakes IMO by him during the tournament. As others have said I dont understand why Twellman wasnt brought along espesially when the person that was brought instead was Brian Ching who litteraly did nothing all tournament. I am sure that Twellmen would have atleast gotten on the field and he showed in some friendlies in the early spring that he could score. I dont think playing the 4-5-1 was a good idea and they played it every game, if they were going to start McBride up top, they should have say Johnson up there to give them some speed with whatever McBride does, and during this WC McBride didnt show up at all IMO. For the US alot of the guys that we were counting on to be there this WC like Donavon, Beasley, McBride, and Reyna just didnt show up and it definatly showed. So I think the blame needs to put not just on one person but the group, the key players didnt show up, and Arena screwed things up tactically, some calls went against the US but if the US would have played better they could have overcome those calls.

Oh well sorry about going off on a rant, but after watching the effort that the US team gave other then for most of the 2nd half against Italy, they really deserve what they got with the way that they played and they got nothing.

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If you think the US coach complaining about referee is funny/stupid, then you don't watch any North American sports. Heck, whenever a team loses a playoff game there coaches always blame the referees!

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Guest Ringo Mars

I don't exactly know why Reily used "we're American" in his interpretation over and over, especially when every single manager always complains. It's not an American thing, it's a whiny little bitch thing that some people feel the need to do every time.

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