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World Cup 2006


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Yeah. Deco and the other guy are gone. Portugal are still going to put out 11 people against England. And hell, just wait for Lampard and Crouch to do shit again and it'll even out in a real fuckin hurry.

Lampard hasn't even been close to shit.

And yeah, Crouch has been terrible, right? I mean who the fuck wants a striker who can score goals, bring people into the game, and create chances for those around and himself? Certaintly not us.. wait.. wait.. yes we do.

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Yeah. Deco and the other guy are gone. Portugal are still going to put out 11 people against England. And hell, just wait for Lampard and Crouch to do shit again and it'll even out in a real fuckin hurry.

Lampard hasn't even been close to shit.

And yeah, Crouch has been terrible, right? I mean who the fuck wants a striker who can score goals, bring people into the game, and create chances for those around and himself? Certaintly not us.. wait.. wait.. yes we do.

Well, in the past couple of games ... all you (England fans) can do is seem to fucking bitch about how poorly they had been doing. Lampard today, Crouch the one before.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Yeah. Deco and the other guy are gone. Portugal are still going to put out 11 people against England. And hell, just wait for Lampard and Crouch to do shit again and it'll even out in a real fuckin hurry.

Lampard hasn't even been close to shit.

And yeah, Crouch has been terrible, right? I mean who the fuck wants a striker who can score goals, bring people into the game, and create chances for those around and himself? Certaintly not us.. wait.. wait.. yes we do.

Well, in the past couple of games ... all you (England fans) can do is seem to fucking bitch about how poorly they had been doing. Lampard today, Crouch the one before.

The only people bitching about Crouch and Lampard are idiots.

If you paid attention, you'd realize there's just as many people defending every player, as there is criticizing.

The only down point on Lampard is that he's not scoring yet, but he's still playing well.

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Yeah. Deco and the other guy are gone. Portugal are still going to put out 11 people against England. And hell, just wait for Lampard and Crouch to do shit again and it'll even out in a real fuckin hurry.

Lampard hasn't even been close to shit.

And yeah, Crouch has been terrible, right? I mean who the fuck wants a striker who can score goals, bring people into the game, and create chances for those around and himself? Certaintly not us.. wait.. wait.. yes we do.

Well, in the past couple of games ... all you (England fans) can do is seem to fucking bitch about how poorly they had been doing. Lampard today, Crouch the one before.

The only people bitching about Crouch and Lampard are idiots.

If you paid attention, you'd realize there's just as many people defending every player, as there is criticizing.

The only down point on Lampard is that he's not scoring yet, but he's still playing well.

Yeah, I know. He's being doing rather nicely for my Yahoo team with all the 4 pts. for shots on goal.

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Lampard has been OK, except for today where he had an absolute nightmare. Even his passing was off today, I can't defend that performance. Don't see the problem with Crouch though, he's pretty much our only option upfront now as the 4-5-1 was a bit flat.

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Lampard has been OK, except for today where he had an absolute nightmare. Even his passing was off today, I can't defend that performance. Don't see the problem with Crouch though, he's pretty much our only option upfront now as the 4-5-1 was a bit flat.

Who was it then that was doing bad a couple games ago?

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Lampard has been OK, except for today where he had an absolute nightmare. Even his passing was off today, I can't defend that performance. Don't see the problem with Crouch though, he's pretty much our only option upfront now as the 4-5-1 was a bit flat.

Who was it then that was doing bad a couple games ago?

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Ok. I'm not in the mood for typing loads, and can't be arsed to read the rest of the thread, but here's my thoughts:

We're fucked.

Lampard was shit. Carrick was shit. Terry was shit. Beckham was non-existant (the ONLY thing he did ALL GAME was score the free kick. One free kick does not a captain make).

Thank fuck for Aaron Lennon. He did more in six minutes than Beckham did in 86.

Gerrard was iffy, but not bad. Joe Cole was similar.

Ashley Cole was probably the only reason we're still in the world cup.

Rio was so-so.

Hargreaves was one of our best players, and that's fucking saying something.

Rooney worked hard, but I spent most of the match thinking "Please don't kick someone in the head...". He looked like he wanted to go on a killing spree for a while there. Not that I can blame him. If I was him, I'd probably have given up by half time.

Lampard was fucking terrible. Again. Maybe we need to change our kit to Blue with a Chelsea badge on it. He might feel like playing like Frank Lampard then. Seriously. The guy has been fucking ass so far this tournament. Alan Greene said he was man of the match against Paraguay... what the fuck match were the people responsible for that award watching? I don't give a shit about stats, when you play that pathetically, the only thing you deserve is to be dropped. The ONE TIME he actually had a clear-cut chance, he passed to Rooney and it got intercepted. When Rooney returned the favour, he gracefully passed the ball to a passing flock of birds.

Frank Lampard has been shit..

That's my basic point. I don't care if he's the Prem's top scorer, I don't care if he's had the most shots in the world cup so far. I wouldn't even care if he'd managed to score with one of his millions of shots. From kickoff against Paraguay, to full time against Ecuador, he's been SHITE. He hasn't passed at all well, his shots have been nothing short of a waste of time, and he just doesn't look anything like the player I saw playing for Chelsea last season.

Carrick was just... Man, and I was really expecting something special. I hyped him up so damn much. But he was absolutely awful. Where WAS Carrick? He's supposed to be a great holding midfielder. How many passes to he actually complete? To ENGLAND players? He may as well have been playing for Ecuador. And don't get me started on defending. Where WAS he? I honestly can't remember seeing him doing his fucking job ONCE in the first half.

As for Beckham, how long have we got to suffer this? He does NOTHING. ALL GAME. We get one free kick, and suddenly he's a hero. Fucking bullshit. Aaron Lennon played better for the six minutes he was on, than Beckham did in 86 of his 87. You simply cannot continue to pick a player "because he's the best free kick taker in the world". HE DOES. NOTHING. ELSE. Gerrard can take free kicks. Lampard can probably get a few somewhere near the goal if he tries really hard. We don't NEED a free kick expert. We need a right winger. Playing 4-3-2 with an extra free kick taker is simply not good enough.

We cannot, and will not, beat Portugal if we play anywhere near the level of shit we played today. Simple as. Deco, or no Deco. It was fucking dire. Especially when you look at teams like Mexico. We'd have been MAULED by them. Absolutely ripped apart. Because they actually gave two shits. They were playing the hottest team of the world cup so far, and for most of the game a non-fan wouldn't know the difference.

We were playing Ecuador, and a non-fan wouldn't have known the difference.


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