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World Cup 2006


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Exactly. He was having a go, he just wasn't at his best. It would have been interesting to have, say, Carrick on which would bring in the through balls and also free up Gerrard.

However Sven fears taking off his 'big' players - always has done. Lampard was the second best player of the year last year so Sven wouldn't take him off however bad he was playing - just Joe Cole who WAS somewhat of a revelation and terrified their right back while he was on.

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Speaking of Joe Cole, what's the general opinion on his 'showboating'? Y'know, the stepovers and such. Should he stop? Continue? Do more?

In my opinion, it's kinda nice that he actually attempts that sort of thing, as it makes the match a little more fun. Works sometimes too.

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I just watched the highlights of the England/Portugal game (I slept through it lol) and I saw the France/Brazil game.

Once again, the refereeing for this World Cup has been very sub-standard. England stayed in there with Portugal with 10 men for, what, an hour or so? Then get beaten on penalties AGAIN. Have England ever won a penalty shootout at the World Cup or European Championships? Also, Rooney's 'stamp' was bullshit. He couldn't have known the guy's dangley bits were under his foot, and he was very off balance since he was being fouled by that player. I couldn't believe it was a red. Yellow at most, but I wouldn't even give that.

I can see Ronaldo getting transferred away from Man United. He's an average player, with a few tricks. Now any value his name had in England is gone. He said he didn't ask for a card, but did tell the referee it was a foul. When the referee had already said it was a foul, and it actually wasn't? Yeah, we believe you. (¬_¬)

The France/Brazil game was upset of the century. (¬_¬)

And Lampard is shit. He must have had about 30 chances to score throughout the tournament. Did he score ANY of them? He couldn't even hit a decent penalty. It's embarrassing (for him, England and Chelsea).

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Guest muddatrucker

Have England ever won a penalty shootout at the World Cup or European Championships?

Edited by muddatrucker
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I'm not going to go into this again, but Ballack has done exactly the same as Lampard, but its ok, because it is Ballack and he is allowed to waste chances just because he plays the odd nice ball.

And yeah, 9 to 5 got there first, but Spain.

Mudda, we beat Scotland 2-0

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Right, read through all the posts since I went out to the pub. My thoughts are as follows:

We definately didn't deserve to lose the game, even with 10 men we looked the better side and were creating more opportunities. We just lacked the finishing touches.

I'm not upset with some of the Portuguese players for diving like they did. I was a little frustrated with the Rooney sending off. Cause the way I see it is that Rooney was getting sandwiched and fouled to start with, and when the referee blew for a decision the other way he looked like he had no intention of booking Rooney let alone sending him off UNTIL he pushed Ronaldo. Which was a next-to-nothing offence really.

I nearly died when Portugal scored the header that turned out to be offside. The penalties were unbearable and I guess it turned out too good to be true when we had a chance (with Gerrard) to take the advantage.

All in all, I'm gutted but for all we know there could be an even greater crop of English players in four years time. The only thing I'm worried about is that with Steve McClaren taking over, nothing much is going to change n the near future. Since he's been Sven's right hand man and I'm sure he's had plenty of influence on the squad anyway already.


John Harkes on commentary (who has EPL experience and therefore may be someone you might half-listen to) is absolutely ripping into Wayne Rooney, even using the word "scouser" to describe him and his behavior. He called Rooney a disgrace.


I'm not sure if you realise, but a 'scouser' is someone from Liverpool.

The Second Stage Turbine, why have you got Argentina 1-0 England in your signature? Just wondering.

Oh, and I suspended figos for a day. Not because he was celebrating Portugal's victory, cause that's fair enough, but because he kept popping in here and trolling.

Oh, and finally; I wouldn't mind if C.Ronaldo got shipped off to Madrid during the summer since there was speculation that he was heading there anyway. However I think he owes ManU a good season or two, cause ever since he arrived he's been all tricks and no end product. Utd have been patient in waiting for him to mature.

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John Harkes on commentary (who has EPL experience and therefore may be someone you might half-listen to) is absolutely ripping into Wayne Rooney, even using the word "scouser" to describe him and his behavior. He called Rooney a disgrace.


I'm not sure if you realise, but a 'scouser' is someone from Liverpool.

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The Second Stage Turbine, why have you got Argentina 1-0 England in your signature? Just wondering.

I guess it's because the ref was an Argie.

Well in my defence of my stupidity, it's 10 to 2 and I've been up since quarter to 8 this morning. So yeah. <_<

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Something I'm going to throw out and see if it's possible:

The referees have all been wired with communications devices for this Cup so they can all talk to each other. Is it possible that this convo took place?

Ref: "Look, I don't know why you're upset -- the foul was the right call."

Linesman: "Sir, from my vantage point, the bloke in white stomped on the player's <insert synonym here>."

Ref: "He did? Well, that's a no-nonsense red card. The one pushing all the other players, right?"

(Note: The preceding dialogue may not be 100% accurate, but the idea is what I'm trying to get across.)

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Well, this has been a shit day.

How many Portuguese players will be in the next olympic diving team?

Whatever. Another penalty loss, how many have I had to see during my short life? Bastards.

So Rooney was sent off for the push? Ronaldo didn't even notice it, what bollocks.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

I missed all the games over the past week due to TV-less vacation down the Cape here in Massachusetts.

What in the name of everything that's freakin' Holy is going on over there!?

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Wow... just...wow.

I can't believe it's come down to me supporting Germany for the Cup. Not that I have anything against Germany, it's just... I'm indifferent to them, usually. I cheered for them in 2002 though, so I guess I can do it again now. Italy and Portugal are dirty divers, and the French just don't inspire me at all. Maybe it's because in World Cup 98 on N64 they always seemed to make the final.

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On reflection of the match yesterday I've gotta raise a few positives:

1. Owen Hargreaves: He's really answered his detractors with his performance during this tounament. He hasn't really put a foot wrong and drove the team forward with his energy yesterday. I was critical of his selection prior to the World Cup (arguing that Defoe should have gone instead of him), but he thouroughly deserved to be there.

2. Peter Crouch: He should have played from the start, he put in a heroic performance, holding the ball up front single handedly when we were down to 10 men. He's gone from a 'Good' England player, someone touted as a good prospect as a sub, to a surefire starter in most peoples opinion. He should definatly keep his place.

3. Joe Cole: IMHO England's best player of the tournament, the solution to the 'Left-sided problem' He always looked dangerous with his running, skill and desire to take defenders on. Our best player based on our performance.

4. Aarron Lennon: Being a Spurs fan, I was so chuffed with his performances, it was a shame he didn't get MORE of the ball when he came on. He's proven his worth to the England team, many people I speak to think he should be in the side ahead of Beckham (and they arn't all Spurs supporters either). He did on the International stage what he's been doing to Premiership defences all season, scare them with his pace, and long may he continue.

Anyway, I'm now (after a good night's sleep) thinking about Club football again. Here's hoping for a good season come September.

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