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Biggest letdown?


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Battle Royale is another film that I was letdown by. It could be because everyone and their mother said how great it was, I was expecting some serious awesomeness, and what I got was a very good film, but nothing like what everyone made it out to be. That said, gotta watch Battle Royale II soon, hows that compared to the first?

Most people on here would tell you it was terrible, but I enjoyed it. The problem people on here seem to have (and this is a bit of a sweeping generalisation, but I'll say it anyway) is that they're more interested in the concept than the story. The real BR book and films were ALL about the story and the characters, rather than people killing each other, which makes it such a good film, in my opinion. People expected BRII to be more of the same, which wouldn't really work. BRII is more about how Shuya (main dude from the first film) has lived with himself since the original events, and what he decides to do with his life afterwards. The game in BRII is simply the governments response to Shuya's decision, which is why it was never going to be the same as the first. It's still a good enough film though, even if the new main character annoys the hell out of me :P

Resident Evil movie :(

Amusing enough but really it COULD have been very good indeed.

Dammit, am I the only person who really liked Resident Evil?

I also liked Resi Evil 1. <3 Michelle Rodriguez. Resi 2 was horrifically bad though, the only interesting part in it for me was seeing the Nemesis brought to life. Alice is just getting to be too 'super', but I'll still see the third one when it's released because I'm quite shallow >_>

Edited by Kaneanite
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Alien Vs Predator. Ok, so I wasn't expecting the GREATEST film of all time, but I was expecting it to be fun, and not the single most loophole filled film I've ever seen in all my life. And yet, I keep watching it, because there's a damn good idea in there somewhere. I just need to find it.

Musically, I remember being so disappointed by Staind's album "Shades of Grey". That, and when I saw them live, and they were a bunch of arrogant, egotisitical pricks who thought they were a lot more important than they were put me off them for life.

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Blitz: The League for the PS2. I read all sorts of reviews for the game and visited the official site a lot to read the backstory before buying it. If the programmers\designers had put as much effort into it as the people working on the backstory\history of the League, it would have been a damn good game. But the incredibly slow loading and saving times make it a pain, as does the A.I. The opposing team has a nasty habit of running kick offs and punts back for TDs even when the defense should have the runner down before he gets anywhere near the 30 yard line, and difficulty setting only works for non-Campaign games.

Unfortunately, you can only lose so many games without having to restart with your last save, and playing one game over 5 friggin times only to not only have the opposing A.I. pull that cheap ass kickoff return crap when I almost had the game won but also having the guy doing the running backwards into the end zone taunt is what made me give up on the game and trade it in. (I was up by 3 pts with :30 seconds to go when it pulled that shit)

If they do a Blitz: The League II, they need to do a better job of programming it. If the load and save times were faster and some of the A.I. bugs\cheats (like the untouchable kickoff\punt returns) were fixed, it could be a top notch series. As it stands, I want to strangle the head programmer or whoever let it slide through without more thorough beta testing, because I'm not sure if the cheating A.I. was intended or not.

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