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Has there ever been a better commentary line


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'Lord Nelson! Lord Beaverbrook! Sir Winston Churchill! Sir Anthony Eden! Clement Attlee! Henry Cooper! Lady Diana! Maggie Thatcher - can you hear me, Maggie Thatcher! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!'

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A few from the World Cup so far:

An espn commentator on the Mexican goalkeeper Ricardo's father passing away before their match:

"He'll be disappointed with that"

On ESPN the other day...

"And it's Michael Beckham with the free kick"

George Hamilton (RTE):

"Akwa is clearly a great player for Angola,but he doesn't tend to score many goals. Although he did get five in eight qualifying games and is their top goalscorer of all time"

Okacha on Guus Hidink when the female presenter asked him what he thought of him:

"Well he's very Dutch"

Terry Butcher after Gerrard scored vs Sweden on Five Live. Went something like:

"...and that ends the 36 year hoodoo the Swedes have had over us".

George Hamilton on RTE also when Gerrard scored against Sweden in the 85th minute:

"And that's the winner, of that there can be no doubt".

Johnny Giles: "Puerto Rico aren't great at defending..............Costa Rico............Costa Rica"

Johnny Giles: "Trinidad and Costa Rica"

Eamon Dunphy: "Harry Kewell is a waste of space. An absolute waster. He should have been yanked off at half time and put in the bath. A scalding hot bath... and left there for a long time."

"There were no Ghana players in the box there-a disticnt lack of white bodies in the box" - Stephen Alkin.

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"And now the boot is on the other Schumacher!"

We have a winner. Murray Walker is a commentary god.

Although I do have to say "TWAT~! That was liquid football!"

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Guest Small Red

Sorry to break it to you guys, but Americans have you beat when it comes to classic commentary lines. When the US hockey team (a completely amateur group) upset the USSR (the best professionals money could buy) in the Olympics, it gave birth to

"Do you beleive in miracles? YES!!"

which any American will tell you is the greatest commentary line of all time. :P

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'Lord Nelson! Lord Beaverbrook! Sir Winston Churchill! Sir Anthony Eden! Clement Attlee! Henry Cooper! Lady Diana! Maggie Thatcher - can you hear me, Maggie Thatcher! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!'

That is the best commentary line for a Norway game ever, its so good, its the ONLY great commentary line for a Norway game!

Murray Walker is CLASSIC, much better than Kenneth Wolstenholme, and

"Do you believe in miracles? YES!!"

Is the dullest commentary line ever, except for anything Gareth Southgate says.

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The Miracle quote is so overrated it's not even funny. If you're going to go with a classic hockey quote you have to go with Hewitt during Game 8 of the Summit Series:

"Here's a shot. Henderson makes a wild stab for it and falls. Here's another shot. Right in front. They Score!! Henderson has scored for Canada!"

It's much like your 66 World Cup line and the significance to your country.


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Sorry to break it to you guys, but Americans have you beat when it comes to classic commentary lines. When the US hockey team (a completely amateur group) upset the USSR (the best professionals money could buy) in the Olympics, it gave birth to

"Do you beleive in miracles? YES!!"

which any American will tell you is the greatest commentary line of all time. :P

"JUST a bit outside" is better.

Who cares if it was in a movie?

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Let's face it, anything John Motson says is funnier than anything else, why? Because it's such pointless bullshit, take the England/Sweden game.

"Ironically, that's the 1,999 goal scored in the World Cup since 1934"


"There's Theo Walcott, he's got a provisional driving license"

You just want to say "Yeah, so fucking what?"

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Thanks Clawson, for pointing out the best hockey quote of all time.

"After fifty years, it's time for Canada to stand up and cheer! Stand up and cheer, Canada! The men's Olympic...ice hockey...gold medal...2002...Canada!" - Bob Cole might have had something memorable, but he started about 10 seconds too early.

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