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The Killers lash out at emo groups

Brandon wants to 'beat all those bands to death'

The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers has lashed out at Emo groups, saying he feels like he wants to "beat all those bands to death".

The star, speaking in this week's NME, says he has a real problem with pop-punk bands who fall under the genre. And, continuing a long-running feud, he couldn't resist having a pop at recent NME cover stars Fall Out Boy.

He said: "You don't realize what you could be getting yourselves into, with Fall Out Boy, and what kind of impact it could have in a way that you don't really want."

He added: "Culturally, if it gets as big as it is in America, it could change an entire generation of people growing up here. Emo, pop-punk, whatever you want to call it, is dangerous. We don't wanna dislike anyone, and we've still never met Fall Out Boy, but there's a creature inside me that wants to beat all those bands to death. They just all go into the happy emo funnel and everyone loves 'em without thinking. 'Oh, Fall Out Boy likes you? Fuck! I'm gonna go buy your CD!'"

- NME.com

Well I like emo music and hate emo kids, but to me it just sounds like Brandon is warbling on about nothing in particular, 'emo funeral'? What the fuck?

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The Killers lash out at emo groups

Brandon wants to 'beat all those bands to death'

The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers has lashed out at Emo groups, saying he feels like he wants to "beat all those bands to death".

The star, speaking in this week's NME, says he has a real problem with pop-punk bands who fall under the genre. And, continuing a long-running feud, he couldn't resist having a pop at recent NME cover stars Fall Out Boy.

He said: "You don't realize what you could be getting yourselves into, with Fall Out Boy, and what kind of impact it could have in a way that you don't really want."

He added: "Culturally, if it gets as big as it is in America, it could change an entire generation of people growing up here. Emo, pop-punk, whatever you want to call it, is dangerous. We don't wanna dislike anyone, and we've still never met Fall Out Boy, but there's a creature inside me that wants to beat all those bands to death. They just all go into the happy emo funnel and everyone loves 'em without thinking. 'Oh, Fall Out Boy likes you? Fuck! I'm gonna go buy your CD!'"

- NME.com

Well I like emo music and hate emo kids, but to me it just sounds like Brandon is warbling on about nothing in particular, 'emo funeral'? What the fuck?

happy emo funnel and

Funnel, not funeral Benji. It's still stupid, but it makes slightly more sense :P

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If it's a funnel, they're all just falling through it into the one big pile of crap, there's no distinction, it's all just being poured into the one big ugly genre.

I...don't know what he could mean by funeral.

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I'm with Benji, like the music, hate the stupid fucking trendwhores giving it a bad name. But Flowers is an arrogant fuck, with no reason to be. Hot Fuss is the same fucking song repeated eleven times. Mr. Brightside is the only real standout. and Maybe Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine. Work on making your own band good before you shit all over everyone else.

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Personally, Hot Fuss owns a lot of the emo band albums I've heard, but its more my cup of tea.

Most emo band albums sound like the same 1 or 2 songs repeated over all the albums. I know it is a generalization, but I don't find many bands that do emo that really stand out as something different. It seems the same and generally sounds the same

Unless you are looking at the older stuff, cos I can dig me some JEW.

Edited by liamwannabe
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Personally, Hot Fuss owns a lot of the emo band albums I've heard, but its more my cup of tea.

Most emo band albums sound like the same 1 or 2 songs repeated over all the albums. I know it is a generalization, but I don't find many bands that do emo that really stand out as something different. It seems the same and generally sounds the same

Unless you are looking at the older stuff, cos I can dig me some JEW.

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Personally, Hot Fuss owns a lot of the emo band albums I've heard, but its more my cup of tea.

Most emo band albums sound like the same 1 or 2 songs repeated over all the albums. I know it is a generalization, but I don't find many bands that do emo that really stand out as something different. It seems the same and generally sounds the same

Unless you are looking at the older stuff, cos I can dig me some JEW.

I generally shy away from the over-samey emo bands. I was maybe a tad harsh on HF, there's 4 good songs. The rest just blends into one. Jenny Was A Friend, Mr. Brightside, On Top, and the other one I forget the name of are good.

I think the problem is that for the most part, the second half isn't that good. I don't mind some of the songs on it, but their singles which were generally the better songs were all in the first half.

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Hot Fuss was alright, but had no replay value really. Every stupid fucking studenty club night I go to plays Mr Brightside, its annoying now. I'm as sick of indie as I am emo really. Neither music dictates having shit haircuts and dressing like dickheads, but it seems to be the norm.

Up at uni, there's this green in Newcastle, and it is full of the scum of the earth, who have the worst haircuts known to man. I curse who ever invented hair straightners.

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I'm with Benji, like the music, hate the stupid fucking trendwhores giving it a bad name. But Flowers is an arrogant fuck, with no reason to be. Hot Fuss is the same fucking song repeated eleven times. Mr. Brightside is the only real standout. and Maybe Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine. Work on making your own band good before you shit all over everyone else.

I wouldn't say it's that bad, but it has absolutely no replay value outside of a week. The album was the most over rated to come out this millenium and I'm at a despair to see why people love them as much as they do, they do electro-indie music 101, there's a shitload of bands that do what they do, only better and with more variation.

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I'm with Benji, like the music, hate the stupid fucking trendwhores giving it a bad name. But Flowers is an arrogant fuck, with no reason to be. Hot Fuss is the same fucking song repeated eleven times. Mr. Brightside is the only real standout. and Maybe Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine. Work on making your own band good before you shit all over everyone else.

I wouldn't say it's that bad, but it has absolutely no replay value outside of a week. The album was the most over rated to come out this millenium and I'm at a despair to see why people love them as much as they do, they do electro-indie music 101, there's a shitload of bands that do what they do, only better and with more variation.

To be honest, at the time they were one of the first to kinda "revive" the sound, or at least get big off of it. A lot of the shitload of bands that followed it came after The Killers started to get big with the sound.

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I hate Brandon Flowers as much as the next guy, but it's not like he's wrong in this particular case. You convince a bunch of tweens that this band is more a way of life than just a band because they identify with the band's manufactured pubescent angst, and they in turn follow every trend you push on them. It's not "dangerous" like Flowers said, but it's not exactly inspiring anybody to be particularly creative.

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I hate Brandon Flowers as much as the next guy, but it's not like he's wrong in this particular case. You convince a bunch of tweens that this band is more a way of life than just a band because they identify with the band's manufactured pubescent angst, and they in turn follow every trend you push on them. It's not "dangerous" like Flowers said, but it's not exactly inspiring anybody to be particularly creative.

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What the fuck is Brandon Flowers and the people who agree with him going on about? He is NO way right, or justified in what he said. He simply states emo is dangerous, provides no insight and than makes fun of Fallout Boy (surprise, surprise). People are blowing this whole emo thing WAY out of proporition. Yes, there are some REALLY shitty emo bands, but there are some great emo bands out there. It is honestly like any other sub-genre out there. It is a musical trend.... it'll go away soon and something new will rise to take it's place (my bet is on progressive polka punk.)

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Brandon Flowers is a cunt. Hardly a newsflash, but it's always nice to be reminded of the fact.

At least for once he's got the semblance of a point, though, even if it is articulated with all the skill of the Ultimate Warrior after a night on the gin, rather than his usual senseless ramblings, or his foundationless (and laughable) insulting of Brian Wilson a while back.

Oh, and,

'Oh, Fall Out Boy likes you? Fuck! I'm gonna go buy your CD!'

Yeah, because people listening to the influences of bands they like and, as a result, broadening their musical horizons, is surely the downfall of all civilisation!

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