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Movies/Trailers that have gotten applause?


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The only time I've ever seen applause and cheering at a cinema was Pirates Of The Caribbean 2. They cheered when Jack Sparrow first came on screen, applauded at the end, and I think they probably cheered at the start too.

Although having pretty much an entire row crying at the end of Finding Neverland was amusing. Teaches me to go see films with emo girls.

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The day of release of the first LOTR, school took all the first years to see it (including me). When that leader Orc guy was killed at the end, there was plenty of cheering and applause.

Never experienced it since, and it really is quite pointless <_<

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The only time I hear anything like this was at the end of Harry Potter when people cheered (Teenagers...not young'uns) so I yeld (Not thinking where I was) "Shut up cunts". And quickly left whilst being gazed at by many a parent.

I'm horrible to go to the cinema with, because I talk near constantly, I am quick thinking and can always seem to come up with a wisecrack, I often get told to shut up.

Why applaud a movie? What the fuck. Idiots.

Edited by BillyGunnPinchedMyBum
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The only time I hear anything like this was at the end of Harry Potter when people cheered (Teenagers...not young'uns) so I yeld (Not thinking where I was) "Shut up cunts". And quickly left whilst being gazed at by many a parent.

I'm horrible to go to the cinema with, because I talk near constantly, I am quick thinking and can always seem to come up with a wisecrack, I often get told to shut up.

Why applaud a movie? What the fuck. Idiots.

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Guest muddatrucker

I remember when we went to see Babe the sheep pig on a school trip, the whole cinema was filled with kids from the southwest, they clapped when the film finished, thats the first and last time it happened, I think the idea is pretty gay, I can understand the premier but most of the 'stars' aren't even watching the film anyway, they're snorting coke and getting head.

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Star Wars Episode 3. I was the only one clapping during the opening sequence. But then again tere were only 8 people in the theatre. :( But I know a guy who cried 3 ou 4 times during the movie(Order 66?, Padmé's death and the babies being delivered to their new parents)

Edited by figos
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The only time I hear anything like this was at the end of Harry Potter when people cheered (Teenagers...not young'uns) so I yeld (Not thinking where I was) "Shut up cunts". And quickly left whilst being gazed at by many a parent.

I'm horrible to go to the cinema with, because I talk near constantly, I am quick thinking and can always seem to come up with a wisecrack, I often get told to shut up.

Why applaud a movie? What the fuck. Idiots.

Wow...Your a dick.

Edited by BillyGunnPinchedMyBum
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People who speak throughout a film are a massive pet hate. A personal highlight was during Blair Witch Project in a completely full screening, someone started shining a red penlight and then talking loudly.

A big muscular guy turned round and very loudly told him to "shut the f*** up". Everyone else in the room cheered and the guy shut up.

So yeah, I lied, I HAVE been in a cinema when people have cheered.

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The only time I hear anything like this was at the end of Harry Potter when people cheered (Teenagers...not young'uns) so I yeld (Not thinking where I was) "Shut up cunts". And quickly left whilst being gazed at by many a parent.

I'm horrible to go to the cinema with, because I talk near constantly, I am quick thinking and can always seem to come up with a wisecrack, I often get told to shut up.

Why applaud a movie? What the fuck. Idiots.

Wow...Your a dick.

How so? People who cheer at the end of films piss me off.

I talk through movies...big deal. I don't pure sit there and talk constantly. I just whisper to the people I'm with (Who ar ehte people who generally tell me to shut up...besides the one time whn some bloke turned round to us and said "You are really getting on my tits, I'll kick you out if you don't shut up"...but his oppinion was nullified as he actually used the phrase "Getting on my tits".). And applauding a movie is pathetic.

Because people are paying to watch a movie, not listen to some jackass who thinks he's funny.

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Eh...for the most part, I'm the same as YI. I'll wisecrack my way through most films. The fact is, though, most cinema screens are set up so that you can't really hear what other people are saying.

Me and my friends did proper ruin Narnia for the family sat in front of us, though. That's the only time I actually got told to shut up at the cinema.

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I just remember blabbering with my friends during Brokeback Mountain and getting told to quiet down by a lady. I decided to stop because it would be the gayest thing ever to have gotten kicked out of Brokeback Mountain...

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I just remember blabbering with my friends during Brokeback Mountain and getting told to quiet down by a lady. I decided to stop because it would be the gayest thing ever to have gotten kicked out of Brokeback Mountain...

No, it would have been gayer to get a hard on during Brokeback Mountain.

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I just remember blabbering with my friends during Brokeback Mountain and getting told to quiet down by a lady. I decided to stop because it would be the gayest thing ever to have gotten kicked out of Brokeback Mountain...

No, it would have been gayer to get a hard on during Brokeback Mountain.

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