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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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A few weeks ago her new run on wonder woman started. Issue 14 maybe? They say you do not need to have read the other (horrible) 13 issues to get and enjoy her first issue, but if you have then she pretty much picks up where the other (horrible) issues left off. Apparently there is a kick ass bring you up to speed page or two that was actually better than those (horrible) year's worth of (horrible) issues. I won't know for sure until mine comes in the mail in a few more weeks, but EVERYTHING Gail has ever written has been fucking kick ass. BOP, Action Comics, Villains United, Secret Six, and The Atom at DC, Serenity (I think it's called) and Gen-13 at Wildstorm, and Agent-X/Deadpool at Marvel. She can do no wrong.

Edit: I still so HIGHLY recommend you track down her BOP run and read that as I have suggested to you for two years though. And her Atom book has the first 12 issues I think collected in trades. Both are her best work aside from Agent-X/Deadpool.

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Um... Can someone explain what the hell happened with the end of Vaughan's run on Runways into the beginning of Whedon's?

So the I finished reading the third Hardcover and have the 4 following single issues (3 left to read)...

Iron Man shows up in their hostel with a bunch of goons and then it shows Alex in what appears to be limbo...

Next thing I know, they're having a meal with Kingpin in New York. Am I missing something or did Whedon completely skip over the previous issue entirely... I'm literally confused.

How did they get away from Iron Man? Why are they in New York anyways and how did they get there? And why the hell are they meeting with Kingpin?

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Messiah Complex

. Messiah Complex has been good so far, even if they do seem to be including too much, what with the student team, the future storyline and Predator X taking page space up from the main X-Men/Marauders/Purifiers story.
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Messiah Complex
. Messiah Complex has been good so far, even if they do seem to be including too much, what with the student team, the future storyline and Predator X taking page space up from the main X-Men/Marauders/Purifiers story.

I actually prefer the other stuff over the main storyline. That is to say without all of it the story would be nowhere near as good. If my hand were forced though I would dump Predator X

I think predator X is only in there so that they can say that something 'new' was thrown in.

As for he storyline itself, I generally enjoy it but I agree with timMAYy in thinking it feels a little stretched. I don't mind the overall scope of it, it's when they try and update all aspects of the story in each issue that is seems to go a bit thin.

I'd have probably preferred if they had kept most of each arc in it's respective issue (kids in New X-Men, main story in X-men, etc), with literally only the odd panel here and there keeping you up to date, if anything.

In other news, Namor had a damn solid final issue, with a nice twist at the end. It's a pity it was limited series, 'cos I'd have liked to see more, but who knows? Maybe Namor'll get a bit more time.

I finished 52 volume 4 the other day and have come to the conclusion that 52 was 'fine' overall, but there were some let downs. One thing that got to me was all the random information thrown out at the last minute (like the fact that skeets, or whatever its called, is a giant bug >_>).

Still the stuff with Question/Montoya, Booster Gold, Ralph Dibney and Black Adam were generally good.

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I was just looking for when her BOP run starts for trades and I can't figure it out :(

Here is the listing of Gail's BOP trades:

Birds Of Prey Volume One: Of Like Minds

Birds Of Prey Volume Two: Sensei and Student

Birds Of Prey Volume Three: Between Dark and Dawn

Birds Of Prey Volume Four: The Battle Within

Birds Of Prey Volume Five: Perfect Pitch

Birds Of Prey Volume Six: Blood and Circuits

All are available on Amazon.com for less than $14 apiece (some as low as $9) and are all very very good reads.

PS: This is her entire run collected in all six trades. I think one issue is missing, but it was a fill in issue by another writer written during the time she wrote Secret Six and Infinite Crisis was coming out and DC books were missing deadlines worse than Marvel does.

There is also

Birds Of Prey 1

Birds Of Prey 2: Old Friends New Enemies

That collect the mini series and first 8 issues of the ongoing, but those are by Chuck Dixon. It does explain how Barbara Gordon and Black Canary came to be partners and friends though and are good.

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I just scored on eBay


It's going to come out to about $80 after shipping for the 18 books. Dunno about you guys, but I couldn't pass up an offer like that. 11 of them are books I've wanted to read anyways. 1 of them, I have... but the other 6 could suprise me and make me like them as well.

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What do you guys think of Marvel Digital Comics? Good use of 60 bucks? Does anyone have it?

You can't keep any of the comics you read, there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to what has been made available, and if you get involved in a specific book you might no have many issues available to read. Marvel is trying to hook people with the concept of reading their books online, only to then try to get them to go out and buy more to finish reading stories and books they got you interested in. So my opinion is no, it's not a good deal at this time.

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What is it with the fucking DC purists? Marvel fans in general, whilst they tend not to like DC at least have an explanation for why and are willing to admit when DC does a good story, DC fans are usually just rampaging pricks who insists DC's characters and stories are far superior to Marvel and won't admit even the tiniest flaw, in fact, at even the mention of Marvel half of them actually physically scoff as if they're some toff and the plebs have started talking about cock fighting. More to the point, why can't anybody except me and my boss have an unbiased opinion on the old rivalry?

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Just quickly - as my knowledge of Sandman is restricted to the few issues I've scavenged from the internet at large, how good is Wikipedia's description of his appearance ("Attired in a green business suit, fedora, and gas mask") and are there any other details I should know about? Strange question? Why yes, yes it is, but Sandy is the most badass character in all of Christendom that wears a gas mask and so he seems like a perfect choice.

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Just quickly - as my knowledge of Sandman is restricted to the few issues I've scavenged from the internet at large, how good is Wikipedia's description of his appearance ("Attired in a green business suit, fedora, and gas mask") and are there any other details I should know about? Strange question? Why yes, yes it is, but Sandy is the most badass character in all of Christendom that wears a gas mask and so he seems like a perfect choice.
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