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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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All Star Batman And Robin?

And I understand not liking Loeb, but I took it to mean he disliked the art.

All Star Batman And Robin at least looks pretty, but yeah, not FM's best work.

On the flip side, I like Tim Sale's art when it jibes with the text. I remember being specifically pissed about a scene in Long Halloween where a character describes a manner of death that seemed inconsistent with the art (2 in the back of the head vs. slit wrists in a bathtub seems to come to mind, it's been a looooong while since I read it). I wrongly perceived it as a clue and the end solution to the mystery ended up being WTF? It's been so long (since it first came out, actually) that I don't recall specifically WHY I hated it, but HOW vehemently.

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I just finished reading Mark Millar's Wanted and what a piece of art this thing is. I mean it's art in the same way that Fight Club is a masterful piece of art. In fact, it resembles Fight Club quite a bit, but like said movie, it is just manly as all fucking hell. It even pokes fun at the over the top gimmicks of comic books sometimes. Johnny Two-Dicks. Johnny, fucking, Two-Dicks. Brilliant. So if anyone out there is looking to read something dark and brutal with some nice artwork, I'd strongly suggest Wanted. Very fun.

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Millar does well with new creations or recreating old ones ala The Ultimate Universe. His characterization of established characters however is usually pretty far off. I point to most everyone in Civil War as a perfect example of this.

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I have yet to be able to connect with a Millar book...they all just seem to be ideas thrown together that could be really cool, but I never get inside any of his characters minds and so I feel nothing for the people involved. Even on his own books...perfect example being Kick-Ass. I've read 4 issues now and I'm not entirely sure what fans of it are seeing that I'm not. The book was already a hard one to get my head around before the introduction of an 8(?) year old samurai-welding vigilante.

I's that reason alone I haven't checked out 1985.

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Theres thousands of web comics out there that are drawn as well, if not better than that. So it's not a stretch of any sort. Something about the art work actually looks more like a web comic to me anyway.

EDIT: On a different subject... I dunno how much of an order graphic novels follow, but can anyone tell me (or at least try to) the chronological order of

Dark Victory

Hush 1 & 2

The Cult

Dark Knight Returns

I'm planning to order them all and would like to (if possible) read them in order. Thanks.

Edited by JairusCain
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It's from She-Hulk issue 3 or 4 I think, circa 2004ish. She-Hulk as written by Dan Slott and drawn by Juan Bobilla. That was one damn awesome series.

That's awesome. I'll have to check it out.

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However Spider-Man Brand New Day, which involves Slott, I can't say anything on one way or the other. To date, everything Slott has ever written that I have read I have loved. She-Hulk, Thing, his dark Arkham Asylum mini for DC, Avengers Initiative, and GLA.

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However Spider-Man Brand New Day, which involves Slott, I can't say anything on one way or the other. To date, everything Slott has ever written that I have read I have loved. She-Hulk, Thing, his dark Arkham Asylum mini for DC, Avengers Initiative, and GLA.

Have you read Spider-Man & Human Torch? It was all kinds of awesome, it was funny and really fleshed out the friendship between Spidey and Torch, which culminates...

...with Spidey revealing to the Torch he's Peter Parker and the F4 and the Parker family having dinner, then with a photo album of vacations and Christmases together.

Really awesome stuff, IMO.

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