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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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so how well was the "52" story line done in DC ?

I was at Books A Million this weekend and they had the collected book for 3.97$ .... so I picked it up without really knowing anything other than who the DC Universe is missing ..... despite how well/not well it's done I figured that 3.97 was a damn good deal regardless.

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52 was very continuity heavy, and being a longtime DC reader it was fine for me. For newer readers to DC I heard it was very hard to understand/get into. I hope you got the first trade as well, because if it was volume 2-4 you are so lost.

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52 was very continuity heavy, and being a longtime DC reader it was fine for me. For newer readers to DC I heard it was very hard to understand/get into. I hope you got the first trade as well, because if it was volume 2-4 you are so lost.

52 was the first DC event I had read and I found it to be a lot easier to understand after one or two issues than most of the events/on-going series' DC do. Because the story doesn't really follow the big DC characters that I knew from other forms of media it could have easily gone the other way around but after the first couple issues of set-up I was able to pick up on who most of the people were and their motives as far as the 52 storyline goes. Maybe it's just me but once I tried to branch out into the other DC events I found myself completely lost. I've never been a fan of multiple universes and that seems to be a core pillar to most of DC's events whereas, unless I have forgotten anything major, 52 seemed very contained in the one universe with the same set of recurring characters.

Since then I haven't read another DC book that was as easy to follow and so I stick mostly to the Marvel stuff, but I must admit to really enjoying the change of pace DC books offer.

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52 was very continuity heavy, and being a longtime DC reader it was fine for me. For newer readers to DC I heard it was very hard to understand/get into. I hope you got the first trade as well, because if it was volume 2-4 you are so lost.

52 was the first DC event I had read and I found it to be a lot easier to understand after one or two issues than most of the events/on-going series' DC do. Because the story doesn't really follow the big DC characters that I knew from other forms of media it could have easily gone the other way around but after the first couple issues of set-up I was able to pick up on who most of the people were and their motives as far as the 52 storyline goes. Maybe it's just me but once I tried to branch out into the other DC events I found myself completely lost. I've never been a fan of multiple universes and that seems to be a core pillar to most of DC's events whereas, unless I have forgotten anything major, 52 seemed very contained in the one universe with the same set of recurring characters.

Since then I haven't read another DC book that was as easy to follow and so I stick mostly to the Marvel stuff, but I must admit to really enjoying the change of pace DC books offer.

Massive 52 Spoiler contained within!

It was 52 that brought back the multiverse after being gone for 20 years, hence the name 52 referring to the 52 Earths. But I will agree that since 52 the DC Universe has been a convoluted mess.
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52 was very continuity heavy, and being a longtime DC reader it was fine for me. For newer readers to DC I heard it was very hard to understand/get into. I hope you got the first trade as well, because if it was volume 2-4 you are so lost.

52 was the first DC event I had read and I found it to be a lot easier to understand after one or two issues than most of the events/on-going series' DC do. Because the story doesn't really follow the big DC characters that I knew from other forms of media it could have easily gone the other way around but after the first couple issues of set-up I was able to pick up on who most of the people were and their motives as far as the 52 storyline goes. Maybe it's just me but once I tried to branch out into the other DC events I found myself completely lost. I've never been a fan of multiple universes and that seems to be a core pillar to most of DC's events whereas, unless I have forgotten anything major, 52 seemed very contained in the one universe with the same set of recurring characters.

Since then I haven't read another DC book that was as easy to follow and so I stick mostly to the Marvel stuff, but I must admit to really enjoying the change of pace DC books offer.

Massive 52 Spoiler contained within!

It was 52 that brought back the multiverse after being gone for 20 years, hence the name 52 referring to the 52 Earths. But I will agree that since 52 the DC Universe has been a convoluted mess.

Wow does my memory suck, was the spoiler tag something that came about towards the end? I'm thinking I missed out on the last handful of issues. Most of what I remember featured The Question and Booster Gold.

I know there are self-contained DC books but as an outsider looking in, the inclusion of multi-verses and several versions of the same character really confuses the hell out of me. I know Marvel have their fair share of convoluted messes but at least with them I don't feel I need to know 20+ years of character X(and his several parallel universe counterparts) history to pick up one of their books and follow what's happening. That's also why I'm partially enjoying Trinity from DC, for no other reason than it's a story that weaves the big characters from DC together and doesn't slam you in the face with too much history.

I'm waiting patiently for my next 12 issue hardcover of Walking Dead. Robert Kirkman has done some fantastic stuff with a series that could have easily lost steam after 6 issues.

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God damn, I haven't read The Walking Dead in months and I bought the first two volumes this last weekend and have re-read them twice (three times total), I forgot how wonderful and yet simple the book is.

Thank you. The Walking Dead is one of the most fun comic books that I've ever read. It helps that I have a fondness for zombies, but even still, The Walking Dead is great. Dare I say, it's probably my favourite 'non-superhero' series that's come out recently aside from Fell.

Which you douchebags should read.

And yes, that's definitely an alternate/variant cover of The Joker. UK only, maybe?

Edited by Diet Sousa
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I agree entirely, it was boring and I don't give a crap about the ending. However, I did mark out for Hawkeye using arrows again
Edited by timmayy Aaron XXIV
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So I read "New Ways To Die" the other day, I have a question.

Can we fucking go back to the previous continuity and monthly releases now? This over dilution of lame is still awful, I gave it more than enough chance, now let's have you admit you were wrong and just restore order to everyone's favourite web slinger. Pretty please?
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So I want to get The Watchmen, but the TPB will contain all twelve issues or whatever in one book right? My girlfriend was going to get me it as a late birthday gift, but I stopped her from buying twelve separate issues since that seems like way too much money.

So I want the TPB right? I am somewhat new to this. :shifty:

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So what is everyone regularly reading?

I decided to cancel a lot of the stuff I have on reserve because it's costing me way to much. I cancelled all the Avengers books, all X-Men, Punisher, Iron-Man and Wolverine. The only stuff I have left is Star Wars KOTOR/Legacy/Dark Times/Rebellion, Angel and Buffy.

I didn't like the look of Astonishing X-Men post-Whedon, but I've just read 25-27 and it is really good. The characterisations are quality and I'll have to add that back onto the list. Now I have also read X-Men Legacy and I'm really liking where it's going with Xavier and the "side stories" so that'll be going back on the list. Uncanny however is rubbish.

Punisher I have lost all interest in since about 15-20 issues ago but have just been reading it for the sake of reading it. Wolverine and Iron-Man are the same.

Deadpool is brilliant. I was a bit wary about it without Nicieza but it the story so far has been very good. So. Adding that.

New/Mighty Avengers is actually quite good. They were always good fun reads. Nothing groundbreaking or anything that made me go "wow I can't wait for the next issue" but it's still enjoyable. Might add these back, but I might go for the trades from now on.

So while I have cancelled about seven or eight titles, it looks like I'll be adding seven or eight titles to my reserve again. Good money saving.

Secret Invasion

X-Men: Legacy

Astonishing X-Men


Angel - After The Fall

Buffy - Season Eight

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Legacy

Star Wars: Dark Times

Star Wars: Rebellion

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So I want to get The Watchmen, but the TPB will contain all twelve issues or whatever in one book right? My girlfriend was going to get me it as a late birthday gift, but I stopped her from buying twelve separate issues since that seems like way too much money.

So I want the TPB right? I am somewhat new to this. :shifty:

Yes the trade has it all.

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So I want to get The Watchmen, but the TPB will contain all twelve issues or whatever in one book right? My girlfriend was going to get me it as a late birthday gift, but I stopped her from buying twelve separate issues since that seems like way too much money.

So I want the TPB right? I am somewhat new to this. :shifty:

Where on earth was she going to buy 12 individual issues of Watchmen? A quick e-bay search reveals some store selling it for $200 American, roughly ten times the cost of a tpb.

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Legacy

Star Wars: Dark Times

Star Wars: Rebellion

This sir is all you really need. Old Republic comic makes me giddier than a school girl every time I get my grubby hands on it. Rebellion and Legacy are pretty good by I loves me some Dark Times as well.

And seeing as I have been out of the comic buying spree for about a month now and have apparently missed Secret Invasion, is it any good?

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Secret Invasion is interesting but it is far too slow for me. In Civil War I at least felt like something was happening every issue. This one not so much. If I were you I might get the trade though. Reading them all at once would be more enjoyable than waiting a month or so and then not getting much more story each time.

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