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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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I just got hold of Ultimate X-Men 91, and all I have to say wow. Apocalypse looks more of a threat in this book than in any other book I remember reading in the 616 universe. Heck, he looks more of a threat than in the Age of Apocalypse story! The sheer brutality and despair he brought in one single issue was just... awesome. I hope it doesn't all go downhill from here.

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I just got hold of Ultimate X-Men 91, and all I have to say wow. Apocalypse looks more of a threat in this book than in any other book I remember reading in the 616 universe. Heck, he looks more of a threat than in the Age of Apocalypse story! The sheer brutality and despair he brought in one single issue was just... awesome. I hope it doesn't all go downhill from here.

That's the one thing at always bothered me about AoA, is that the man himself never felt like the direct threat, it was always his cronies, even in battles Apocalypse seemed to take a backseat to inner feuds. Trying to remember, was #91 the one where...

Angel died, the Morlocks ran away and Apocalypse rose to the surface?
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I just got hold of Ultimate X-Men 91, and all I have to say wow. Apocalypse looks more of a threat in this book than in any other book I remember reading in the 616 universe. Heck, he looks more of a threat than in the Age of Apocalypse story! The sheer brutality and despair he brought in one single issue was just... awesome. I hope it doesn't all go downhill from here.

That's the one thing at always bothered me about AoA, is that the man himself never felt like the direct threat, it was always his cronies, even in battles Apocalypse seemed to take a backseat to inner feuds. Trying to remember, was #91 the one where...

Angel died, the Morlocks ran away and Apocalypse rose to the surface?

Nope. It's the issue after that one. In it,

(BEWARE! Lots of spoilers! Don't read unless you want to get the whole issue spoiled!)

Apocalypse grows stronger by the minute, taking mutant's powers away for himself; example: Wolverine's healing factor. Wolverine stabs Apocalypse in the neck, Apocalypse takes his healing factor for him, and I think deprives Wolverine of it, grabs Wolvie and rips his arm off and uses Wolverine's own claws to scratch his face (guess we now know how Cable got that way), lessee, kicks the whole Morlock Nation's collective asses, possesses every mutant in New York City to attack fellow heroes against their will (for instance: Kitty Pryde attacks Spider-Man, Cyclops' X-Men attack the Fantastic Four), gets shot head-on by SHIELD's forces only to evolve and say "You are but children against me. Every attempt to destroy me only makes me stronger!", and the issue ends with who I suppose are two of his Horsemen, one that kinda resembles Magneto and another one I have no clue as to who it is, showing up, facing the Fantastic Four and Cyke's X-Men. Oh, and New York is in ruins, or at least a big part of it: fires, crumbling buildings, you name it.

Like I said, there's this feeling of despair that Apocalypse brought on that I haven't felt in the 616 books. I mean, like you said, even in the AoA, IIRC, he gets beaten, torn in half, by a weakened Magneto, for crying out loud. I'm really loving this version of Apoc.

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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I just learned that Spider-Man was Pestilence in an alternate universe in the Cable & Deadpool series, I think I need to get ahold of that just to see Spidey as Pestilence.

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Since Secret Invasion is but a couple weeks away, let's get the discussion going. Who do you think IS a skrull AND if you were in charge of Marvel, who would you make a skrull and why?

My money is on Luke Cage and Black Widow as each of the Avengers skrulls, if not more than one (I pray Wonder Man is too), I'm starting to think that Sentry might end up being some kind of long hidden skrull weapon, I'm almost certain that either the president or Maria Hill is a skrull judging by the secret conversations in Secret War.

If it were up to me, I wouldn't be aiming for the key players so much as taking the ones on the sidelines who can really screw with things, those smaller but integral characters like Aunt May, Valeria and Franklin Richards, the ones who can tug on the heart strings of the heroes in order to really screw up their minds. Just imagine the FF taking on what they believe to be their own child, Franklin, with his amazing powers, only to find he's been a skrull for God knows how long.

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The raging nerd inside me that says "I-really-hate-this-Tony-Stark" wants to scream "Iron Man! IRON MAN!", but I dunno.. I'm still torn about the whole Iron Man issue.

I do like the idea of someone like Franklin or Aunt May being a Skrull, though.

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The two big names I would think would be Tony Stark and Reed Richards. Just mainly due to their actions during the Civil War seeming almost uncharacteristic.

This is either going to be really awesome, or totally bomb.

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Tony Stark is CURRENTLY 100% not a skrull, there's been hints something might happen during the Invasion, but nothing confirmed or denied and either way, I doubt it'll last very long. Ditto goes for Steve Rogers, when he was shot, that was indeed Cap and not a skrull, if someone dies and doesn't turn into a skrull, they're not a skrull.

Captain America spoilers...

Having said that, after reading the latest Cap, I'm starting to think that at least one person might be a skrull after the last issues ending!
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You have to tell me more Benji!

I was thinking that if they want to go back a long ways, they could have Bucky/Winter Soldier be a skrull. Though, didn't someone probe into his mind or some shit to help him regain his memories? And if so, wouldn't they have figured it out?

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You have to tell me more Benji!

I was thinking that if they want to go back a long ways, they could have Bucky/Winter Soldier be a skrull. Though, didn't someone probe into his mind or some shit to help him regain his memories? And if so, wouldn't they have figured it out?

In the latest Cap, Sharon discovered a clone or something of Steve Rogers. Also, what if the person who probed him was a skrull as well? I don't think Bucky is a skrull, if he was I'd be pissed because he's turned from a forgotten relic to an absolute treasure of a character in Brubaker's hands.
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You have to tell me more Benji!

I was thinking that if they want to go back a long ways, they could have Bucky/Winter Soldier be a skrull. Though, didn't someone probe into his mind or some shit to help him regain his memories? And if so, wouldn't they have figured it out?

In the latest Cap, Sharon discovered a clone or something of Steve Rogers. Also, what if the person who probed him was a skrull as well? I don't think Bucky is a skrull, if he was I'd be pissed because he's turned from a forgotten relic to an absolute treasure of a character in Brubaker's hands.

Going off on this spoiler:

Cloning is how I expect Steve to be brought back, unless someone gets their hands on a Cosmic Cube. Think about it: at one point the Red Skull was in a cloned version of Steve's body made by Arnim Zola.

I love the way Bucky was brought back, and there's NO WAY he can be a Skrull; Cap (Steve) used the Cosmic Cube to restore Bucky's memories when he was acting as Winter Soldier, and the way it was done he HAS to be Bucky, unless they do a major cop out and they say he's a fake and thinks he's Bucky because Cap believed he was when he used the CC. Cap didn't say "remember you're Bucky" when he used the Cube, just "remember", so it should have restored Winter Soldier's real memories, not made him into someone else.

I don't think Tony or Natasha (Black Widow) are Skrulls, but I hope to hell that Reed Richards and Hank Pym turn out to be, because there's no real way to justify their actions and acting out of character during Civil War. The Thor clone was something a villain would do, and Reed justifying the HUAC ruining an uncle he claims he loved just doesn't make any sense at all. The Thing fleeing to motherfucking France instead of fighting against the pro-Reg side didn't make much sense either. I also hope that lame ass female "reporter" Sally Floyd turns out to be a Skrull, because if not she's the biggest idiot in the Marvel U based on her comments about Cap in Frontline. Who gives a flying fuck if Cap watches NASCAR?!

(Then again, Paul Jenkins is a third-rate hack.....)

Edited by GhostMachine
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Anyone curious about anyone in Cap being a skrull or what not should head to Newsarama where Bru said

that the Cap book exists in a bubble right now. He has no plans to tie into Secret Invasion at all. While some of his characters will appear in SI, SI won't appear in Cap. As for the body at the end of the issue...

An even bigger spoiler is next

...not a clone. Not a skrull. Not a hoax. Not a dream. What does it mean? It has a huge connection to the cover of Cap #39 that was revealed a few weeks ago.

All of this and more is revealed at www.newsarama.com from last friday's A Cap Is Still Dead commentary with Bru about issue 37.

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From comicbookresources, possible huge spoilers regarding Spider-Man, Secret Invasion, and a new Iron Man villain:

ITEM! The marvel_b0y blogger, exposed to the world in last week's LITG, has caused quite a storm at Marvel. Some people claim he's a plant, but internal word at Marvel indicated quite the opposite. There was anger, a sense of betrayal and the beginnings of a witch hunt. Visuals he posted were taken on the day they were shot, some details he gave were exact, and certain Marvel employees were given a grilling.

His blog has been deleted, so read the google cache while you can.

Highlights include:

1) SECRET INVASION - Bendis is finally going to get reunited with his man-crush. Looks like a bunch of the 70’s heroes were replaced by Skrulls which means gold-shirt, tiara-wearing Cage is back. Not-so-Sweet Christmas. 2 weeks until Brevoort’s praising this on his blog.

2) One word: MODOG (aka Fraction’s brilliant new idea for an Iron Man villain)

3) Spider-Man - Brevoort and Slott got into a huge argument today on the phone over who exactly is coming back in Slott’s Brand New Day arc in June. Those last pages are being drawn and Marvel’s been saying a “red-head” is coming back, but now Slott wants a certain “blonde” to return. No idea how it ended or what was decided, Brevoort went into a conference room after and came out red-faced from either fighting until he won or pissed that he lost. Or there were red-hot candies in there and he stress-ate them. Personally, I think MJ should be back but if anyone can make Gwen’s return work, it’s Slott.

OK, if that Spider-Man thing happens, I will be pissed beyond belief. But hey, they screwed up a large part of Spidey's history, why not this, too? Fuck...

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Quesada said they'd already decided not to bring Gwen back, but to be honest, if they were going to bring anybody back to make Peter Parker's love life more interesting, it SHOULD have been Gwen, not Harry. I don't mind either way, Amazing Spider-Man has been lame to excellent depending on the current arc, I'll keep reading no matter what, despite what I might insist.

Also, pick up Batman/Superman Annual #2, then thank me, it's a wonderfully woven tale, I'd hope to see Kelly take over the main book properly.
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Quesada said they'd already decided not to bring Gwen back, but to be honest, if they were going to bring anybody back to make Peter Parker's love life more interesting, it SHOULD have been Gwen, not Harry. I don't mind either way, Amazing Spider-Man has been lame to excellent depending on the current arc, I'll keep reading no matter what, despite what I might insist.

Also, pick up Batman/Superman Annual #2, then thank me, it's a wonderfully woven tale, I'd hope to see Kelly take over the main book properly.

You know, that sentence

if they were going to bring anybody back to make Peter Parker's love life more interesting, it SHOULD have been Gwen, not Harry.

just sounds so wrong in so many levels :P

As for Super & Bats, I don't usually read it, but meh, I'll check it out.

Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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