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Hits Daily Double (website), the companion web site of music industry tip sheet Hits, reports, according to Blabbermouth.net:

"Audioslave's third album, the Brendan O'Brien-produced 'Revelations', is slated for a September 5 release, but insiders are saying this will be the band's last, with Chris Cornell splitting for a solo career.

"A previous summer tour has already been canceled. 'Original Fire', the first single from the album, was released two weeks ago to Most Added status at Rock and Alternative radio.

"Word is the three remaining members nixed a seven-figure offer from promoters to reunite as Rage Against The Machine with ex-lead singer Zack de la Rocha amid rumors of bad blood."

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This news wasn't terrible until I read that last line. Fuck. Maybe they'll form that band with Chuck D they almost did after Zack left. Or maybe the RATM bad blood will cool when both sides realise they've got nothing to do. Either way, this news will either be bad or horrible depending on how good this third Audioslave album is.

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With all due respect to people who like Audioslave, I'm not shedding any tears as there was so much potential that was drowned in bland, bland music. I understand why people like them as they're catchy enough and all, but meh. I liked the one song of Chris Cornell's solo work that they played on the radio, so from a musical standpoint this sounds like an improvement.

From a business standpoint though, probably not the best of ideas. But it's not like they aren't all rich enough as it is, probably.

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With all due respect to people who like Audioslave, I'm not shedding any tears as there was so much potential that was drowned in bland, bland music. I understand why people like them as they're catchy enough and all, but meh
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I really hope this isn't true. Audioslave are one of my favorites.

Euphoria Morning was godly, but I can't help but feel that another Cornell solo would be the musical equivalent of WWECW, becuase his voice now is nowhere near what it was then. It's a lot more raspy. What with drugs and aging and all that. But Rage playing in the background makes that voice work excellently. If he tries to do something like most of the stuff on Euphoria Morning, it would probably sound really, really subpar. If that makes any sense.

But then again, Cornell at half of his best is better than most people in their peak, so I'll suppor thim either way. :shifty:

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I'm disappointed too. Audioslave splitting up is the best thing that could happen to all involved. Cornell, as a solo artist, is phenomenal, if he can carry on doing stuff like Euphoria Morning, he's going to keep selling albums, and recording fantastic mellow music, maybe branching out to a new audience, while the old RATM boys could either go their seperate ways to work on new projects, or hook up with a new frontman who won't take away their unique sound and turn them into another bland hard rock band like the second Audioslave album did.

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I really hope this isn't true. Audioslave are one of my favorites.

Euphoria Morning was godly, but I can't help but feel that another Cornell solo would be the musical equivalent of WWECW, becuase his voice now is nowhere near what it was then. It's a lot more raspy. What with drugs and aging and all that. But Rage playing in the background makes that voice work excellently. If he tries to do something like most of the stuff on Euphoria Morning, it would probably sound really, really subpar. If that makes any sense.

But then again, Cornell at half of his best is better than most people in their peak, so I'll suppor thim either way. :shifty:

Cornell's voice now is just as good -- if not slightly better -- than it was at the time of "Euphoria Morning". He was hitting the booze fairly hard at the time EM was recorded, since he was dealing with a divorce from Susan Silver and the post-Soundgarden expectations. Now, he's obviously looking better and sounding better. There is no way you could keep that kind of range after living the life Cornell has. To his credit, though, he has survived and remains one of the premiere vocalists (and songwriters) in rock.

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So they're not using "Casino Royale" as the theme for "Casino Royale"? I am so fucking pissed off right about now. It'd have made the film.

Edited by BillyGunnPinchedMyBum
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