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Woohoo! Snakes on a Plane

Guest clintcasey

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This is an awful movie. If they didn't go back and make the R-Rated changes it would have barely been funny. All the fun is in watching a guy get bitten in the cock and saying "Damn snake, get the hell offa my dick!".

The way they get rid of the snakes doesn't even make sense. WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT? Weirdos.

See it opening weekend or you won't enjoy it. Audiences will get their fill and that will be the end of it.

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For the most part, it was fantastic, I loved it, and largely because of the people I was with, but I'm sure I'd have loved it anyway. It's just a good camp B-Movie, and if anyone ever expected more than that from it, they were probably mental in the first place.

The ending seemed a bit hotshotted, not only how they get rid of the snakes, but how we never find out what actually happened to the guy behind it all. The surfing at the end was just hilarious, and I'm not sure why.

The good far outweighs the bad, though. Any film in which Samuel L says (as well as the obvious quote): "SPORKS?!", "Snakes on crack!" and "X-Box", or anyone says "get this fucking snake off my ass!" is good in my books.

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Guest thetinman

Samual L Jackson ends up shooting the cockpit door on the plane because it was infested with snakes while everyone held on /strapped on and when you shoot a gun off on a plane the windows implode so a big huge opening on the plane and all the snakes ended up flying out while everyone held on.

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This is an awful movie. If they didn't go back and make the R-Rated changes it would have barely been funny. All the fun is in watching a guy get bitten in the cock and saying "Damn snake, get the hell offa my dick!".

The way they get rid of the snakes doesn't even make sense. WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT? Weirdos.

See it opening weekend or you won't enjoy it. Audiences will get their fill and that will be the end of it.

I hate people like you.

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I loved it, I really did. It probably wouldn't be nearly as good unless your with a bunch of friends or unless your in a packed theater. My favorite part was when they went to "snake cam" and the entire audience would hiss at the screen. Seriously, it was just so damn fun. Would be awesome if for the DVD release they do what Sin City did and have an audio track from a packed theater.

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This is an awful movie. If they didn't go back and make the R-Rated changes it would have barely been funny. All the fun is in watching a guy get bitten in the cock and saying "Damn snake, get the hell offa my dick!".

The way they get rid of the snakes doesn't even make sense. WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT? Weirdos.

See it opening weekend or you won't enjoy it. Audiences will get their fill and that will be the end of it.

I hate people like you.

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I loved it, I really did. It probably wouldn't be nearly as good unless your with a bunch of friends or unless your in a packed theater. My favorite part was when they went to "snake cam" and the entire audience would hiss at the screen. Seriously, it was just so damn fun. Would be awesome if for the DVD release they do what Sin City did and have an audio track from a packed theater.

Well, I expect it to turn into Rocky Horror in terms of large groups of people getting together to watch it. Just so that opening night magic can be recaptured.

Hence my earlier mention of this being something that's gonna be huge around college campuses.

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Samual L Jackson ends up shooting the cockpit door on the plane because it was infested with snakes while everyone held on /strapped on and when you shoot a gun off on a plane the windows implode so a big huge opening on the plane and all the snakes ended up flying out while everyone held on.

So they showed the ending in the trailer and also used something proved untrue by the Mythbusters. Nice.

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I've only experienced the clapping at the cinema thing twice, and that was at the new Pirates Of The Caribbean and Snakes On A Plane, both on their first showing. I don't know if it's because it was the first showing, or if that's just the way cinema-goers over here are becoming in general.

SOAP is the only film I've applauded myself, though (not counting a couple of claps while laughing at a great joke, but I do that in all situations >_>), largely because me and all of my friends were fairly drunk, and had been obsessing over the film for months and months, so when Samuel L finally said "motherfucking snakes", we all applauded.

But, yeah, it's shit when anyone else does it >_>

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