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Football Manager 2007


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I love the South American u20 Championships, I've just confirmed 5 deals for next season for the top five performers. A striker, two midfielders and two players that can play on either wing.

The only problem I've found is that the majority of South American players are quite slow. Out of about 15 players I've looked at only 8 or 9 have both acceleration and pace over 13.

Compare that Eastern Europe, where almost every youngster is fucking speedy gonzalez, it just seems a bit odd.

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New season at Blackburn, lots of changes, managed to beat Bolton 1-0 with Barton sent off for them after 15 minutes. Then hammered Southend 4-0. Everything looked pretty good, as if my look was changing and then Aston Villa kill me 5-0.

This is my main problem with FM, some players are just too good and always play amazing no matter what happens it seems, just gets a bit unrealistic at times. I'm still addicted to it though >_<

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Gahhhhh. So like, on this game, players always seem to get interest in them by about 20,000 clubs at once. I just got that with Gabriel Paletta. He's worth 2m, and I get loads of clubs offering sums of about 6.5m. I turn them down since he's such a great prospect, and reply with "10m, k?" So then Bayern come in with a 10m bid, and I'm like... nah. I turn down their 10m bid and everybody else's 10m bids and set my asking price to 100m.

Now Lyon and Roma have offered me 16.25m. That money, coupled with my current transfer kitty, will give me something like 40m to spend on a replacement. I'll probably accept, but I've got a week to scout around before I have to do anything. A 2m player for 16.25, that's just madness!

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I lost 2-0 to Boro and then 3-2 to Leicester in the League Cup, the second match we should have won, the first we were outplayed in. So I've made the headlines with my hairdryer team talks recently, go me.

Sold Quaresma to Fiorentina for £11m since he didn't want to be here anymore, helepd fund the £9.5m move for Micah Richards - who I have decided fucking sucks at DC >_<

EDIT: Oh and Sunderland, Tranmere and other teams are constantly putting loan offers in for Treacy, Underwood and Dalla Valle. It's getting annoying now >_<

Edited by IAceI
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AAARRRGHHH THIS GAME PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. I hate how random it is as to whether you do well or do bad. Last night I won 12 games in a row, since I turned it on earlier I haven't fucking won once. It's absolute bollocks. I also hate how even though you've had all the possession and all the shots, the game gives your entire team 6s across the board just because you've lost the game. How is that logical? We had all the attacks and we played some good football, and we limited them to one chance which they scored, the snidey cunts. I don't understand how straight 6s is a just representation of our performance. Give the strikers six for not scoring any, or even lower if you want, but not the midfield that played their ass off <_< It's making my team sound worse than there were. It's not the fact that I lost that annoys me when I lose, it's when the team plays well and the stupid game doesn't give them credit for it.

EDIT: And the reason this gets on my nerves so much is because whilst I'm pleased despite the result, if I say that I'm pleased despite the result when my entire team got 6s, they're going to think it's okay to get 6s. So I have to say they simply weren't good enough, which is going to sink their morale.

Edited by Pesci Soze
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7 games into the season I've won 3, lost 3 and drew 1 giving me 10 points, i'm sitting 10th with a goal difference of 0 after scoring 10 and conceding 10. (5 of those did come to Villa ¬_¬)

My aims from the fans are to rebuild the squad basically, the board want me to fight relegation, I'd quite like to finish between 9-14 really. A good midtable finish which isn't looking impossible, my teams pretty strong now.

I have a 16 year old Czech who I want to play, but I find it hard to work him into the team. I don't want to put him in the U18's or Reserves though, but I don't want his stats to not change because they aren't going up in training and he needs to play matches.

Oh yeah and I had an Icelandic striker come up through my latest batch of acadamy players (and a Carlisle born player - new favourite! \o/) We beat Bristol City U18's 9-0 and Runar Arnason scored 6 - and the Carlisle born player scored one too :D

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AAARRRGHHH THIS GAME PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. I hate how random it is as to whether you do well or do bad. Last night I won 12 games in a row, since I turned it on earlier I haven't fucking won once. It's absolute bollocks. I also hate how even though you've had all the possession and all the shots, the game gives your entire team 6s across the board just because you've lost the game. How is that logical? We had all the attacks and we played some good football, and we limited them to one chance which they scored, the snidey cunts. I don't understand how straight 6s is a just representation of our performance. Give the strikers six for not scoring any, or even lower if you want, but not the midfield that played their ass off <_< It's making my team sound worse than there were. It's not the fact that I lost that annoys me when I lose, it's when the team plays well and the stupid game doesn't give them credit for it.

EDIT: And the reason this gets on my nerves so much is because whilst I'm pleased despite the result, if I say that I'm pleased despite the result when my entire team got 6s, they're going to think it's okay to get 6s. So I have to say they simply weren't good enough, which is going to sink their morale.

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Stop trolling, I never said the game hates me. It's not called form when my team plays completely different to the way they were when I last played the game, every time I load the game. I never said I was annoyed because my team stopped winning, I said I'm annoyed at the way it happened and the way it always happens.

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AAARRRGHHH THIS GAME PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. I hate how random it is as to whether you do well or do bad. Last night I won 12 games in a row, since I turned it on earlier I haven't fucking won once. It's absolute bollocks. I also hate how even though you've had all the possession and all the shots, the game gives your entire team 6s across the board just because you've lost the game. How is that logical? We had all the attacks and we played some good football, and we limited them to one chance which they scored, the snidey cunts. I don't understand how straight 6s is a just representation of our performance. Give the strikers six for not scoring any, or even lower if you want, but not the midfield that played their ass off <_< It's making my team sound worse than there were. It's not the fact that I lost that annoys me when I lose, it's when the team plays well and the stupid game doesn't give them credit for it.

EDIT: And the reason this gets on my nerves so much is because whilst I'm pleased despite the result, if I say that I'm pleased despite the result when my entire team got 6s, they're going to think it's okay to get 6s. So I have to say they simply weren't good enough, which is going to sink their morale.

This happens to everyone. It's called form. The game doesn't hate you.

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Yeah but if it happened from game to game I wouldn't get angry, because that's football. It seems to be that I can't keep a streak up after I've loaded the game though, it's as if there's a momentum meter in the game that gets reset every time the game's loaded. Oh well, I'm still top with 10 games left. 8 points clear now, so I've lost 4 points from January - March. Lost the League Cup Final to Wayne Rooney (4 goals!) but I'm not bothered about that. Oh, and I sold Paletta and bought Kompany. In my defense the decision to sign Kompany was because he was just as good as the other choices but younger and cheaper (8.5m release clause, I'm not sure what Madrid were thinking). But he's had a shit time so far, he's only played 3 games and his average rating is something like 5.75.

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07/08 season not going so well. Despite me having a much better squad than last year, and a still awesome even at 34 Figo, I'm sitting in 15th in the Premiership after 12 games. Went out of the League Cup to fucking Brentford in the 3rd round, and the players are getting annoyed at the fact that we're underachieving. Gah, play better and you won't be underachieving, you twats! At least it's going well in Europe, made it to the group stages of the UEFA Cup, beat Hadjuk and Brugge, lost to AEK, still top of the group with Porto coming to Goodison next. It should be an interesting season, but so far it's just been fucking annoying.

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