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Pu^H^HDid^H^H^HSean Combs legal news

The Third Dukes

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LONDON (AFP) - US rap superstar Sean Combs must change his name once again after losing the right to call himself Diddy in Britain to a disgruntled little-known music producer.

Combs, 36, who used to call himself Puff Daddy, Puffy and P Diddy, agreed to pay more than 100,000 pounds legal costs and 10,000 pounds damages as part of a settlement sealed earlier this week at the High Court in London.

London-based Richard Dearlove, who has traded under the Diddy name since 1992, sued Combs after he dropped the P from his moniker, under laws designed to protect commercial interests from unfair competition.

"He changed his name to Diddy. I was gutted," Dearlove told The Guardian newspaper.

"I started getting emails from Puerto Rican girls asking if they could be in my video and people were asking me to look at their clothing line."

Combs, who presides over a vast media empire and fashion lines, and whose hits include "I'll Be Missing You", will now have to rebrand himself in Britain, which could prove costly.

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Yeah most people I've ran into love the same parts of America I love and love most Americans who go overseas since we're clearly not close-minded fucktards and grasp a world exists not named USA.

That's at least been the reception most people I've met in England have given me so far.

Edited by damshow
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