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Your favorite film moment


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Guest The Ringy Complex

A few I like:

- The Breakfast Club, when all the kids are stoned and discussing why they're in detention.

- Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the final scene, from when he runs off on Sloane all the way to when his sister lets him off the hook.

- Rocky, when he loses at the end and screams Adrian.

- The Godfather Part II, Fredo's death.

- The Usual Suspects, when we find out about Kayser Soze.

- Chinatown. "Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown".

There's probably more, but those are my favourites.

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The ending of American History X has to be one of the ballsiest endings that's ever been put on film.

The torture scene in Resevoir Dogs is also badass.

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Bjork's acapella at the end of "Dancer in the Dark", after a movie full of sweeping musical segments to end the movie with that entire scene. I don't think I've ever cried harder.

The final montage in Requiem for a Dream.

And because just thinking about those two make me depressed...

Monty Python's Holy Grail

"We're French!"

"What are you doing in England?"

"None of your business!"

The scene in The Big Lebowski when Donnie's ashes blow all over The Dude.

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I've got hundreds. Here's a lengthy selection.

My favourite moment in any film is probably "...hold me", "...I can't", in Edward Scissorhands. Moves me every time.

The ending to Lost In Translation, just another subtly beautiful and really moving moment.

The ending to Battle Royale, for much the same reasons. It's one of the most beautifully made films I've ever seen, and the ending is nigh on perfect, as far as I'm concerned. I adore it.

The Three Stooges skeleton scene, and pretty much the entire end battle scene, in Army Of Darkness. In fact, even moreso than that, when Ash opens the boot of his car and just happens to have a book on steam engine maintenance and advanced chemistry. Under-rated comedy gold.

Almost all of Withnail & I, I don't think I could possibly choose just one scene. The entire film is just incredible. Another beautiful ending, so I might go with that. In fact, yes, Withnail's Hamlet monologue at the end could rank very highly in this list.

The explanation of "The Ladder" in Jacob's Ladder. Just spine-tingling and terrifying. The Hell Hospital scene, too, which has haunted me for years. I've always had a phobia of hospitals, and seeing that scene when I was a kid certainly didn't help.

All of Amelie. Every single shot is just composed wonderfully.

Ewan McGregor's "You replaced me with a ROBOT?!" scene in A Life Less Ordinary, and the kidnapping/blackmail/telephone scene in the same film ("Alright daughter I've got your asshole here..." "Alright asshole, I've got your daughter here, and if you don't pay up, I'll send her home in....oh no, sorry madam, I don't have your daughter...")

The Hunter S. Thompson cameo in Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas ("There I was....holy shit, there I am!")

In Shadow Of The Vampire, when asked "where did you find him?", in regards to Max Schreck/Count Orlock, the director replying "....in that hole."

The court scene in Velvet Goldmine, where practically the entirety of the dialogue is comprised of Oscar Wilde quotes.

That'll do for now, I'm getting far too carried away...

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There's way too much....I'll list a few:


Someone also mentioned this, but it deserves rementioniong. Amazing film with an amazing and unexpected ending.

Star Wars

Episode III: Obi-Wans speech before leaving Anakin, I get chills everytime I watch it

Episode V: I am your father scene

Episode VI: The final fight between Luke and Darth Vader. This scene also has the best music ever.

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire:

Seeing Voldemort rise was wonderful.

Lord of The Rings Trilogy:

I'll just leave as that since I'm too tired mentioning the greatest parts in the three films which are many.

Forrest Gump:

-The final scene with Forrest talking to Jenny's grave

Kill Bill Vol. 1/Vol. 2

-The Crazy 88 vs The Bride

-Beatrix Kiddo seeing her child and her encounter with Bill.

Pulp Fiction

-Any scene where Sam Jackson and John Travolta are together

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People say the entire of the Shawshank Redemption, or the bit with him standing in the rain, which is all perfectly justifiable. But for me, my absolute favourite moment in that entire movie is when the rock goes through the poster...

*RIP* *clunk, clu-clunk* >_>

And I love the part near the end of Battle RoyalE where the two tough guys (so sue me, I've never been bothered to remember their names. I just refer to them as Rambo and Mad Max) are circling as fires burn all around them. Simply because ANY time that the 'arena of fire' setting is used for a final showdown I can't help but chuckle. It's so cheesy and yet still so awesome at the same time.

Edited by stokeriño
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Ewan McGregor's "You replaced me with a ROBOT?!" scene in A Life Less Ordinary, and the kidnapping/blackmail/telephone scene in the same film ("Alright daughter I've got your asshole here..." "Alright asshole, I've got your daughter here, and if you don't pay up, I'll send her home in....oh no, sorry madam, I don't have your daughter...")

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Lets see. Shout outs for Shawshank, ROTJ, ROTS, Serenity all been done.

The START of the Warriors. All the gangs going to the meet in their trademark gear, the voice over and music built up the atmosphere really well. Also when the Warriors end up being entertained by the girl gang (The Lizzies) who then try to kill them.

The Battle for Autobot City in Transformers: THe Movie.

The Start of 'Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man' Mickey Rourke looking all bad-ass and taking off (after having just nailed some chick) on his bike. My Hero. Comical that he didn't actually like the film and did it for money.

Fight in the Mardi Gras Graveyard in Hard Target. Actually pretty much any scene in that film with Lance Henrikkson in is cool.

'Get away from her...BITCH!'

Final gunfight in 'Miami Vice'

All of you have to get a Kiwi film by the name of 'Stickmen' about a group of pool players. 'So why does he wear the pink shirt?'

'Kneel before me...Son of Jor-El...Kneel before ZOD!' (sometimes it's fun being the baddies right?)

No one's mentioned the gun battle from 'Matrix'? Why?

And I'll give it some thought, but probably my all-time favourite, and certainly the most moving film moment would have to be:

'I have been, and always will be....your friend.'

Spock's death in 'Wrath of Khan.'

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The scene in Rocky III after Rocky's loss to Clubber, when he goes back to the locker room where Mickey is dying and Rock tells him won just before Mick passes.

Then when Rocky beats Clubber in the rematch, the scene of Rocky's corner jumping into the ring in celebration is classic. Followed of course by the third and final "fight" between Rocky and Apollo at the very end, it freezes just as they throw the first shots and turns into the painting as Eye of the Tiger kicks in. Classic.

Oh, and even though Rocky IV is a pure popcorn flick, there is no denying the awesomeness of the Rocky/Drago fight, how well it is editted and put together. It's simply perfection.

How about the Shootout from Mighty Ducks 2? Another classic. I love the change of music when Adam Banks is up.

And my favorite scene would be when Joker kills the sniper in Full Metal Jacket. That scene is just chilling.

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Why in the hell has nobody mentioned the Heat shootout yet? Easily some of the most badass minutes ever caught on film.

The final Russian Roulette scene from Deer Hunter. So intense, so dramatic, so great.

When Tugg tests Brendan in Brick. Awesomely shot, and I just love Brick, period.

The ending to Snatch. Not the very, very ending, but Brad's fight, and the shoot outs that are shown inbetween.

The 'sideways fight' from Oldboy. I can't explain it, but if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.

The ending to Infernal Affairs, from the rooftop confrontation onwards. Something about it just really keeps it in my head. Here's hoping they don't end up ruining it in The Departed, but I've got high hopes. After all, it is Scorsese.

Speaking of Scorsese, Taxi Driver. Need I say more?

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Yeah the whole 'unravelling' of what's going on in Snatch during and after the fight is brilliant.

I've decided that I really like the scene in Crank where Jason Statham is in the lift near the end, drugged out of his brain and all the weird stuff with the Japanese businessman and then the guy says something which is subtitled, and it cuts to Statham and you can see the subtitled, all blurry and back to front. It's incredible filming.

Oh and 28 Days Later, from where it's raining and Cillian Murphy cranks the air raid siren - the next few minutes after that with the sensational music.

The Thin Red Line where he reads the letter from his wife who's left him while he's at war. Horrifically sad.

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