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Most pointless/annoying characters?


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That twat from Theme Park. You switch him off, you don't know what the hell's going on. Leave him on, and you will be annoyed to death by his advice.

And Otis from Dead Rising. You call me ONE MORE fucking time, and I'm going to march up to that security room, and stuff that freaking walkie-talkie so far up your ass.... You get the picture. Bastard. I'm getting my face torn off by about 30 zombies, while trying to escort 7 survivors, all of whom are USELESS and just cower in a corner until they get eaten (apart from one nutter who I gave a shotgun, and he managed to wipe out 3 other survivors, just from collateral damage), and I've got to do it all with my fucking radio calling me over and over again, just to tell me he thinks I should bring some wine with me next time I come back to the security room. Cheers, you useless prick!

EDIT: And I completely missed the "Playable characters only" bit at the top. Never mind.

Edited by Hutch2004
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Characters that you can play as, mind.

I just thought this up based on me getting the Sonic Mega Collection Plus and realising I have an irrational hatred of Tails.

Agreed. Tails was shit.










Guess who.

You would not believe how many times i almost put a foot through my TV whilst playing Zelda:OOT just due to that little cunt of a fairy or whatever the fuck it was. Annoyed the piss out of me so much.

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Edit: Crap, missed the "characters you can play as" clause.

Well, Raiden from MGS2. Obviously.

I was just about to say that long blonde twat also i never did like Alex The Kid when i was child so him as well i could make a list but meh.

It's ALEX KIDD. Not Alex THE KID. That's one of my irrational pet-hates.

Raiden wins. He could just about get away with the fact that he's every generic RPG or anime male lead tied into one, if it wasn't for the fact that he repeated the last part of every sentence with a question.

"They're building a new kind of Metal Gear."

"Metal Gear?"

"A top-secret bipedal tank capable of carrying nuclear warheads."

"Nuclear warheads?"

And so on and so forth. FOR THE WHOLE GAME. And the government thought HE could replace Solid Snake?!

As for Tails...the characterisation is shit, but as an actual playable character, he's one of the best. The problem with the Sonic series is that they had to keep introducing new characters, and each one had to be different, yet they needed to have the same skills as Sonic so as not to require a complete gameplay overhaul, which meant that both Tails and Knuckles were far superior to Sonic. Tails' character was that he was inept and cowardly, and falled his hero, Sonic, everywhere...yet he could do everything Sonic could do, and fly, and swim. It just didn't make any sense.

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And Otis from Dead Rising. You call me ONE MORE fucking time, and I'm going to march up to that security room, and stuff that freaking walkie-talkie so far up your ass.... You get the picture. Bastard. I'm getting my face torn off by about 30 zombies, while trying to escort 7 survivors, all of whom are USELESS and just cower in a corner until they get eaten (apart from one nutter who I gave a shotgun, and he managed to wipe out 3 other survivors, just from collateral damage), and I've got to do it all with my fucking radio calling me over and over again, just to tell me he thinks I should bring some wine with me next time I come back to the security room. Cheers, you useless prick.

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The Central American guy with the heavy weapons in your four man team in Killzone. He shoots at you by mistake, calls you rubbish if you miss, and never actually hits anyone himself.

Also the American army leader colonel guy in Mercenaries. Dunno why, it's just he's not as cool as the Chinese leader, or the Koreans, or the Russian...

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