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Biggest disappointments of the year


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Hmm, maybe I need to give Wolfmother a few more listens.

I liked 10,000 Days though. It's probably my least favorite Tool album, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's one of those albums I have to be in the mood to listen to and I can't listen to it in the car or anything like that. It's gotta be in a quiet room and it works even better if I'm under the influence of alcohol.

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Plus 44's When Your Heart Stops Beating

A.F.I.'s Decemberunderground

Deadsy's Phantasmagore

Norma Jean's Redeemer

Powerman 5000's Destroy What You Enjoy

Stone Sour's Come What(ever) May

Sunn O))) & Boris' Altar

Tenacious D's The Pick Of Destiny

Thursday's A City By The Light Divided

I might be in the minority, but I think AVA's We Don't Need To Whisper is one of the best albums of the year. Oh, I'm going to add Nine Inch Nails' With Teeth, even though it was released in 2005, because I'll be disappointed with that album for many, many years to come. :pinch:

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We Don't Need To Whisper - Angels And Airwaves was a disappointment in my opinion - still listenable, but it didn't live up to the hype for me.

I wasn't too impressed with

Empire - Kasabian

Under The Iron Sea - Keane

Sam's Town - The Killers

Liberation Transmission - Lostprophets

Broken Boy Soldiers - The Raconteurs

Edited by metalman
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Hmm, maybe I need to give Wolfmother a few more listens.

I liked 10,000 Days though. It's probably my least favorite Tool album, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's one of those albums I have to be in the mood to listen to and I can't listen to it in the car or anything like that. It's gotta be in a quiet room and it works even better if I'm under the influence of alcohol.

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Angels and Airwaves - After Tom's ego driven madness to him believe the fact that it would blow the minds of people, and change the world? What world did it end up changing? And did the movie that they were going to release come along with the CD release? No, all a pack of lies from Tom DeLonge.

Also, Sam's Town was an alright album. Was it as good as Hot Fuss? Nah, of course not because it didn't have Mr. Brightside, but overall it was a decent album, just not as musically strong as Hot Fuss.

Where is DETOX?!

Oh, and I wasn't too impressed by Kingdom Come either, the title track and any of Dre's productions on the entire album made it worth the buy, anything after that it was eh.

And if I hear Fergilicious one more time.. I'm going to freak out.

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For me it would probably be Incubus' Light Grenades. At first I didn't think Anna Molly was that good but it grew on me and became one of the more played songs that I have. So I started looking forward to the album and when I listened to it, I didn't like it all that much. Still don't, to be honest. "Anna Molly" is the only good song I think.

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See, I like the album and there aren't any really poor songs, but WHERE'S THE FUNK? 'Megalomaniac' probably managed to become my favourite Incubus track since 'Summer Romance', but there's very little on this album with the energy of it. I like 'Rogues' and 'Light Grenades' itself, and 'Love Hurts' is a good Incubus-y love song, but there's not quite enough impact for me on the rest of the album. Sure it'll be good background listening once I've got over this phase of just focusing on the music, but it's not made enough of an impression yet.

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