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I've already been besieged with 'We should have had two penalties, you played our weakened side, you play the dullest football ever'. I don't give a toss, Baptista was shit, Arsenal were shit going forward even if they had some half decent chances, Benni's piece of magic was brilliant and we're through. Good times.

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Did Arsenal have any REAL chances, Baptista won a few headers and took a couple of pot shots which were close to being on target but they didn't quite get anything which I thought was a goal. Great fnish from Benni Mac for the winner though with Blackburn probably just edging it although a draw after 90 minutes would've been about right.

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Baptista should have scored twice, once he header over and the other time he took it on the chest as opposed to heading at goal. Apart from that there was a number of mischances and might have beens, but nothing overly clear cut.

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Sometimes, I'd rather see effective football than beautiful football, to be honest, so when people moan on about Arsenal playing the most beautiful football in the Premiership, it doesn't really help when they lose matches. Blackburn defended well in both legs, and took a chance when they had it, pretty effective to me.

Edited by Liam Byrne
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I had to listen to it on the radio becuase for some reason the sky box failed to work :angry: and i couldn't be assed to walk to the local pub and watch it.

Anyway from what i heard on the radio it was a really good game, after Benni got the goal i thought Arsenal were going to score also when Blackburn got the throw in at the end was the referee screaming at them to get on with it someone told me about this and i heard it on the radio.

In all Blackburn have really well in the first game they looked as if they had tapped into how Arsenal play and i can't say much on the replay becuase i didn't see it.

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If by "tapping into" you mean "kicking all over the pitch, then yeah Blackburn did that.

I'm not going to complain about the result because in the end we could've should scored three or four. We were the better team on the night and had two penalties turned down, with Ljungberg's being stone-wall. The fact that Graham Cunt said at half-time he was paying attention to their upper-bodies makes me laugh at his utter incompetance. Freddie (unlike a lot of players) stayed on his feet for as long as possible because when Emerton started to foul Freddie it was ten yards or so outside of the area and Poll could've given it then, but Emerton pretty much just dragged him down when they got into the area, but Poll is blind and useless so whatever. The Aliadiere claim was 50/50 and could've gone either way, so that's acceptable. That said he should've had one in the first-game.

Awesome goal by Benni, a goal like that deserves to win a game. Blackburn are such a dirty team though, and any of Tugay, Dunn or Gamst could easily have been sent off last night, but they weren't but shit happens. I'm not complaining about the result because we fucked it up, I'm complaining about shite referees.

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Just because some teams play physical people cry about it. Why? Even 20 years ago a team like us would of been considered soft. Yes, perhaps Dunn should of been sent off I will give you that, but end of the day we played to our tactics and it paid off.

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If by "tapping into" you mean "kicking all over the pitch, then yeah Blackburn did that.

I'm not going to complain about the result because in the end we could've should scored three or four. We were the better team on the night and had two penalties turned down, with Ljungberg's being stone-wall. The fact that Graham Cunt said at half-time he was paying attention to their upper-bodies makes me laugh at his utter incompetance. Freddie (unlike a lot of players) stayed on his feet for as long as possible because when Emerton started to foul Freddie it was ten yards or so outside of the area and Poll could've given it then, but Emerton pretty much just dragged him down when they got into the area, but Poll is blind and useless so whatever. The Aliadiere claim was 50/50 and could've gone either way, so that's acceptable. That said he should've had one in the first-game.

Awesome goal by Benni, a goal like that deserves to win a game. Blackburn are such a dirty team though, and any of Tugay, Dunn or Gamst could easily have been sent off last night, but they weren't but shit happens. I'm not complaining about the result because we fucked it up, I'm complaining about shite referees.

I was going to type out a reasoned, well-thought out counterpoint as to why you're wrong on many fronts. Then I remembered you'd probably just ignore it and claim it was anyone's fault but Arsenal's

So instead


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If by "tapping into" you mean "kicking all over the pitch, then yeah Blackburn did that.

I'm not going to complain about the result because in the end we could've should scored three or four. We were the better team on the night and had two penalties turned down, with Ljungberg's being stone-wall. The fact that Graham Cunt said at half-time he was paying attention to their upper-bodies makes me laugh at his utter incompetance. Freddie (unlike a lot of players) stayed on his feet for as long as possible because when Emerton started to foul Freddie it was ten yards or so outside of the area and Poll could've given it then, but Emerton pretty much just dragged him down when they got into the area, but Poll is blind and useless so whatever. The Aliadiere claim was 50/50 and could've gone either way, so that's acceptable. That said he should've had one in the first-game.

Awesome goal by Benni, a goal like that deserves to win a game. Blackburn are such a dirty team though, and any of Tugay, Dunn or Gamst could easily have been sent off last night, but they weren't but shit happens. I'm not complaining about the result because we fucked it up, I'm complaining about shite referees.

I was going to type out a reasoned, well-thought out counterpoint as to why you're wrong on many fronts. Then I remembered you'd probably just ignore it and claim it was anyone's fault but Arsenal's

So instead


So what points am I wrong on? Blackburn fouling us all over the pitch? Yeah that happened. Pederson standing on Eboue's ankle? Standing, not stepping? Yeah, that happened. Ljungberg being brought down in the box by a midfielder playing right-back? Yeah that happened. So please, tell me where I'm wrong.

And if you bothered to read what I said, I said I'm not complaining about the result because Baptista should've scored two, Ljungberg should've scored and so should Aliadiere, so it's our own fault that you got a goal at the end. However, that doesn't excuse the shit refereeing.

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Haha, I just remembered the funniest part of the game. Baptista (maybe it was him, some skinny Arsenal player anyway) bracing himself to try and shoulderbarge the defender that is coming to get the ball from him, the defender being Samba and Baptista crashing to the ground like he just hit a brick wall. The whole pub burst out into laughter at that one.

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Haha, I just remembered the funniest part of the game. Baptista (maybe it was him, some skinny Arsenal player anyway) bracing himself to try and shoulderbarge the defender that is coming to get the ball from him, the defender being Samba and Baptista crashing to the ground like he just hit a brick wall. The whole pub burst out into laughter at that one.

It was hilarious. Baptista's starting to look like Ronaldo (shape-wise) which is very worrying.

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If by "tapping into" you mean "kicking all over the pitch, then yeah Blackburn did that.

I'm not going to complain about the result because in the end we could've should scored three or four. We were the better team on the night and had two penalties turned down, with Ljungberg's being stone-wall. The fact that Graham Cunt said at half-time he was paying attention to their upper-bodies makes me laugh at his utter incompetance. Freddie (unlike a lot of players) stayed on his feet for as long as possible because when Emerton started to foul Freddie it was ten yards or so outside of the area and Poll could've given it then, but Emerton pretty much just dragged him down when they got into the area, but Poll is blind and useless so whatever. The Aliadiere claim was 50/50 and could've gone either way, so that's acceptable. That said he should've had one in the first-game.

Awesome goal by Benni, a goal like that deserves to win a game. Blackburn are such a dirty team though, and any of Tugay, Dunn or Gamst could easily have been sent off last night, but they weren't but shit happens. I'm not complaining about the result because we fucked it up, I'm complaining about shite referees.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a decent game yesterday, and an awesome one earlier, I'm pretty much ready for the Argyle game.

If they can beat Derby and avenge us for Derby screwing us out of the win (or at least draw), they can beat Watford.

The only question is, am I going to Old Trafford or Stamford Bridge/White Heart Lane in the next round? :P (Knowing my luck, probably Ewood Park).

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