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Most Wanted - 2007


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Pretty simple topic. Lot's of year-end topic's running around lately, I figure, let's make one for next year. What games are you most eagerly awaiting to play in 07? I left out big guns like Halo 3 and GTA4, everyone knows about those, and we all know they'll outsell everything.

Blue Dragon (Xbox 360)

Quite possibly the first Japanese-style RPG on the 360 and this is the first RPG I have wanted to play since Skies of Arcadia. It just looks unique and fun. Hopefully it will give the 360 some legs in Japan. Check it out here:

Blue Dragon

Alan Wake (Xbox 360)

Can you say mindfuck? Let me give you IGN's profile of this game and then you try to tell me that you wouldn't want to play this:

Alan Wake, the game's protagonist, is a bestselling horror writer, who writes a novel about his darkest nightmares. In the game, those nightmares come true...

The game features a massive, open world for the players to explore, with mission based exploration in the single player adventure.

Can't wait.

Alan Wake

Def Jam Icon (Xbox 360/PS3)

Def Jam Vendetta? Good game. Def Jam Fight for New York? Amazing Game. Icon? Ambitious game that will hopefully knock me on my ass. You can rip your own soundtracks and the environment reacts to the music. For example, you're playing the game and you've ripped Audioslave "Cochise" onto your 360. After the song's rockin' riff kicks in, an oil tanker in the background explodes. Slick.

Def Jam Icon

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (Xbox 360/PS3)

Some people don't get what's so great about online play. Quite simple: the return of two player co-op.

Kane & Lynch

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Def Jam Icon (Xbox 360/PS3)

Def Jam Vendetta? Good game. Def Jam Fight for New York? Amazing Game. Icon? Ambitious game that will hopefully knock me on my ass. You can rip your own soundtracks and the environment reacts to the music? For example, you're playing the game and you've ripped Audioslave "Cochise" onto your 360. After the song's rockin' riff kicks in, an oil tanker in the background explodes. Slick.

Def Jam Icon

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It's an ambitious idea, but it can't be that difficult to pull off, all it needs to do is recognize changes in the audio. Obviously it's not going to catch every single detail, but I can't wait to see how it plays out.

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Excluding the PS3 games coming out (since I don't have one as of yet) the game I'm mostly looking forward to is..

Assassin's Creed

This game looks to be nothing short of amazing.

Assassin's Creed

The other 2 would be...

Fable 2

Loves Fable one and I know I'll love this one as well.

Fable 2

Grand Theft Auto IV

Come on. Who doesn't want it?


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God Of War 2 is what I'm most looking for. Not gonna list all I'm looking forward to for the PS3 cause well it will get em all excited and I'm not getting one this year lol

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I have an absolutely huge list, all on the 360:

Lost Planet (Game just looks fun as hell)

Halo 3 (Need I say much more than that?)

Blue Dragon (The XBox family finally gets an honest to God good RPG)

Assassin's Creed (I've had this on pre-order for at least 3 or 4 months now)

Fable 2 (Never got to play the first and so I'm dying to get in on the new one)

Crackdown (Superhero-esque GTA? Yes, please)

Bullet Witch (I might be the only one -_-)

Alan Wake (I'm a diehard Silent Hill fan, and this game sends me a similar vibe, minus the gore)

Lost Odyssey (They've barely leaked any info but I already want this so fucking bad!)

Yeah, and I still have some games from this year I need to get. I'm so screwed. :pinch:

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These are games I can't wait to play and assuming no delays:

Halo 3

Mass Effect


Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Metroid Prime 3

Super Mario Galaxy

God of War 2

Grand Theft Auto 4

Fable 2 is a big iffy, I don't know if I could trust Lionhead anymore, Fable was a massive dissapointment, (I remember the developers saying it would be the Zelda killer and one of the greatest RPG's made....sure) and way too short. Wind Waker was pretty short too, but it played better....because it was Zelda.

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Alan Wake (Xbox 360)

Can you say mindfuck? Let me give you IGN's profile of this game and then you try to tell me that you wouldn't want to play this:

Alan Wake, the game's protagonist, is a bestselling horror writer, who writes a novel about his darkest nightmares. In the game, those nightmares come true...

The game features a massive, open world for the players to explore, with mission based exploration in the single player adventure.

Can't wait.

Alan Wake

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There's nothing on the horizon that really grabs me as must have at this point, short of GTAIV, but I am interested in Army Of Two. It's another primarily co-op game and while it is EA, I've heard some really cool stuff about the AI if you can't get online, so yeah, it looks cool.

God Of War 2 is another one, but before I read this topic I'd completely forgotten all about the game. I loved the first one though, so I'd most likely pick this up too.

Big meh on Halo 3.

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Assassin's Creed (looks amazing and is made by the same company that made Prince of Persia)

Metal Gear Solid 4 (if it does in fact come out in 2007)

God of War 2 (First game was excellent)

Army of Two (Looks like a fun game to play with friends)

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (Still waiting...)

and last but not least...

Spore (This game is going to be amazing)

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Spore (This game is going to be amazing)

Did you see Will Wright on the Colbert Report last night? He was chatting about the game a bit. It was strange to hear someone ask "when does Spore come out" on something besides G4.

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I don't know if it will make it in 2007. Maybe late in the year if they're even still working on it, but the early (as in E3) previews for Mercenaries 2 sounded pretty cool. The biggest thing that sounds cool to me is Co-Op game play. Mercenaries was a game that was just begging for a co-op mode.

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I have honestly not been following the gaming news as much as I used to and don't know much about the games of 2007 yet. Combine that with the fact that I don't buy new games anymore(don't see the point when you can wait 6 months and get it for half the price)

Here are the obvious picks I do know of:

- Halo 3


- Guitar Hero 360 or whatever it will be called

- DDR Universe

- NHL 08

- WWE Smackdown vs RAW 08

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