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That's Not Funny


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I quite like Family Guy, but pretty much all of Series 5 is forgettable, Series 4 is weaker than the previous three, but still pretty good. American Dad is the definition of "hit and miss".

South Park's fairly inconsistent too, though. It was terrible for years, went through a great patch, got shit again, got good again, now I think it's headed downhill again. Even at it's best, it's nowhere near as good as a lot of other great cartoons out there.

No one should ever badmouth Becker. Ted Danson is a God among men.

Seinfeld is shit.

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Guest Titocoolace

Ahahaha oh my god. You've seen the one where Peter is on the New England Patriots or whatever, right? Because that is the single least funny thing I have ever seen on Adult Swim, and that is saying a lot.
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Dane Cook, American Dad, The Office, most episodes of Family guy anymore and any comedy on CBS.

*hopes JHS isn't layering How I Met Your Mother into that "comedy on CBS" statement*

She is.

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Admittedly, I haven't seen most of/any of [i forget] Season 5 of Family Guy yet, but the first four seasons shit all over every episode of South Park combined. It's just...terrible, terrible programming. Which is a shame, as Stone and Parker's films are generally good. I can also see why some people would think American Dad was unfunny, but I've not seen one episode that didn't have me in stitches.

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I dig Seinfeld myself, part of that is growing up with it. I wouldn't go out of my way to see it, but I enjoyed it.

As for Adult Swim, I really hate that show about the heavy metal band. Whatever the fuck they called it, I just couldn't muster any laughter. I'm not a big Adult Swim fan in general. Family Guy has it's moments, but again, I wouldn't go out of my for it. I don't go out of my way for anything on tv these days unless it's sports related.

I noticed a lot of enmity toward black comedians, which I agree with, but I'd like to mention that Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy were great in the 80s. Of course, there comedy style didn't rely soley on the "white people are peckerwoods" schtick. Richard Pryor's "Super Nigger" skit is brilliant.

When it comes to comedians/tv shows, I'd say that George Carlin and Monty Python's Flying Circus (and anything they did in general) are about the only things that can get me to laugh consistently. Of course that's omitting the occasional movie.

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Admittedly, I haven't seen most of/any of [i forget] Season 5 of Family Guy yet, but the first four seasons shit all over every episode of South Park combined. It's just...terrible, terrible programming. Which is a shame, as Stone and Parker's films are generally good. I can also see why some people would think American Dad was unfunny, but I've not seen one episode that didn't have me in stitches.
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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet

Will Ferrell.

He was good in the following:


- Wedding Crashers

- Stranger than Fiction (thank you Beaty.)

And the latter is hardly what I'd call a laugh out loud comedy. I think Anchorman is decent to meh, with the decent part being the people who weren't him. All his other stuff just doesn't make me laugh too.

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I generally shit on all the sit-coms. I just don't find it funny. Performing it in front people loses its appeal to me, because you have them laughing at the stupidest joke, and when something I find funny does happen, I'll laugh, but the damn audience doesn't make a sound.

Maybe that's why stuff like The Office/My Name is Earl appeals to me, because the shit that happens doesn't rely on a live audience; especially The Office. Just the subtle way people act, knowing exactly what they're thinking really sells it for me, as opposed to an Al Bundy sex joke.

(Trying to lift something as Peg watches)

PEG: You can't get it up!

(Drops the thing, audience laughs)

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Admittedly, I haven't seen most of/any of [i forget] Season 5 of Family Guy yet, but the first four seasons shit all over every episode of South Park combined. It's just...terrible, terrible programming. Which is a shame, as Stone and Parker's films are generally good. I can also see why some people would think American Dad was unfunny, but I've not seen one episode that didn't have me in stitches.

Why do you think it's terrible?

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Admittedly, I haven't seen most of/any of [i forget] Season 5 of Family Guy yet, but the first four seasons shit all over every episode of South Park combined. It's just...terrible, terrible programming. Which is a shame, as Stone and Parker's films are generally good. I can also see why some people would think American Dad was unfunny, but I've not seen one episode that didn't have me in stitches.

Why do you think it's terrible?

Because I don't find it interesting, funny, or see a point to any episodes, beyond the occasional episode that seems to have the point of trying to be offensive for the sake of it.

Seems that's only me though.

I think for the most part, I find that when South Park get it right, they get it right better than American Dad or Family Guy. The wit, when on, is just a lot sharper and cleverer in my eyes.

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Man, I have a lot to get to...

Ben Stiller. I hold him personally responsible for the rise of the 'outrageous' comedy film that's nothing but an hour and a half of stupid, immature, gross-out sex and bodily function humor.
While I can certainly see why someone wouldn't like Ben Stiller, I wouldn't call his movies to be full of gross-out bodily humor. Honestly, the only one I can think of that relies on that would be Along Came Polly. My problem with Ben Stiller is that unless he's playing some completely over the top character like in Dodgeball or Zoolander, then he's playing the same tired, neurotic stereotypical modern Jew. He's Ben Stiller as Ben Stiller in Generic Ben Stiller Comedy 12.

Everybody Loves Raymond > You.

It was good for a sitcom, but that's like saying "it smelled good for a turd." Peter Boyle made that show entertaining, other than that, it was the same sitcom you always see. Middle-aged dad likes to play golf and watch sports, wife nags about it, man says something stupid, a fight ensues until the man apologizes. Or man wants to have sex, wife doesn't, hilarity ensues! Every sitcom has that same exact formula and occasionally throws in "Man is fat, wife is hot."

most episodes of South Park are terrible.
I honestly don't get how people don't find South Park funny. Family Guy I can understand, even though I love it, it's random joke after another full of random pop culture references with terrible animation and plot development. South Park though, is the smartest show on television. I also don't get how people say it goes through bad patches, it's like they have two bad episodes in a season and it's in a "bad patch." The only time I can remember the show even hitting a rough spot was in Season 4 and that was just a few bad episodes. I guess it's just not for everyone, but I'm entertained almost every episode.

Yeah, can someone please tell me why everyone loves Seinfeld?

I think it's alright, but it has not aged well at all. Maybe it's a statement to how horrible the rest of television was at the time, but for the most part, I can't watch the show anymore. It's just... boring.

Will Ferrell.

He was good in the following:


- Wedding Crashers

- Stranger than Fiction (thank you Beaty.)

Stranger than Fiction is fucking great and proves that Will Farrell is more than just a silly actor. I can't blame the guy for being a part of the over-the-top Ricky Bobby-type movies. He gets to goof off while working and is guaranteed a huge box-office gross.

I generally shit on all the sit-coms. I just don't find it funny. Performing it in front people loses its appeal to me, because you have them laughing at the stupidest joke, and when something I find funny does happen, I'll laugh, but the damn audience doesn't make a sound.

I don't mind a live audience if it's actually a live audience. Shows like Married With Children, Drew Carey and Titus worked so well because of the audience. What I hate, is the laugh track, faked audience laughter. You can definitely tell the difference. Still, shows like the Office, Earl, and Scrubs work much better without any background laughter because that's just the style of show it is. I miss the days when cartoons had laugh tracks, now that was so mind-numbingly stupid that it still makes me laugh to this day.

Look at some of animateds best: The Flinstones, The Jetsons, The Simpsons, they all had at least a few bad episodes.

The Simpsons have had more than a few bad episodes, they've had about six atrocious seasons.

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