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24 Season 6 ***Spoilers *** for episodes that have aired


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Ringy cheated. He admitted it to me. The Death Pool was tainted. That said, just as I suddenly liked Curtis this year after fucking hating him and being bored by him every other year, they go and kill his ass. Gotta love 24.

And Tony's not dead, mark my words folks.

The set off a nuke in LA! Wow and damn, best cliffhanger ever.

So far S6 has been excellent stuff.

Oh and Sandra Palmer annoys me, much like any and all females with the last name Palmer always have.

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:o a nuke... on US soil... in a populated area...


There is one thing I don't like about these first four episodes and that's the obvious attempt to draw in female viewers. The sudden surge in the amount of relationships on the show, the strong female lawyer protecting her man, etc. I think it's insulting to any woman who enjoys the show to think that they need "girly" elements to appeal to them.

I have to agree and it's actually turning me off a bit. For a while I wondered if any woman could possibly tame Jack Bauer and now that I can tell that they can't I don't care about the relationships of the main characters. I was however hoping that dad would make it back to his family last episode.

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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet

Ringy cheated. He admitted it to me. The Death Pool was tainted. That said, just as I suddenly liked Curtis this year after fucking hating him and being bored by him every other year, they go and kill his ass. Gotta love 24.
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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet

Hahaha, Jack's brother is a pussy fag. How are they from the same seed?

Also, wouldn't surprise me if the dad did all this just to get him out of China >_>.


Jack last week: I can't do this anymore

Jack this week: *punches his brother*, I'll rip your tongue out! :@

Edited by President Ringiah Bartlet
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I have to admit, I am amazingly bored by S6 right now. The first three hours were good but the last two have just gotten progressively worse. Part of it is I am really, really tired of their irrational need to continually kill major supporting character after supporting character. It was fine when they were just doing one or two per season (Teri Bauer in Day One, George Mason in Day Two, Ryan Chappelle, Nina Myers, and Sherri Palmer in Day Three), but Day Five was gratuitous enough without killing off Curtis right off the bat.

What does that leave us with? Bill Buchanan is an okay character but has never had a real personality, Chloe has been watered-down beyond all compare aside from one moment in the very first episode, Milo has returned sans everything that made him an entertaining minor character in Day One, Wayne Palmer is proving to be a bland, ineffectual president complete with the token Shady Assistant and Less Shady Assistant in Karen Hayes and his sister's just as uninteresting.

Thusfar the characters in this season of 24 who aren't named Jack Bauer that I even care about remotely consist of Morris O'Brian, Hamri Al-Assad, and Walid I-can't-remember-his-last-name-anymore. Jack's great and all, but the first four seasons all had supporting characters that I actually cared about and had interesting plot lines. But, well. Now they're all dead, except for Chloe who seems to be doing this "now I'm bland hooray Morris you should be bland too" schtick, and Agent Pierce who is... somewhere or other.

It doesn't help that I feel like I saw the exact same scene in tonight's episode last season. "O HAY A NAME CAME UP AND IT'S FROM (CORPORATION) AND OH MY GOD LOOK AT THE NAME IT'S CHRISTOPHER HENDERSON JACK'S DAD." The revelation that Graham McBluetooth is Jack's brother surprised me a little, but not in an entirely good way. This season still has time to sell me on its worth; I wasn't the biggest fan of how Day Four started but it turned out to be absolutely awesome, after all. But right now? Sorry, bored now.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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Jack's brother turning out to be the guy who wanted him dead was a good twist in the show. And it is pretty obvious that the kid is Jack's son. And Jack telling his brother he'd rip his tongue out was great and putting the bag over his head was good, too. But other than that, yeah, not a good episode. I don't like Wayne's sister. She sucks. And her clint/boyfriend is also shit. Nothing good there.

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I like that the show isn't so cut and dry about its morality this year. Because you can make legitimate arguments on boths sides of most of the issues, and last year it was just all "whatever Jack Bauer says is right", but this year even he doesn't know. This episode wasn't as good as the last one, but I liked that they're actually seemingly going places they haven't gone before.

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Saw the first two hours last night. It's pretty good. I agree with the whole, "Ramming relationships down our throat". None of the characters particuarly stand out at all, even Jack is kind of hit and miss, but those two kills were awesome. And Peter McNicol being on 24 is great (I'm a closet Ally McBeal fan alright?!?!?!), but not as cool as when Jim Robinson off Neighbours was acting President (in Season 2 I believe), now that was fucking awesome.

Edited by Steve Mandela
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The ratings are in...

8.6 in households, 5.4 in adults 18-49. That puts it slightly up from its 2006 pace in households (8.4), but off a bit in 18-49 (5.8). The loss in 18-49 would almost certainly be due to the return of "Heroes", but looking at the households number it's good to see that neither really hurt each other as "Heroes" managed to tie 24 in households and be the number one show in 18-49 (6.5). "24", by the way, was 3rd in 18-49 and tied for 4th in households with "Heroes". Great news.

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24 has the habit of the annoying black chick. There's never been a good one on the show.

I too hope she dies.

Also funny to see Jack's dad having gone "rogue". Like father like son.

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I liked the twist with Jack's dad being seemingly legit and just doing the rogue "play by my rules" thing much like his son with Graem just being the real total cunt after all (which shouldn't have been so shocking, I guess), and the racial profiling subplot is okay. Everything else tonight was just... wow. So bad. Especially the Walid subplot where he deftly pickpockets (?!?!?!?) the guy... and then walks back WITH THE PHONE ON HIM. Amazing strategy there guys.

Also, I wish the supporting cast had, oh, a spine. I guess Milo does and I still like Morris but god, this is exactly why I'm pissed that all of the cool characters are dead.

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