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Cabin Fever - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) Hmmm, this movie proved to be surprisingly good. I liked it due to how it actually proved somewhat scary and was pretty funny as well (helped by the most entertaining person no one has ever heard of, James DeBello). My only gripe was that deer sequence near the end was just absurd. Other than that, this is a great horror movie that you first think is a cliche follower but proves to be pretty good.

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Never Die Alone - **1/2 or (5.5/10) - (N)

I have to admit that I thought this would suck, but I was pleasantly surprised. The movie wasn't too good until DMX died, after that though, it really picked up and I was totally entertained. The only thing keeping me from recommending it is pretty much the acting. Some of it is laughable(and Former WCW World Champ Arquette blows, as per usual).

Check it out if it even looked semi-interesting, it might surprise you.

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The Butterfly Effect- 6/10. It was an OK movie. Kutcher in a serious role is not good though.

The Evil Dead- 8/10 Great first movie to a good series. This was my favorite out of the 3.

THe Evil Dead 2- 6/10 This one was meh. Definitley the weaker of the 3. Ash's line when he gets the c\hainsaw on his hand for the first time is brilliant though.

Army of Darkness(Evil Dead 3)- 7/10 This one was a good comedy. But, thats the thing its a comedy. The other 3 were horror movies and this one was a comedy. I didn't like that, but I put that aside in rating this movie. It was good and Bruce Campbell is greatness.

Spider Man 2- 7/10 This was good, but not as good as I expected. Alot of people have been saying this is the best super hero movie ever, but I didn't think so(the original Batman is better to me). Although, this movie was good. Bruce Campbell's cameo was great.

Edited by reyrey619
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King Arthur: 6/10

Same stuff as any other epic, some big battles, and then more battles(just look at the producer), but the acting was surprsingly good, a good choice for Arthur. Its just I've seen this stuff too many times before. You see if I have never a big battle in a movie before this would be a 9, and I wouldn't care about anything else, but I've seen it before, I;ll see the same thing again when I see Alexander coming out in November.

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban: Same score as the last 2 viewings. I saw it for free for the last time, and I enjoyed every second of it. Here's hoping for Goblet of Fire to be as good(or even better) then this. The fourth is my favourite so far, so the movie better not dissapoint.

The Bourne Supremacy

This sequal lives up to the original, a smart and slick action movie. Matt Damon is Jason Bourne, and I can't wait for them to do the final movie of the Bourne trilogy.

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The Human Stain - ** or (4.5/10) - (N)

I think they chose the wrong story to focus on....the backstory was the only thing I found to be semi-good. Other than that, it was just boring.

Edited by Numbahs
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Garfield - ** or (4.5/10) - (N)

Garfield screws Odie over, Odie goes away, Toy Story ensues. Yay.

Really not as bad as I thought it would be....I actually chuckled a fair amount in the first half. This movie could have been an awesome R-Rated comedy if given the chance.

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Van Wilder: Party Liason - 8/10

This is basically a movie that you will either love or hate. With me I love it. I could watch this movie ten times a day for the next two years and still not be bored of it. Tara Reid is super hot in this as well. Got some great laughs out of me so I reccomend it.

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The Italian Job - 7/10 or (**1/2) A nice little caper that will keep you entertained. The action scenes are good and the storyline is entertaining enough to watch (though I must admit that the first part was kind of boring to me).

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Takeshi Kitano

10 out of 10

Got this on DVD today as it's FINALLY released and it's as great as I remember. A fantastic hero, a brilliant villain, cool comedy characters....The lot.

Samurai, geishas, gangs, sword play, blood, comedy, a big dance finale, amazing camerawork, superb soundtrack, near perfect casting, script, overall feel, authenticity.

The only film I've ever given 10/10 to.


Makes the comic book action in Kill Bill look laughable and the Japanese feel to The Last Samurai about as authentic as a vegetarian California roll.

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Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen - *1/2 or (3/10) - (N)

This thing was god-awful. If it were not for the somewhat peppy "spark" that was Lindsey Lohan, this would've been totally unwatchable.

It's become quite obvious that Lindsey Lohan has quite the acting future ahead of her....if she sticks to non-Disney fare.

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Guest Terminus

Catwoman - 7.5 (I dont know why everyones so anal about this movie. Yes the fact that Halle wore a skimpy outfit helped the movie out, but its not like the story is so horrid that every critic is bashing the movie. personally I enjoyed the movie as a pure entertainment movie. Not everything has to be Eternal Sunshine or Donnie Darko.)

The Girl Next Door - 7 (This movie had more swerves than I ever expected it to, but I liked the actors who provided entertainment to an otherwise poor script.)

Dodgeball - 6.5 (I expected a funnier movie and I'm a huge Stiller fan, but his gimmicks are starting to be a tad overused. Starsky and Hutch was a far better movie.)

Anchorman - 7 (This was an enjoyable summer comedy, but Starsky still takes comedy of the year award.)

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Pecker: 8/10

Such a fucked up family and town that you couldn't help but laugh the whole way through. Plus i think Stacy Keibler had a cameo.

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