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Pulp Fiction - 9/10 - Some of the best dialogue ever heard. The film sort of dips with the Golden watch, with about 20 minutes of boring stuff with Butch - but once Vincient gets wasted and Wallace and Butch and caught - the film never stops. I loved the finale. Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta made this movie.

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Air Bud: World Pup: 3/10: Was so comically ridiculous that I found myself enjoying watching parts of it. Especially when Air Bud is subbed in against the Norwegians and helps the US Women claim another World Cup victory.  :lol:

Wow, I've got to see that one now....


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Breakdown - 4/10

Haven't seen this movie since it came out and it still sucks. Basically about a couple that breakdown near a small town and Russell's wife is taken hostage, spending most of the movie trying to get her back. Kurt Russell was decent in it but the whole movie is just blah, one of the rare movies I didn't like with Russell in it.

JHS: Why are you watching Air Bud? The only cool movie about a dog is Bingo. That movie PWNS you.

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Scary Movie 2 - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) It was funnier than I remember, but nonetheless very hit or miss.


White Men Can't Jump - 7.5/10 or (***) Wesley Snipes' lines are classic, nuff said.

EDIT: I will post a massive review of Showgirls tonight.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Starsky & Hutch (6/10)

No matter how much I wanted to really enjoy this movie, it never quite happened. I might have found it funnier if I had watched the actual show beforehand so I would have gotten ALL the jokes regarding it, but a movie shouldn't need to stand on the merits of what it's based on to be good. Decent acting, decent gags here and there, and a good ending, but this is no Zoolander or Old School.

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Star Trek: Nemesis - 10/10

** Possible Spoilers **

Gotta say, this is the best Trek film of them all. It has everything in it that a Star Trek fan would like, and has an ending that made me cry. Close shave between this and First Contact for the mantle of 'the best' but this comes out on top if you ask me.

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Showgirls - 0/10 or (0*) Okay, forget my massive review line but I'll give a slightly longer critique of this. First, what I liked about it. Well, that's kinda hard. Maybe the fact Gina Gershon is in this (but personally she looked hotter in the much better Bound). Now, what I hated about it. First, the storyline teaches us one important lesson that, of course, is absurd: Sex leads to the top. Second, as I've mentioned before, this film tries to appeal to too many genres. First, there's the porn audience but I'm not sure how long they can stand Liz Berkley's nudity throughout the entire film. Second, there's the minor comedy jokes (the Versace line being one of them), but there's more unintentional humor in the film than the actual humor. Third, it tries to appeal to women with the storyline between Nomi and Molly (I think that's her name, I didn't quite ever catch it) but the overabundance of nudity could turn off any girl. It really is in my mind the worst movie ever yet that's what appeals me to watch it when it comes on.

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