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Brick [2005] 3.5/10 or *3/4

Directed by Rian Johnson

It looks good for the peanuts it was made on but otherwise it's pretentious garbage. It's Bugsy Malone in high school with the same noir lingo which isn't funny or charming this time around.

Edited by brenchill
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Saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall last night. I think it's better than Knocked Up, but not quite The 40 Year Old Virgin. Pretty hilarious.

There's one thing...well, one person stopping me from watching this. Can anyone hazard a guess as to who I'm talking about? <_<

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The voices in your head?

I watched more Dexter today. I am about to sit down and write a paper on Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? for my Literature into Film class, and then Strangers on a Train. So I'll be watching both of those very soon for the umpteenth time.

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The Nines

I can't remember what exactly piqued my interest with The Nines. I'm not a big Ryan Reynolds fan but for whatever reason it found it's way on my LoveFilm(pretty much the UK Netflix) list. I have to say I enjoyed it, Reynolds gives a solid performance as all three of the characters he plays. I think going in I was expecting a more confusing mystery to unfold and to be left with more questions than answers(The likes of Donnie Darko for example) but it left the story at a point where I understod what I had to understand and it didn't at any point make me feel like I simply wasn't smart enough to understand the concept(See:Primer, a good movie but one which doesn't hold back when it comes to technical side of stuff) The supporting cast all did their job well enough and helped the movie take shape nicely.

For those that don't know, the movie shows you three seperate characters, all of whom are played by Reynolds and then as the movie goes on it reveals the connection between these characetrs. The whole second act is shot in a reality tv fashion, following the career of a showrunner/writer who's trying to get his show on the air, at first I wasn't too sure wth the approach. Eventually though, I came around and ended up liking that part the best. I'm not too sure what else to add other than saying for 2 hours or so, I was entertained even if the mystery had the one interpretation and I didn't have to watch 2,3,4 times to get it.


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The Aviator [2003] 7/10 or ***

Directed by Martin Scorsese

I loved how the colour green became stronger throughout the film illustrating Hughes' consciousness to germs and bacteria as he turned into a recluse. Jude Law's cameo as Errol Flynn was suprisingly awesome, too.

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Love in the Time of Cholera (Javier Bardem, Benjamin Bratt) -- the story was a little out there and the dialogue seemed a little on the fantasy side, but that's how the book was written. I enjoyed it. 7 of 10.

Still waiting for "100 Years of Solitude" but that will never happen...

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Forbidden Kingdom: 6/10

Ignore the trailer. It's more like a tribute to those old badly dubbed kungfu movies, where they throw every cliche into the book, from silly special effects to really awkward lines. I would have given it a higher rating if it wasn't for the fact that it tries to be serious and silly at the same time, and in the end, it doesn't really accomplish either.

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I watched the deleted scenes from Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny... The scene with Bubba at the army surplus store is better than anything in the whole movie. I can't believe that got cut.

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Walk Hard

I expected this film to be a lot worse than it was. It wasn't pure gold, but there was some great stuff in there anyhow. It was by far the best spoof movie in years, and some great absurd humor.

Still it faltered a little so 6.9/10

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I liked We Own the Night but it only got real interesting with about 30-40 minutes left in the movie, otherwise is was pretty damn slow.

I liked Cloverfield a lot but that was because I had the benefit of seeing it in theaters which is where I think you would have to see it to the full effect of it. Otherwise, it just loses it's luster like 300 and Beowulf (though that HAD to be in Imax 3D to be considered any good at all) both did.

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Yeah, I agree that We Own The Night only got interesting for the last 30-40 minutes everything else before he miraculously became a cop dragged something awful. Mark Wahlberg's characters psychological damage wasn't devolped enough either for my taste. Cloverfield wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I'd heard a lot of bad things about it beforehand especially regarding how unrealistic it was that Rob went back to save Beth but I didn't really see the problem with it. Realism isn't exactly at the forefront of your mind when a monster is running around destroying New York.

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