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I,Robot: 8/10

I was really expecting a mediocre and disapointing movie (because of what i'd heard from friends) but i thought this was really good. I'm not sure what it was about this movie that made me like it so much but one thing is i felt like Will Smith showed alot more maturity and his acting was 'grown up'.

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Titanic - 6/10 or (**1/2) What a load of crap this is! Major inaccuracies and lukewarm performances are what drives this film down. Kate Winslet's performance was much overrated, as it really only consists of screaming and that infamous nude scene. That being said, Paxton's character was great. But this still was quite terrible forJames Cameron and also a meh epic.

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Being without cable, or ambition to leave the house, I've watched a few movies today.

Dumb & Dumber - 9/10

What can I say? It's a classic. If I was watching this for the first time, which I wasn't, I'd probably give this a 10. It's just that I've watched it so much lately, It's lost just a little of it's lust.

Sling Blade - 9/10

Going into this movie, I wasn't expecting much. My brother explained it to me, and It sounded lackluster. I still watched. It was awesome. I mean, it had a little bit of everything -- humor, drama, John Ritter. Everything. I loved it.

Blast From The Past - 6.5/10

I didn't even know what this movie was, but I watched it, longing for something different than the usual stuff I'm watching. It was okay, nothing great. Brendon Frazier's done better, IMO.

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Fight Club - 8.5/10 or (***1/2) Brad Pitt and Ed Norton make this an awesome movie. Their lines are just classic. The ending is pretty awesome, too. I definitely recommend it.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Lost and Found - 4/10 or (*1/2) David Spade doing bad jokes, Sophie Marceau reducing herself to nothing more than something not famous, and a dang dog. Somebody tell ANY foreign actresses never to invest in an idea like this.

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Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope - 9.5/10

My all time favorite movie is also one of the most brilliantly made films ever. George Lucas used an obscenely low budget (due to his breakthrough vision in special effects) to craft a film that is both cost effective and visually impressive. It's also the prototype for science fiction and action/adventure films to follow, although the craft is yet to be improved on. Key performances by Alec Guiness and Harrison Ford in this one, before Mark Hamill truly takes over the final two films of the series. Thumbs up, although, did you expect anything different?

Edited by Jar Jar Beatnik
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Darklight - 4/10

As it's a made for TV movie, that's about as close to a poster as I can get. The first 30 minutes of this movie are pitiful. Just a bunch of horrible dialogues and cheesy action sequences thrown together. However, as the film continues, we get to see two things: 1) that the film really finds its footing in the second half, and 2) that Shiri Appleby actually can act (despite what Roswell and Swimfan may have indicated). The final action sequence is redeeming, and if a sequel were done with more of the same it may be very entertaining, but as is, this is just a bad movie. Thumbs down.

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