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Seven Pounds - 5/10

Nice enough story, but ever so predictable, and ridiculously pretentious.

Bedtime Stories - 7/10

A highly enjoyable kids movie.

Bride Wars - 6/10

The kinda thing you'd watch on a plane. Very funny at times. But ... why wasn't Matthew McConoughey in this? I was just waiting for him to show up as like, a sports broadcaster, who wins Kate Hudson over.

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Watchmen - (Y)

Still frickin' great. I did notice the faults a lot more in this viewing. The female acting is downright wretched, but it's hard for me to complain about that when nearly every single male actor in the movie did exactly what he needed to do and portrayed different forms of man, all well.

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The Reader - 8/10

I honestly had next to no expectation going in and just assumed it was another movie with a Best Picture nomination Harvey Weinstein movie "earned" the way Harvey usually earns nominations - through intimidation and underhanded tactics. What I was surprised to realise is that this is actually a really human reflection on the theme of shame in so many ways. Shame of a checkered childhood. Shame of personal deficiencies. Shame of entire nations and the anger it brings. And it's anchored by an absolutely sensational performance by Kate Winslet, who finally managed to nab that Oscar this year. Director Stephen Daldry did a fabulous job of bringing that moral ambiguity and passion to the screen, and created a murky, dreary landscape to match. I don't get to say this often, but good job by the Weinsteins.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: 5/10

Aliens?? Seriously?! In an Indiana Jones movie??! I'd avoided spoilers from this movie despite hearing it wasn't that good cos I'm a big Indy fan and wanted to make my mind up. The reviews were right. I wanted to like it, I really did, I tried to like it but all I could think about it was 'Meh'. OK, it wasn't horrible! If the whole thing didnt revolove around aliens the score would probably be a 6, maybe even scraping a 7. Yes the script wasnt the best in the world, but for the most part it felt like an Indy film (aliens aside!). Shia Laboeuf wasn't as bad as I thought he was gonna be. Had to cringe at Indy surviving an atomic bomb by hiding in a fridge though. But the action sequences were mostly top notch (well, apart from a major 'WTF?' at Mutt swinging through the jungle like Tarzan!)

So yeah basically if you can look past the stupid plot, its a solid adventure film. But being such a big Indy fan the alien thing just ruined it for me. Probably wouldn't watch it again.

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Lesbian Vampire Killers 7.5/10

So is it about lesbians that kill vampires or lesbian vampires that kill?

Two people who kill Lesbian Vampire's.

It's a homage/parody of the old Hammer Horror films. If you know about them then you'll get it.

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Not to double post, but I just watched this.

Twilight - 9.5/10

The best film I've seen in a long time by far. It blew me away. Kristen Stewart was unbelievable. The movie, the picture, it's just all shot so beautifully. Some of the scenes are just breath taking. I feel like I'm over reacting, but fucking hell I loved this movie. Certainly a must see for anyone.

No, no, a thousand times no.

If it's one thing I can't stand any less than this movie is the whole subculture and vernacular it has spawned. Team Edward vs. Team Jacob? Fanpires? Ugh. True Blood does what Twilight attempts to do 1000 times better. Then again I'm a bit biased because all my girlfriend does is rant and rave about Twilight and all of it's drama. So much that it drives me crazy, and makes me hate the movie. <_<

I've not seen True Blood, so I cant really comment on that, though I shall get round to watching it then. I did watch Twilight though and loved every moment of it. I'm not saying it's the greatest vampire movie of all time like some might claim, but I just loved every minute of it and cant wait for the second one. Clearly your girlfriend has better taste than you :P

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Clearly you're a preteen girl with no sense of good taste whatsoever :P

Anyway, watched Gran Torino today. It got a bit cheesy at times, but Clint Eastwood really pulls the whole thing through. The Korean actors are annoying, but I suppose they do talk like that IRL, so I guess I'll have to excuse that. 7.5/10 from me.

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Great movie, Josh Brolin is absolutely brilliant. I was surprised at how well it portrayed Bush as a sympathetic, but flawed character and I think this is the kind of movie that people will look back on in several years and pinpoint as a shift in America's political climate. Definitely Stone's best in years.

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Finally just started to watch the first series (This is the new one, not the old one that I've heard of). Up to episode 10 and I'm loving it so far. It was one of those programmes that looked decent but I just wasn't set on at first. Well I caught up with it all and am now hooked. Oh and I'm officially in love with Jessica Stroup :wub:

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In my recent love for TV Series and Joss Whedon, my friend leant me this. Firefly is absoloutley amazing. For anyone who hasn't seen this - just do it. I've got about six episodes left and I think it's quality. Just go watch.

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Movie Sunday!

Knowing - Nothing Special, ok for Popcorn cinema i guss...

Broken - A very good Movie, taking a new turn on a classic horrorfilm. Won´t tell you which. Go get your girl home for this one. She won´t leave afterwarts even if you try to force her out.

From within - an ok indy Horror flick... if you ad up the good parts of this movie with the good parts of the Happening you would have a good movie... but for indy it´s realy well don and played.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I'll put this here since I didn't see a topic for it while skimming and I'm not sure if it's good enough to warrant one.

Castle - Episode 1

It's a nice little detective story, but it's Nathan Fillion that makes it just that much more enjoyable. In some respects it's the same as pretty much every other detective story out there, yet it has a certain charm that beats out most of them and makes this stand out a little bit. I think I'd probally enjoy it a lot more if I hadn't already seen Bones though, which honestly is the top dog in detective tv for me. Bones kind of already perfected the detective tv-show in my opinion, but Castle does a nice job of it.

As I said, it's mainly thanks to Nathan Fillion, who's always been a likeable character even when he plays a bad guy (Buffy Series 7 says hello, how were we supposed to not like Caleb!? He was great.) Nathan just brings the sort of charm this style of show needs to stand out, but it lacks a little in some other respects. His co-worker, whatever the FBI agents name was, I honestly couldn't give two shites about her. Nothing wrong with her acting, but just nothing made her stand out. She was cliche #435, "tough chick in a mans world". Castle's family is also irritating, the daughter less so but honestly the mother made me want to turn the program over.

The actual storyline as to why Castle is following her around is a little flimsy as well, and I feel like it might end up falling into one of those shows where there's no over arcing storyline, just the same thing with a different scenario over and over again all season. That's why Bones is good, it gives you the episodes in between the main story that are interesting and work to build up the characters and some side story, but they always go back to a main story that's being solved through out. (Brennans father, The Gormogan story arc etc.) If they had stretched out the killer from the first episode (a guy commiting the same crimes as in Castles books) for the entire series, having him kill and be found out over the course of the series, it might have been more interesting. Nothing helps a detective show more than having a few episodes where they won't find out everything in just that episode.

So, overall, I'll give Castle a 6.5/10, It's got a nice amount of charm, but everything apart from Nathan Fillion just feels amazingly average.

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90210 - Episode 17

What the fuck? This was just a crazy episode. Part of me loves the route they're taking with Silver, but part of me doesn't. I really hope they don't fuck with the character so much that it takes a weird turn, because she's by far my favourite character in the entire thing. The big plus side is it's left me wanting more and I cant wait to see where things lead from here. I'm guessing she's just lost it since Dixon told her he loved her and hopefully there's a reason behind her going crazy.

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Got dragged to "Marley & Me"...I was vastly disappointed, I thought it was going to be a love story between a bloke and a dog...now that'd have been a film. :shifty: Actually it wasn't anywhere as terrible as I thought it would be, and wasn't really a "Dog does silly things LOZL!" film I thought it was going to be. Plus it helps that Jennifer Aniston is gorgeous. Owen Wilson's voice still annoys the ever-loving fuck out of me though. Still only like a 4/10 or something, something I'd happily never watch again, in fact, I don't think I'd ever want to watch it again. But it wasn't terrible.

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