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watched the movie Karate cop (I'm starting to try and get through my stack of Wall-Mart dollar movies) worth a dollar but plays out like poor man's Shane meets Mad Max beyond Thunderdome meets escape from new york. But for people who love cheesy bad b-movies i'd give it a watch.

Also watched Talk Radio again for 1000 time. Awesome underrated movie that no matter how many i see it keeps me riveted to the very end.

Gran Torino is an awesome movie. then again I'm a huge Eastwood fan and own most his movies so i may be biased. i thought it seems very similar to john wayne's last film the shootist.

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Vacancy - 6.5

Would of been 7.5 if it wasn't for the complete and utter shit ending. Just a mockery of any single thriller/horror film right there. I actually thought it was really good up until the final ten minutes. Do not read on if you haven't seen it and plan on doing so. So suddenly David gets stabbed right at the end, lays there to die. Amy falls asleep in the loft, wakes up the next morning...and then they just ruin the entire film. It was just laughable that she suddenly jumps down, runs into a fucking BMW car that just so happens to be wired up already THEN kills two of the guys in quick succession? That was bad enough...but then after killing the third...DAVID IS STILL ALIVE? Hours after being stabbed to death, the guy is still alive? That just ruined the film for me. Up until that point, I really enjoyed it. The masks on the killers were fantastic and I can always enjoy a film like this. Shame about the pathetic ending.

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Films I've seen in the past week and a half. Not that many really...

The Education of Charlie Banks - 8/10

S Darko - 3/10

Bruno - 7/10

1984 - 6/10 (more of a companion piece to the book than its own separate film)

And by '8/10', I mean '-23/10'. Isn't that right, LL?

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Watched the first episode of Series 6 of Entourage and I enjoyed it. Mind you there hasn't been a single episode I've not enjoyed, although the episodes with Dom in them have been hard to watch.

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I saw Bruno today. Better than Borat with some serious laugh out loud moments. It's not the best comedy but sometimes it's nice to have a bit of a brainless comedy to laugh at. By far my favorite thing was his "TV Show" with Harrison Ford. 7/10

I also watched Knowing the other day and it was just bland. I ended up fast forwarding through it in parts. 5/10

Lastly I watched Paul Blart. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be but also not as good as some people told me it was. Decent comedy and I guess I'd watch it when it makes it's way to TV. 6/10

I'd disagree. I personally thought that behind all the homophobic/racist/antisemitic jokes there was a serious message. It's the kind of movie that took peoples irrational prejudices and expanded on them in a rather sarcastic manner.

I agree but at the same time it's a great movie to watch while you switch your brain off and just laugh at it. I meant brainless more in the fact that you don't have to be thinking about the movies message to enjoy it.

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Underworld 3: 8.5/10.... I love this series, and this movie was no different, only qualm would be that it didn't tell as much of a story as the first two, which in theory, I was expecting the complete opposite.

Yes Man: 6.5/10.... This is actually the highest I've rated a Jim Carey movie in forever. He toned down the ADD rant, nor did he try and prove he could act. He was just funny, and it was a nice little story.

Ice Age 1: 7/10 Fun little kid movie....disappointed slightly since I was expecting it to be more like Shrek.

Waiting: 8.5/10.... I didn't realize it had as many people in it as the movie did. Dane Cook had what? Four or Five lines in the movie, tops? Oh well, it had Ryan Reynolds. That's all I care about.

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Underworld 3: 8.5/10.... I love this series, and this movie was no different, only qualm would be that it didn't tell as much of a story as the first two, which in theory, I was expecting the complete opposite.

Yes Man: 6.5/10.... This is actually the highest I've rated a Jim Carey movie in forever. He toned down the ADD rant, nor did he try and prove he could act. He was just funny, and it was a nice little story.

Ice Age 1: 7/10 Fun little kid movie....disappointed slightly since I was expecting it to be more like Shrek.

Waiting: 8.5/10.... I didn't realize it had as many people in it as the movie did. Dane Cook had what? Four or Five lines in the movie, tops? Oh well, it had Ryan Reynolds. That's all I care about.

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Underworld 3: 8.5/10.... I love this series, and this movie was no different, only qualm would be that it didn't tell as much of a story as the first two, which in theory, I was expecting the complete opposite.

Yes Man:6.5/10.... This is actually the highest I've rated a Jim Carey movie in forever. He toned down the ADD rant, nor did he try and prove he could act. He was just funny, and it was a nice little story.

Ice Age 1: 7/10 Fun little kid movie....disappointed slightly since I was expecting it to be more like Shrek.

Waiting: 8.5/10.... I didn't realize it had as many people in it as the movie did. Dane Cook had what? Four or Five lines in the movie, tops? Oh well, it had Ryan Reynolds. That's all I care about.

Carey proved in ESOTSM that he could act damn brilliantly, which Yes Man doesn't even come close to.

The Midnight Meat Train - 6.5/10

Sort of like my rating for Vacancy. The ending felt rushed as well and the film in general just wasn't what I was expecting. I'm slightly torn really. One part of me thinks it's something different with the non human style stuff, but I'm really not sure if that's good or bad. It all made sense by the end and some of it was great, while some of it was just ugh. It's a good film, but that's about it. Vinnie Jones makes up for it though, because anything involving him is usually good to watch.

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Star Wars Episode III: I've been watching the other episodes again along with a mate of mine who's never seen Star Wars before, so I've watched I and II again fairly recently. I wholeheartedly recommend to everyone to do that at some point, when you have a bit of free time, because really, they are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be. I felt legitimately gutted during Anakin's turn to the Dark Side, whereas last time I saw it I merely thought "cool". Much better on this viewing, 8.9/10.

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Technically I went to the midnight for Harry Potter, but what the hell I'll put it here anyhow.

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince- 7.5/10

It was rather entertaining, and this is coming from a guy who doesn't like the books or the movies for that matter. The storyline was pretty simplistic for me to follow this time around, it had tidbits of comedy which was nice, effects were good, and it moved at a pace that made it seem like you were only there for about an hour and a half or so instead of the two and half hours it was. Best part of the entire time I was there though happened before the movie even started, a trailer for New Moon showed and I booed it like crazy while all the ladies seemed to go crazy during it. As I booed louder I could here various gals tell me to shut the hell up, and that just made me go louder.

So anyhow, good movie worth a watch.

Snakes on a Plane- 9/10

I love this movie it was such a funny movie in my mind. Simplistic premise, decent acting, and just a good time all around.

Edited by Nimrodic
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Yeah, same thing happened to me a few years ago. Watched it again and it doesn't really stand the test of time. And really rather boring.

Yeah, I found that it was pretty boring too. I wasn't going to say seeing as I watched it with friends and probably wasn't paying as much attention as I should have, but the scenes with the priests and her mother dragged on so much it was painful.

Also I can't remember if whoever said about Yes Man said it was good or bad, but Yes Man is a fantastic movie. Nothing ground breaking and it sticks to some of the usual Jim Carrey formula, but it was one my favourite film's of his thus far. Apart from Man On The Moon, which I'd rank pretty high on my list of all time favourite films.

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12 Rounds 9/10

Wait. What? Really?

Yes, LL. John Cena gave a masterful performance as Officer Danny Whatshisface and the mayor from the Wire was awesome. Plus, BOOM. EXPLOSION. NO CULTURAL SUBTEXT. BEST FILM OF THE YEAR.

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I've been watching Peen & Teller's Bullshit! for the first time lately. Show is excellent and I can listen to Penn speak for days. Some really good topics are covered but not every show is something i'm interested in hearing about. Thankfully you can basically pick and choose what episodes you want to watch since it's not a scripted show. 10/10

Really makes me wish I get Showtime. I watch quite a few of there shows and have to either wait to get them on DVD or find them on the internet.

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