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Also I found this funny. Inside the DVD case was a coupon for 10$ off the ultimate edition coming out at the end of the year. Basically they just want you to buy the movie twice because they couldn't be bothered to give you all the extras now.

The director was at ComicCon and talked about this on G4, basically the feel I got from him was, "Just buy this version unless you are a huge Watchmen fan and need all that stuff". But maybe that was just me.

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Also I found this funny. Inside the DVD case was a coupon for 10$ off the ultimate edition coming out at the end of the year. Basically they just want you to buy the movie twice because they couldn't be bothered to give you all the extras now.

The director was at ComicCon and talked about this on G4, basically the feel I got from him was, "Just buy this version unless you are a huge Watchmen fan and need all that stuff". But maybe that was just me.

Yeah I looked up the details on the film last night and the ultimate edition is the same film as the directors cut just with the movie within a movie tied in. I doubt I'll be picking it up but I probably will buy the movie again because I'm looking to switch off to blu-ray soon.

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Before I begin, behold the GA Film Snob ratings system!

10 - The Truman Show.

9 - A masterpiece. Either a classic, or should be a classic.

8 - Amazing. I could watch these films again and again without getting bored.

7 - Good film I'd recommend.

6 - An enjoyable film with some kind of flaw.

5 - Average. About as memorable as Leonard Shelby without a camera.

4 - A film with potential executed poorly.

3 - A mostly horrible thing that should be avoided.

2 - No redeeming value whatsoever. Film caused some kind of headache/ruined the rest of my day.

1 - Romance and Cigarettes.

X2 - 5/10 This is the second time I've seen this. I couldn't hardly remember anything about it after the first time, and now I see why. It's just... there. Nothing wrong with it, but there's no personality or reason to care whatsoever. Fits perfectly into the X-Men film canon, then.

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I watched Revolver and it was good and much better than it was reviewed as by everyone that panned it.

I feel I understand it after it finished but had to work at it. I did guess the "main swerve" before the end though but still....Good stuff.

Also, looked beautiful and well acted.

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Rambo II: 8 out of 10 - Continuing with the Rambo movies here. Rambo II is far different than First Blood. While First Blood was about a soldier with PTSD fighting back against a country that didn't care about him anymore, Rambo II just sends him into Vietnam to kill Viet Cong army and some Russians for good measure to save some Prisoners of War. Don't get me wrong, it was a damn good action movie, but it didn't have the story of the first. Just rating it as a pure 80's cheesy action movie though, it rates pretty high.

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Baby Mama - 4/10 Oh look, it's Tina Fey from 30 Rock, playing the part of Tina Fey from 30 Rock. At this point, it's hard to believe her large repertoire of characters have a hard time landing that perfect man. She is probably only cast as such because she doesn't have blonde hair. Anyway, there's a very good twist in the middle, but overall it's just a largely unfunny extended episode of a sitcom that doesn't want to be daring at all.

Tropic Thunder - 7/10 Very funny film. It's hard to believe this was on the borderline for an Academy Award Best Picture nomination. It's a film people actually liked, clearly against the rules.

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Just Watched The Oprhan


It was a great film basically about a familey(Dad,Mum,Son(around 11) And Daughter(6 i think) that adopt a little goril from a oprhanage and at the start she acts like a good girl etc then she pushes a girl of a big slide and she breaks her leg. The 6 year old sees it and is also death but she sticks up for the oprhan and says she slipped. Then later on in the film the person that is a siter at the orpange comes to visit then when shes on ur way home the oprhan pushes the little girl thats 6 in fornt of the car. She turns and just misses her. The little girl starts crying then the owner form the orphanage goes to check on her. Behind her is the oprhan with a hammer and she hits the sister with the hammer. in the eye. Well im guna skip to the end. At the end the family find out she didnt come from a oprhange from Russia she came from a mental insitute. And she also has some sort of diease what makes her look like a child when shes really 33.

Heres not a link to the film if people wanna watch it

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Quantum of Solace - 6/10

I didn't see Casino Royale and maybe I should have because I had no idea what was going on in this movie. It was pretty slow going and everyone was whispering. Some of the action/fight scenes were pretty good but the plot was just sort of confusing to me. Maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention. I'll probably rent Casino Royale when I bring this one back.

On a side note, it was my first Blu-Ray movie after buying a PS3 yesterday. It looks damn good but made me realize I need a bigger TV and one that's 1080p instead of 1080i. Still was pretty impressive though. I also rented Watchmen in Blue-Ray even though I bought it on DVD last week. Looking forward to watching it with that commentary deal.

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Knowing - 6.5/10

Good film up to the complete and utterly SHIT ending. One of the most disappointing endings I've ever had to sit through. That's seriously not what I was expecting. The last minute slightly explained everything...well wait, it didn't actually, because it still left me slightly confused. I enjoyed nearly all of the film outside of that, what a shame for such a piss poor ending though.

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The Fall - 4/5

This film was odd, very odd indeed. But I liked it quite a lot, actually. Lee Pace is really quite good in this, as he plays two different parts, one of which can be seen in my display picture, and overall, you end the film feeling satisfied. The film is, at times, very sureal - parralleling the fantasy story and the realistic story. I think the fantasy story is where this film really works well. All the locations used are breathtakingly beautiful, and the camera work is extraordinary. At times, I think it tries too hard to be different and can confuse at times. Overall, though, I think The Fall is a very, very good film which I would recommend giving a watch. It's beautifully shot with an interestingly cute story.

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Transformers 2. This movie sucked. It was bad. I'm talking The Happening bad. Man, and I thought Peter Cullen could save it. Even the almighty Peter Cullen couldn't save this stinker where cars can pee and robots have balls and inexplicable, stereotypical British accents.

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Been watching Bond. James Bond.

Dr No - 7/10 Good beginning, if obviously low budget, to the series.

From Russia With Love - 8/10 My 2nd favourite Bond film. After watching it four times, twice in the space of weeks, this is still great.

Goldfinger - 8/10 With a different director, Bond is more vulnerable, making things far more unpredictable.

Thunderball - 6/10 Director of the first two films returns and resets Bond back to the formula of always getting one-up on everyone. Dragged a lot in places, and only saved by a decent battle fought underwater.

You Only Live Twice - 7/10 A decent film where Bond shags every woman in Japan. Also features the best theme song of the entire series.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service - 8/10 Poor old George, getting lots of flack just because he followed Connery. Sean probably would've done a better job though. :P Strong story and powerful ending.

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On Her Majesty's Secret Service - 8/10 Poor old George, getting lots of flack just because he followed Connery. Sean probably would've done a better job though. :P Strong story and powerful ending.

Agreed. 100%

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