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I finally got around to seeing Funny People now that it's leaked (I really wanted to see it in the cinema, but none of my friends are Sandler fans), and I have to say I really, really enjoyed it. I felt like a bit of a call back to Apatow's Freaks & Geeks days, or Undeclared (which Sander had a cameo in, actually), in that it was a comedy, but the humour took something of a backseat to some of the drama, but it still kind've went hand in hand with it. Sandler's performance was really fan-dabi-dozi, ever since Reign Over Me I've wanted to see him go back to doing more serious roles, and I wasn't dissapointed. The story was quite good, I felt it went the correct way as well. It really took a more realistic approach to the situation of Sandler & Leslie Mann's realtionship. I also have a tiny bit of a crush on her as well, so her being part of the film was a nice addition for me. :blush:

Rogen was himself, as usual, but he was perfectly fine in the role he had. Though I'm finding it harder and harder to buy him as a teenager/early twenties kind've guy, but he was fine. I still do not like Jonah Hill at all, I think he's the least talented of the Apatow lot and really not funny, but I lived with it. Eric Bana had a fun little role as well, I really quite enjoyed him in it, which is strange because usually I couldn't really care less about him. (Apart from in Star Trek)

I'd give the film 7.5/10, in that I really enjoyed it and it was fun, but it wasn't anything amazing enough to warrant a higher rating. I'll probably be buying this on DVD at some point.

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Janky Promoters - 8/10

Ice Cube and Mike Epps together, what more can you ask for? Just a thoroughly enjoyable movie with some really good laughs in there.

Spiderman II - 9/10

Was on television the other day, so watched it for about the twentieth time. Still as fan-dabi-dozi as it was the first time. Just misses out on topping the first, but it's still pretty much awesome. I also realised I couldn't ever imagine ANYBODY else playing Spiderman other than Maguire.

Summers Blood - 6/10

It wasn't really TOO bad. A little weird and in all honesty, there just wasn't much to it. Pretty poor ending as well, but certainly watchable.

Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery - 9/10

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me - 9.5/10

Austin Powers: Goldmember - 8/10

Had the chance to watch the entire series over the past week, one of the few set of films I could watch over and over. Easily one of the greatest comedies and comedy characters I've had the pleasure of viewing. The second just eclipses the first, while the third certainly lacks behind the first two (Beyonce made sense I guess, but could never be as good or interesting as Hurley and Graham). Mike Myers is a legend, enough said and the sooner the fourth film comes out, the better.

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Let The Right One In: 5/5

I finally got to see it on Netflix, loved it. Made me cry at a few points. :crying:

Seriously, so awesome. Did you get the proper subtitled version or the slightly dumbed-down one?

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Newest season of Friday Night Lights. It's on Direct TV and not on standard cable until the Summer of 2010. Obviously I'm not going to wait that long to watch one of the best shows on TV. This season is really interesting considering how they ended the last one and it totally doesn't disappoint. They introduce a bunch of new characters while holding on to the older ones for a bit longer. I'm really interested in seeing what is going to happen with characters leaving since apparently a couple of main ones are heading off sometime during this season.

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Kenneth Branagh's version of Hamlet 5/5

Best Hamlet movie adaptation I've seen, and I've seen them all at this point. Right up there with Titus for me in terms of Shakespeare adaptations.

Seriously, so awesome. Did you get the proper subtitled version or the slightly dumbed-down one?

It was subtitled. It's the version on Netflix.

Edited by Pepsi
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Pirate Radio - ** out of *****

I still can't make out what this movie was trying for. It's tone is all over the place. I think that could be attributed to a bunch of underdeveloped subplots and the lack of a main storyline.

Still, it had some funny moments and a good soundtrack.

I definitely expected more.

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New Moon - 6/10 I really liked Twilight, even if I didn't expect to, but this one was just boring. The uninteresting relationship between Jacob and Bella draaaaaaaaged. The best bits were when the vampire's all got together. There was just far too much worthless dialouge and not enough tension or a sense of danger until the last half an hour.

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My Sassy Girl - (N)

To explain, in 2008, some studio thought it'd be cool to remake a Japanese film called...well...look at the title. This one instead stars JESSE BRADFORD and ELISHA CUTHBERT. This movie was both better than I expected and disappointing. The trailer shows more of Cuthbert's apparent INSANITY, but the movie makes it more clear that it's merely Manic Pixie Dream Girl charm. Coincidentally, Cuthbert's character by the end seems truly amazing and Bradford's character seems underdeveloped with pap about love and "the last time I fell in love was with you" sort of dialogue, as well as the movie-made instruction that one year away saves the relationship and that Jesse Bradford's only fucked three times in four years, which is totally unrealistic...shit.

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Inglourious Basterds - (Y)


But yeah, this is the film I've wanted Quentin to do since seeing Pulp Fiction. All of the characters are fascinating and not bogged down with boredom. The scenes are (yes, hyperbole is busting in) Pulp Fiction-esque, especially anything involving Hans Landa. And it's just brilliant. fan-dabi-dozi experience.

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Harper's Island's last episode: It has been one of my favourite shows lately on tv, must buy this on DVD when they release it back here some day. The last episode was a bit creepy but still good ending for a fan-dabi-dozi show.

Inglourious Basterds: Always been a fan of Tarantino's films and this one was no different. There was lots of dialogue in it, just like always in his films. This time it was good unlike in Death Proof. In top 3 of Tarantino's films with Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill 1. 9/10.

Edited by The Sandman
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This morning I watched...

Fight Club - ***** out of *****

I just saw the Blu-Ray version a few days ago. It was awesome and the behind the scenes stuff was incredible. I'd rate it the same.

Yesterday, I saw One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - 10/10. I always love seeing the movie. So much.

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The Blind Side - (Y)

Yes, it is sports cliche central. Yes, it is another story of a poor black kid being taken in by well-to-do white guys and becoming fan-dabi-dozi because of it. This is also all based on real life, where the exact occurrence happened with offensive tackle Michael Oher, the movie's subject. Despite the fact that the first hour glossed over the circumstances, which destroyed a bit of the tension, the second hour actually plays with the "fan-dabi-dozi White Hope" concept in a pretty interesting way, having that title be realistically challenged twice and dissected for what it is. And Sandra Bullock was tolerable, even entertaining. SHOCKING, I know.

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